Monday, January 22, 2024

Bnei-Brak a City of Rats, Filth & Water Leaks .... This is What Happens When "chareidim" Run a City


1 comment:

Frum but normal said...

This would answer the question, the anti Zionist zealots like Satmar and the rest of them keep asking, that why would HASHEM decide to rebuild ERETZ YISROEL through secular non religious Jews, wouldn’t he rather do it through Frum Jews, therefore according to their twisted mind, it’s not HASHEM who decided to rebuild and bring in over six million Jews from all corners of the world but it’s the SITRA ACHRA (the devil).
Well this would be the answer, Hashem knew exactly that frum Jews cannot rebuilt or run a country before the ultimate GEULAH, and therefore it had to be the secular non religious ones

Reb Menachem Kasher in his Sefer HATKUFAH HGDOLAH, makes the exact same point