Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Belzer Rebbe says that he is on the same page as Mizrachi

Mizrachi as well as the gemaarah hold that before mashiach comes, Israel will have to built up. 

Most of the Chareidie World doesn't hold from this gemarrah and that explains the preposterous violent protests against the Light Rail. This is also the reason the Yeshivishe world had to discredit Harav Kook z"l, because he stood for building Eretz Yisrael, and he was a threat and stood in the way of their  archaic views on Eretz Yisrael. 

The brave Belzer rebbe who recently mocked the Litvishe world by agreeing to introduce Math, English etc. into the curriculum, disregarding the vicious attack by the Litvishe run Yated, now stabbed them in their cold hearts by introducing the gemmarrah!

Are people waking up and taking back our true mesorah from the ones that kidnapped it?

האדמו"ר מבעלז: קודם בנין הארץ - אחר כך משיח

במהלך דברי תורה שנשא האדמו"ר מבעלז במסגרת מעמד 'לחיים' לרגל סיום צום י"ז בתמוז, ציטט האדמו"ר מבעלז את דברי דודו, רבי אהרן רוקח זצ"ל האדמו"ר הקודם מבעלז, שצידד בעד בניין הארץ לצד הציפיה היהודית לביאת למשיח.

"לאחר הקמת המדינה בשנת תש"ח, הקונסול הפולני אמר לדודי ז"ל שיש מנהיגים חרדים שמתנגדים לעניין של מדינה יהודית, ואומרים שזה נגד דעת תורה ושמשיח יבוא קודם, ורק לאחר מכן הארץ תהיה ליהודים", סיפר האדמו"ר.

"הוא שאל את דודי ז"ל מה הוא אומר על כך. דודי ז"ל ענה כי 'זה לא כך. בעל ה'אור החיים' הקדוש אומר שארץ ישראל תיבנה לפני ביאת המשיח, ולאחר מכן משיח יבוא. הוא הבטיח שנזכה שנהיה על פי תורה'".

האדמו"ר אף סיפר בבית בנו רבי אהרן מרדכי רוקח נמצאת קערה אותה כינה "קערת משיח".

בהמשך גולל את הסיפור מאחורי הקערה הייחודית. "אצל הרבי מלובלין זי"ע היה פעם שיהודי שהביא לו קערה במתנה. קערה חשובה.

"לקראת שבת הגיעו אל הרבי תלמידים, וכן יהודים פשוטים. בסעודת שבת לאחר שהרבי מלובלין אכל את המרק מאותה קערה, שלח את הקערה ליהודי מסוים שהיה נראה כיהודי פשוט. לאחר מכן אמר הרבי כי אותו יהודי היה משיח".

"במרוצת השנים קערה זו איכשהו הגיעה לבעלזא, וקראו לה בבעלזא 'משיח'ס שיסעלע' (קערת משיח). אצל דודי ז"ל הייתה לו קערה מכסף שקיבל במתנה והשתמש בה בפסח. קערה זו הגיעה אליי וכיום היא נמצאת אצל בני אהרן מרדכי. שם נמצאת קערת משיח".


Litvishe derech said...

I believe that the Vilna Gaon zt"l, zy"a, also spoke about the geulah coming gradually, and Eretz Yisroel starting to be built up before Moshiach. I would not say that the Litvishe way is opposed to the Vilna Gaon. It seem therefore, that some adjustment to the post is warranted.

Dusiznies said...

Litvishe derech
The Litvishe World does not follow the Vilna Gaon at all, since the Gaon's minhagim and rulings are very similar to Chabad. For example, The Livaks dont say Hallel in Shul Pesach Nights and the Gaon does, The lItvaks say
Ve'Shomru befora Shemoneh Esra on Friday nights, the Gaon and Chabad do not! There are numerous examples. In Yerushalyim the Yerushalmiy Guys follow the Gra but they are not Litvaks.
I stay with my post.

Anonymous said...

it's k'daay to read r. Zimmermans "Torah and reason" on this issue.
prof. Paul Eidelberg brings it in his books.

DrMike said...

The Yerushalmi talks about the geulah coming slowly. I guess it's kefirah.
The Tanach talks about the geulah coming slowly. I guess it's kefirah.
There's far more evidence from our sources that what's happening now is what's supposed to happen than for the miraculous "It all happened in the blink of an eye" approach.

Anonymous said...

Who says that “ built up” means making a light rail. ?? טיפש

Anonymous said...

Who is going to bring your sorry ass to Har Habyis?טיפש

Anonymous said...

U write that the Gaon’s minhagim and rulings are very similar to Chabad.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to say that some of the minhagim of Chabad concur with Piskei HaGra, (not vice versa)

Anonymous said...

Haha, an article based on a Duvid Tzvi Moskowitz whatsapp post...

He posted a voicenote beneath it supposedly as the source for that quote

When it was pointed out that no such quote existed in the voicenote, he replied something along the lines that he agrees, but that’s what he deduced.

Barry Belzer is certainly quite the revolutionary, but he still never said that Belz is on the same page as Mizrachi

Litvishe derech said...

"The Litvishe World does not follow the Vilna Gaon at all, since the Gaon's minhagim and rulings are very similar to Chabad. For example, The Livaks dont say Hallel in Shul Pesach Nights and the Gaon does, The lItvaks say
Ve'Shomru befora Shemoneh Esra on Friday nights, the Gaon and Chabad do not! There are numerous examples. In Yerushalyim the Yerushalmiy Guys follow the Gra but they are not Litvaks."

DIN: It is true that not all Litvaks follow the GR"A in everything. Definitely true.

There is a difference between minhogim and hashkafah however. While people may not follow the minhogim of the GR"A, they may still accept his hashkofoh, or be influenced by it.

He was and is very influential among Litvishe Yidden, more so after his petirah than when he was alive they say. גדולים צדיקים במיתתם יותר מבחייהם.

Dusiznies said...

Nope I don't agree
I believe the reason is because Vilna and Lubavitch were in the same region and therefore had similar minhagim.