Saturday, February 24, 2024

British Chareidim Demand in Galut that the Goyim Not interfere in Jewish Education

In the Goyishe Year 1290, England, the "malchus shel chessed" expelled all its Jews from its borders. 
Approximately 300 hundred years later William Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice and in it he describes a Venetian Jewish moneylender named Shylock with the most vicious characterizations, describing his greediness and vengefulness. Mind you, Shakespeare had never even met a Jew! 
Under the British Mandate in 1929, the British animals in then Palestine stood by as Jews were raped, pillaged, and massacred in Chevron, by the bloodthirsty Arabs. 
In 1940's The British were in many ways worse than the Nazis as they turned back boats to Germany that were loaded with Jews who had escaped Concentration camps, and sent to be gassed.  Those that they did allow to pass thru they shipped to Cypris and placed them in Concentration Camps under horrible conditions, much ink has been spilled writing and recording the atrocities by the British savages. 1948 did not come soon enough. 
These rabbis protesting the Brits are the same ones that pull out the "Three Oaths" cards when it suits them. One of those "oaths" is "not to antagonize the goyim, especially in Galut" 
But listening to those speeches demanding that Goyim leave them alone, is hypocritical. If you live in the Galut, then follow the teachings that you preach and throw at the Zionists. Keep quiet and wait for the Mashiach to pick you up by the Eagles and bring you back home!


Anonymous said...

Hey,keep on grinding the same ax.Still too dull.

Worse? They took in more Jewish kids than any other country including North America.
Worse? The daughter of the ohev Yisroel pilot of the Exodus told me her father told her the British could stopped every single Aliya bet ship if they so wished to.
Worse? The Germans were prepared to give them a much better armistice deal even they just give away their Jews.

Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

The Germans learned from the best, the British. Do some research on British history they were the most brutal colonists and their kings were out and out sadists.
The Brits turned back boats of Jews looking to escape Germany, this is the most sadistically perverted act in the history of mankind. The fact that they didn't turn back EVERY boat doesn't make them any better, there were Nazis that let Jews go too. They hung Jews in Eretz Yisrael because these Jews wanted these animals out. Anyone defending these descendants of Eisav must be from the Eirav Rav otherwise it makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Boy, you're so utterly desperate for a regional strawman-as an alibi for your parochial nationalism

Cohen Y said...

FWIW the worst was during a Labour majority Gov't with senior jewish ministers. A anti monarchist Labour Gov't voted originally in by close to 90% of the Jewish electorate. [drumroll] & campaigned for by Labour social zionists like Ben Gurion

Similarly the Chevron massacre happened also under the short tenure of a similarly supported anti or un-Mandate Labour Gov't.

monsey said...

"In 1940's The British were in many ways worse than the Nazis as they turned back boats to Germany that were loaded with Jews who had escaped Concentration camps, and sent to be gassed"

Hey you f**n fool!
Of the many assinine comments you made on your dumb blog this takes the cake!
The British were in "many ways" worse than the Nazis,fareekteh na'ar??????
Really?State one way.
This from someone who claims to be a son of a survivor.

Dusiznies said...

The British savages controlled and colonized 65 sovereign countries! Hashem built Britain up for only one reason so that they get Palestine from the Ottoman Turks, and as a result, after our holy brothers and sisters drove those murderers out, our Jewish heroes built a Jewish State. This was all orchestrated by Hashem. You see that, because right after 1948 the entire British empire collapsed. Because Hashem no longer needed these savages to control anything but a little strip somewhere in Europe.
They the Nazis learned all their vicious and brutal tactics from the British, and while these bastards ruled Palestine, they brutely murdered Jews, and if they didn't murder them themselves they allowed Arabs to murder Jews with impunity! In addition, they turned boatloads of Jews that escaped Germany, back to the Nazis only for them to be slaughtered like sheep. This was the most brutal cut of them all! The British Kings and Queens YM"S were all brutal dictators and threw many of our Rishonim into their dark prisons.Read Churchil's History of England, especially the part of the hate against the Jews.
For Jews to defend them is not only sick and perverted but vile like scum from a cesspool!

Anonymous said...

You bloody hate fun.Kock yourself out.

Anonymous said...

For a man who defended Jews more than most Jews defended themselves ( though he felt burnt by their turn to communism & socialism)
Which side are the hater here