When I say "gedoilei Yisrael" I mean the "gedoilei Yisrael" of the Zionist government, like MK Michaeli, the extreme leftist who is the Minister of Transport. She is on a campaign to have public transportation on Shabbos all over Israel. But that doesn't mean anything to Moshe Gafni, the leader of Charaidie party United Torah Judaism .
I said this many times the Chareidie Parties don't care about Chillul Shabbas and don't give a hoot about girls in the army, it's all about the $$$!
They only talk about Chillul Shabbos to get the vote, once elected they do nothing.
Below see a video of Michaeli having a great time at the wedding.

Michaeli, who was filmed dancing hand-in-hand with the bride, Tamar Brecher, drew particular outrage from the Haredi public.
“For what reason is the partition put up if the women’s dancing is recorded and shared for the eyes of hundreds of thousands of men online?” prominent Haredi journalist Aryeh Erlich asked. “What happened to the value of modesty among the Haredi public?”
Fellow Haredi journalist Yishai Cohen added: “What message does Gafni send by inviting Michaeli as his guest of honor? Apparently, UTJ is suffering from battered woman syndrome.”
Haredi lawmakers also suggested that Gafni may have to pay a political price for inviting Michaeli.
“No one among us is going to talk to him today,” one unnamed UTJ official told Zman Yisrael, The Times of Israel’s Hebrew sister publication.
“The damage [Gafni] has done to UTJ is huge,” the unnamed official added. “If he goes home, it will only benefit everyone. He has been getting on people’s nerves anyway lately.”
Coming to Gafni’s defense was UTJ MK Yitzhak Pindros, who said: “Yes, we invite political colleagues to happy occasions and we don’t call security if they, God forbid, start dancing.”
But Pindros also said that the Haredi public “will never forget and never forgive Michaeli… even if she joins the coalition [with Netanyahu] and even if she quits politics altogether.”
Over the past year, Michaeli has strongly advocated for public transportation on Shabbat, which Haredi parties strongly oppose. After failing to introduce reforms that would allow buses to operate on Shabbat, Michaeli has recently tried to promote a reform that would allow local authorities to operate taxi services on the Jewish day of rest.
You are 100% right. He should be cursing our all the chilonim, and also should be throwing rocks at them. That way they will support the chareidi interests next time a vote affecting our community comes up.
I don't think this site should be promoting cancel culture. Sure the far laft in Israel is pushing secularization and an erasure of the Jewish culture, but we won't win them over by ignoring them.
This clip, of a leading leftist dancing with a Chareidi Kallah, demonstrates to BOTH sides that there is more that unites us than devides us... and IMHO brings both sides together more than many years of negotiations on the Kineset floor.
I am actually for inviting people from all sides of the aisle, and I am very impressed that Michaeli came and danced with the Kallah, my point of the post was to expose Gafni's hypocrisy. He runs on a platform that disparages the likes of Michaeli, yelling at the far left when he speaks in the Knesset. He is a two-timing hypocrite and I believe that the Chareidim will not forget nor forgive him.
Scum of a feather flock together.
What's important is that the Chareidi press didn't carry any pictures of Michaeli attending!
For one, it shouldn't be that hard for a women to find a skirt. Who comes to a wedding wearing
Look in rashi where he explains the gedolai hador were invited to the feast Avrohom avinu made.
“For what reason is the partition put up if the women’s dancing is recorded and shared for the eyes of hundreds of thousands of men online?” prominent Haredi journalist Aryeh Erlich asked. “What happened to the value of modesty among the Haredi public?”
Maybe some private party did it, I don't suspect MK Gafni of doing such a thing himself.
"prominent Haredi journalist Aryeh Erlich"
He is a member of the Habad-Lubavitch sect, a follower of the false messiah of our time, the engineer from Crown Heights.
Don't be fooled by his name. Some people have high-sounding names, like Ehrlich and Shemtov, but belong to and promote dangerous cults, and are rotten underneath.
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