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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Rabbi Chaim Dalfin On the 770 Debacle: Chabad Educators, Rabbonim And Leadership Are To Blame


As reported a group of violent “Meshichist” Bochrim have taken full control of Chabad World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway, and smashed a wall down after digging an illegal tunnel to “expand the Bais HaMedrash”. When the NYPD arrived to make arrests, a brawl took place, as these Bochrim fought with the police.

Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, a respected author and historian, as well as a Lubavitcher Chosid made a video about the terrible Chillul Hashem which occurred at Chabad World headquarters, 770 Eastern Parkway, on Monday night:

“The fact that some Bochrim can do such things is because of the unfortunate Chinuch (education) that they got from youth. And the only ones who are to blame are their educators…and the other ones to blame are the leaders of our community are our Rbabonim, Meckaz Linyonei Chinuch…. they let people do what they want….. this is a result of a breakdown in leadership…..”

“Leadership…either you do what you need to, or get out of the kitchen! If it’s too hot in the kitchen, [get] out!…. you are not doing this properly… you are creating this monster. And if it means firing heads and getting new people, then so be it. If it means closing 770 for a week, Chas Vesholom, to get this all corrected, fine.”


Maria said...

Isn't Dalfon mentioned in the megilah? Wasn't he one if the sons of Haman? עד דלא ידע so early

Anonymous said...

Damage control. Reap what you sow