Monday, January 22, 2024

Gerer Chassidim in London Warn their followers Against Going To Rav Shaul Alter to Daven or to his "tishen" They Will be Thrown out of all Moisdos

While Jewish Children in Uniform are dying in Gaza, Ger is busy fighting their own war against their own "Hamas"
מי כעמך ישראל 



Anonymous said...

Sadly, the official "Rebbe" is a nonstarter, son of Reb Simcha Bunim and his demented wife.
He never said any Divrei Torah for over 20 years, because he is nebbach not able to.
His Gabboim hold on to him because of "Mattan sechoro betzido", but the whole Chassidus suffers from this idiotic leadership. The Rebbe kicked out all the Maggidei Shiur from the Sfas Emess Yeshiva in order to harm the Rosh Yeshiva Harav Shaul Alter, thereby harming his own Mosdos tremendously.
First time in over 20 years that the Chassidus has a capable and elevated leader with stature in the person of Harav Shaul, so the old leadership goes literally scorched earth.
Sad to the utmost.

Anonymous said...

Definition of a cult. Yosher Koach

frum but normal said...

DIN you misspoke, it is Harav Shaul Alter that is fighting his Hamas.
The terrorist gangsters are the Gerrers.