Monday, July 25, 2022

In Yerushalyim a 50-year-old Father Arrested for molesting 4 of his children



Zako said...

Sorry, I have no mitsva to beleive this. It coud be true, ok, but as of now I have no mitsva to believe it. Everyone knows how quick & easy a woman can jail her husband with a simple call to the the mishtara, and everyone knows how this mishtara poorly deals with these presumed cases: wether true or false, the nayedet mishtara will be in front of the building faster than any pizza delivery. It takes 1 minute to accuse the guy and to jail him, it will take him 15 years to prove himself innocent. So I will beleive this story when it will be legally confirmed.
Right now I don't.

Anonymous said...

And what do you suggest would be the first step if an allegation is made?

Zako said...

To Anonymous 4:23

Well... unless the guy is a drug dealer, a thug, a looting BLM, a car thief or a mafioso (which doesn't seem to be the case) how about a social investigation first ?
This mishtara didn't seem to be so much zealous with that kindergarten pedocriminal from 3 months ago... Walking free just because no 'wife' picked up the phone on him ?

Richie said...

Go and learn the רמב"ם.

According to him you don't need עדים and you don't need a בית דין.

Ignorance may not be an עברה, but I don't think it's a מצוה to publisize it about yourself.