Wednesday, January 24, 2024

"Jewish Soldiers Killed in Gaza are like soldiers getting killed in a discotheque" Amnon Yitzchok

 I knew that this Amnon Yitzchok character was insane, but I never knew how evil he is! 

To make a vile statement like this while Jewish blood is still spilling like water in Gaza is so sick and perverted that one can only stand back and wonder whether he is from Zera Avraham.
In the video below he dedicates 27 minutes destroying Rabbo Mordechai Gur. Cursing him like a drunken sailor with the worst possible "klallois" and calling him an "ish tamei, and a "rasha me'rusha" 

 If Amnon would have gone to Yeshivah he would have learned in Kiddushin (70 a)
  כל הפוסל במומו פוסל  
"one who disqualifies (a fellow Jew) is disqualifying him with his own inadequacies." 

Amnon claims that Rabbi Gur talked Loshon Hara about him which is hilarious since Amnon's entire rant is one 27-minute piece of Loshon Hara dripping with hate and curses.

I don't know who this Rabbi Mordchai Gur is, whom  the arrogant Amnon calls "Murdach" but his crime was that he took on and challenged this Amnon for his vile bizarre and cruel statements about the slain IDF soldiers HY"D. How dare Rav Gur contradict the "great Amnon?" 

This is not the place and time to go into Amnon's rant about what "Harugei Malches" means, which he uses as an argument against this Rabbi Gur, but suffice it to say that Amnon himself never learned in a Yeshiva and became a Baal Teshuva when he was 24 years old. He keeps on asking the crowd he is addressing if anyone can give him sources to support Rabbi Gur, but his audiences are by in large a bunch of amai ratzim, people who know very little and are new to the Torah, so who in his audience can even follow what he is blabbering about?  In the video, he states emphatically that the soldiers killed in Gaza protecting his derriere will not have Olam Haba! He asks his audience "Who said that they will get olam haba?"  No one of course answers him, they are just sitting there with their mouths open disbelieving the vitriol they just heard. 
I have a simple answer: the very first Mishna in Avos where it states:
כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא 
certainly, someone who put his very life on the line to protect am yisrael! 

Amnon brings a childish example: 
"If an Arab and a Jewish Soldier are having a brawl in a discotheque, and the Arab stabs the Jew to death, are we going to say that the Jew gets Olam habah?"
Wow! What an example? Is this Amnon guy playing with a full deck? Because it's full of jokers! He is comparing a soldier in Gaza who got killed, to a guy who gets killed in a brawl in a discotheque? 
He then mocks a soldier fighting in Gaza that is concerned about his Olam Haba! How cruel is this guy?
 Is he even living on our planet, it's scary to think that he is breathing the same air we are! 

His arguments against Rabbi Gur are so off the charts that his "polemic" reminds me of "Mad Magazine" which I used to read when I was 11 years old. 

Years ago,  in a video titled "Herzl and Zionism," Amnon compared Binyamin Zev Herzl z"l to Hitler YM"S, stating that "Hitler wanted to destroy the body of the Jewish nation while Herzl wanted to destroy the soul, which is far more important than the body." 
He doesn't mention that Herzl's nation is the home of the majority of the Jewish people, and the State of Israel has more Yeshivas than anywhere in the entire world with more Torah being learned in Israel than in the entire history of the Jewish people, going back to Mattan Torah! Israel also has an assimilation rate of less than 2% whereas in Chutz Le'aaretz it is over 85%! 
Whether Herzl was a "Tzaddik" can be debated but what is abundantly clear is that we thank G-d, that Herzl's dream came to fruition making it possible for a lunatic like Amnon Yitzchok to be able to bark and spread his hate against those defending Am Yisrael!

Below is a video of this Rabbi Mordechai Gur's  podcast 


Magdeburger Joe said...

I have tried not to hate on fellow Jews since October 7. During the misheberachs for cholim, I want to include a misheberach for Amnon Yitzhak, who seems to be seriously mentally ill. What is his Hebrew name?


Perhaps R.A.Y. should read this

ב"ב י' ע"ב

The four levels of Kedoshim

1) A Yid who was killed by a נכרי even if it was not an antisemitic act (robbery), is a קדוש.
See שו"ת חת"ס (Y.D. 333) based on Sanhedrin 47a וכיון דאיקטול קרי להו עבדיך
& Rashi (Tehillim 79:2) בשר חסידיך - משקבלו פורענותם הרי הם חסידים
A Yid whose life was cut short by a נכרי killing him, acquires
his כפרה

2) A Yid who was killed by an anti-Semite because he is Jewish. (שמחת תורה victims -Holocaust victims etc.)
See שו:ת מהרי:ל, who refers to them as קדושי עליון and says on them
אין כל בריה יכולה לעמוד במחיצתן

3a) A Yid who was forced by a נכרי to be עובר one of the ג' עבירות (or any Mitzvah if there is a גזירה to be עובר) and was killed for refusing to be עובר, is a קדוש.
3b) If this was done in front of 10 Yidden He is a מקדש שם שמים ברבים
(Rambam יסודי התורה פרק ה.)

4) A Yid (All Israeli soldiers) who sacrificed his life to save other Yidden. He is the ultimate קדוש on whom Chazal (Bava Basra 10b) say
אין כל בריה יכולה לעמוד במחיצתן.

Anonymous said...

Usually I side with your rants….
Did you learn the full Mishna….
ואלו שאין להם חלק לעולם הבא,….

Dusiznies said...

מ"מ באה משנתנו ללמד, שאף אלה שחטאו יש להם חלק לעולם הבא
(תפארת ישראל)
The Chazan Ish said multiple times that the Chilonim were all in the category of תינוק שנשבה
and he lived during the times when there were REAL Zionists like the Mapai!
Today except for the settlers there are no Zionists.
the other part of the mishna that you quote would you put you also into that category ...see R' Akiva that states that those reading "ספרים חיצונים" also don't get Olam Habah and todays gedoilim all say that "ספרים חיצונים" is the internet and as the Christians say "those living in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"

Anonymous said...

Preference bias.
Per R'Berel S & distinguished predecessors ( referenced in midst of the holocaust!), it's not a simple carte blanche for everybody.These only apply for those who sacrificed with the proper will & purity

Anonymous said...

Hey sicko! "preference bias?" You sick dog!
What is wrong with you?
A Jew if he gets killed because he is a Jew gets Olam Habah, period!
All you haters and sickos ...go the hell!

hmm said...

He never said they won't get Olam Haba. Focus on the context of his words.

Gur falsely quoted him as saying that soldiers will get the same Olam Haba as disco goers, so he answered that I never even discussed their olam haba.

To that he added that lefty apikorsim such as Yair Lapid wont get olam haba even if they served in Gaza.

Akiva Eiger said...

Then he is a bigger ama-haaretz than I thought. Yair Lapid would absolutely get Olam Haba if he got killed while serving in the army! If he is a Jew and gives his life to save other Jews he gets Olam Haba. I think that this "towel head" will go straight to gehenim he is a sick monkey!

Gedalye Leibowitz Esq said...

I speak Hebrew fluently, and I know exactly what he so arrogantly said. First of all, he actually DID say that soldiers getting killed in Gaza will not necessarily get Olam Haba but even if we go with your twisted version, The Fact that he said "that soldiers will get the same Olam Haba as disco goers' is an insult to those Jewish husbands and children that gave their life to the Jewish people. He is a disgusting evil person, he has a filthy mouth and should be shunned.