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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

While "Settlers" Are Fighting in Gaza the Government is Razing Their Home in the Gush

General Yehuda Fuchs is a decorated IDF officer who has risen through the ranks to be the head of Central Command, which supervises the entire region of Judea and Samaria.

Fuchs has had significant success since Oct. 7th in maintaining security in the region by applying extreme pressure on terrorist enclaves and taking the battle to the towns where terror cells have been developing. With over 1200 arrests and some 300 terrorists killed in the region during this period, Fuchs has succeeded in containing the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist cells which had previously attacked settlers in a succession of severe attacks during 2023.

However Fuchs is not just a canny soldier but also a potential politician, and has been accused by settlers and right-wing politicians of using his position to implement his political views, which differ from those of the current government. Thus, Fuchs has been unilaterally undercutting official government policy by cutting down the number of forces allocated to the enforcement of Palestinian construction violations in Judea and Samaria, according to a Israel Hayom report last July. In this way Palestinians can and are paving the way for a future state via illegal land grabs in strategic regions of Judea and Samaria.

At the same time, Fuchs has been quick to crack down on illegal Jewish construction, razing a number of outposts even during the wartime period.

Fuch’s actions have not gone unnoticed. An article in the Washington Post called on President Biden to pay attention to the Israeli general who is quietly implementing the US policy of working towards a two-state solution.

In a particularly galling example of Fuch’s persecution of settlers, a Border Police force was sent to raze an outpost near Pnei Kedem east of Gush Etzion, claiming that the settlement was illegal. At the time, some members of the tiny settlement (6 families) were serving in reserve duty fighting for their country, but for some reason the Civil Administration chose this time to destroy their homes. One of the soldiers returned from a shift to find police destroying his home. All his attempts to enter and take some of his personal belongings were met with refusal from the police. “They’re treating me like Sinwar,” the soldier later said, although he reiterated that he would continue to fight for his country.


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