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Monday, July 11, 2022

Is Ami's Favorite Cult Lev Tahor breaking apart?


Sources within Ami's Lev Tahor cult  working desperately to rebuild cult, prevent members from moving to Israel, report says.

The extremist Lev Tahor cult has essentially broken apart, three members of Lev Tahor told Kikar Hashabbat.

Recently, the members and families of Lev Tahor have spread across a number of countries worldwide: In Guatemala, there are still a number of families who as a group are desperately trying to rebuild their cult. Another group is living in another country; the rest are spread around the world.

Some members of the cult have returned to Israel and been seen in the streets of Jerusalem. Others have been spotted in London, buying food for Shabbat (the Sabbath), Kikar Hashabbat added.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Completely untrue. The leadership in Federal prison are controlling the members and the continuing the control and abuse. This story was posted as a propaganda piece by Lev Tahor hanhala member Uriel Goldman.