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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The UTUBE Kabbalist

Rabbi Avraham Shira 
The Rambam in his preface to Hilchos Dei'us, notes that when Hashem created the human being, He created him so that his offspring going forward shouldn't  think alike. In other words every human being should have his own independent thoughts and those thoughts should not be necessarily be the same as his siblings, or neighbors. Because if everyone thought alike we couldn't function as a society.

 For example, we cannot have everyone be a doctor, or everyone be a lawyer. For society to function we need doctors, lawyers accountants, shoe makers, tailors, builders, bakers, chefs, rabbis etc, and of course "Kabbalists" 
But just because someone chose to be a doctor, that doesn't mean that he will be a good one, there are good doctors and they are bad ones. There are good lawyers and there are very bad ones. There are good chefs and there are really awful ones. Similarly, there are holy kabbalists and there are not so holy kabbalists!

Which brings me to Rabbi Avraham Shira who has hundreds of videos of his teachings on UTube. I don't know in what category he fits in vis a vis genuine and holy kabbalists . But what I do know is that he has been alleged to have strange "minhagim" !

Rabbi Avraham Shira 
Rabbi Shira has a bio that describes his journey and his profession as a Kabbalist and a therapist! 

 To whom is he teaching the Holy Kabbalah? 
If you look at the comments on his videos be it on Facebook or Utube, you will notice that they aren't Jewish at all and according to the good rabbi himself, he boasts that his followers are Christians from Africa! 
So this Holy Kabbalist is teaching the deep secrets of our Holy Torah to Christians! 
G-d chose the Jewish people specifically to give the Torah as a gift! Except for the 7 Mitzvois of Bnei Noach, it is prohibited for  any Jew to teach Torah to goyim. We recently learned in the daf that Kabbalah can only be thought to two people at a time. 

This rabbi, the "kabbalist" also has a strange "minhag" and that is hanging out with Yochannan (John) Mahler a publisher of porn that discuses non-consensual violence against women and unashamedly praises pedofilia . This Mahler is an "expert" in BDSM and S&M and other perversions! He also walks around in a "kilt"

Reading this you are probably thinking so what's the proof that the good rabbi has any connection with Mr. Porn Mahler, just because he posed with him , really means nothing!

Correct! Just because someone poses with a guy really means nothing, but here comes the kicker!
In addition to all his "maalis," his attributes, Rabbi Shira, is also a Shadchan! 

 Rabbi Shira convinced an innocent girl from a frum family, a girl who made Aliya all by herself, to marry this pervert. The young girl was learning in a seminary up in northern Israel, where Rabbi Shira was mentoring her. 

Where the good kabbbalist picked up this strange bird, John Mahler, only G-D Knows, but what is certain is that he knew that Mahler was a writer of violent porn when he set them up and married them. And if he  didn't know then, he was informed by the family and given evidence. John Mahler  frequently drives  to this tzaddik to spend time with the "chushivah" Shira family!

The girl had called her family right after the wedding and wanted out, she was exposed to Mahler's perversion and didn't want any part of it . People and family who are close to the situation say that the kabbalist influenced the  young innocent girl to cut off complete ties with her family and encouraged her to remain in this alleged "abusive" relationship! When the concerned family reached out to Shira, the good rabbi stopped communicating with them and refused all contacts! 
In kabbalah there is a concept called אין סוף, but the family does want a סוף to this nightmare allegedly generated by Shira! 
So my readers what are your ideas?


Anonymous said...

Very disturbing and shocking story. I looked up this Rabbi recently and his website was down. https://www.avrahamshira.com/about I just looked it up again and its back up. I extremely curious about his MERGE program and why he would arrange such marriages like this to begin with. Is he getting paid? Why is he supporting a porn writer? that is disgusting!! yuck!

Anonymous said...

I am wondering why he has such an interest in teaching ignorant people of Africa? he is trying to teach them something about his funny kabbalah ways? or give them therapy and take their money? is he just prying on the weak, people desperate and deprived? I also saw he had a lot of followers with Muslim names like Mohammud.

Sammy Goldberg said...

OMG!! I heard about this story a few months ago. I heard the family is such an erlich, nice, sweet, baali teshuva family who trusted the rabbi and was mislead. He also offered therapy to the couple in order to "save the marriage". They would never approve of such a shidduch and were horrified by the porn pictures and writings. If you look up Johnmahler.com it's been entirely removed other than this https://johnmahler.com/

But he has other email addresses listed.
hans.mahler@gmail.com or bondagemag@gmail.com or xotica3@gmail.com.

I saw he had a book on amazon titled transgender bdsm under his username JB Hickock which was taken down after the story emerged. Proof for his username as J B Hickock is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rs8v9ab6v-S8eXXn9vCwfE0l0DdYt9oo/view?usp=sharing

Mr. Zohar said...

Why would a kabbalist have anything to do with a porn guy? Something is rotten!

Vie'zasa said...

Where can I get a "funny" hat like that for Purim?

Shmarya ben Alfred said...

The Failed Shmatta may be interested if the porno is of the interracial variety

Blogger said...


Woodstock Lite said...

Shira works for Brovender who is either Open Orthodox or almost there as Far Left Woke Modern Orthodox.

Shira also works for Siegelbaum's seminary. That gang running it are really flakey and something that's hard to finger is really off about them religiously. I do know for sure that they attract Americans who are not really frum but want to have the benefits of limited elements of heimishkeit like fressing the food & feel good kind of stuff. They are mildly Hippyish, into recreational illegal narcotics, not really shomer Shabbos & do kol davar assur in the bedroom, both before & after marriage.

Burich Lebovits said...



Blogger said...
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Shayna said...

Wow that's crazy. This stuff makes me sick.

Tammy Weinstein said...

What a pig selfishness can't win. He will pay.

Blogger said...

They are all part of the cult and being paid by the rabbi to cover for him. I used to go to that seminary and it's very very flakey. They don't really care about Judiasm at all. They care about themselves and do a lot of non kosher conversions. They had someone from Jews from Jesus as a madricha there.

Blogger said...

I think he told the girl to stop communicating with them and told the family he will save the marriage. The whole thing is on recording and has been going around in FB groups. I read it somewhere.

Shaya D said...

Totally disgusting. I am sure there are many others he hurt through his "counseling". All a cover up!

Tuv tam said...

That old fart wore a third eye on his forehead for purim and said it's his undercover identity. That's a cult! Look up third eye cult. He knows what he's doing.

Ayshet chayil said...

Avraham shira took over the cult in bat ayi that forces Jewish girls to have sex with non Jews in the holy name of God and give them drugs and rape them. There are confessions from the victims to the Israeli center for victims of cults. If you have more info you may contact them. http://www.infokatot.com/About-the-Center.html

Chana Bracha Seigelbaum, a children's book author and director of Berot Bat Ayin sends girls and women to Yadidya (a black woman who says she's not a geuirot yet from bk New York and married a white man who works for Google. They are known as the wealthiest ppl in bat Ayin and 'help' many sexually abused who ironically THEY put into those sexually abusive relationships! They surround you with people who all support the cult so the victims are clueless as is standard in any cult.

Yadidya, Chaba Bracha, and Avraham shira have married dozens and dozens of couples and even claim that students who come to their seminary end up getting married there! They use Rabbi Daniel Cohen to perform the ceremony since Avraham shira is not qualified. And Daniel Cohen and his wife are too scared to do anything, but know about the cult problem.


Blogger said...

Word is getting out so we can protect more lives

Anonymous said...

Weird how the entire bat ayin community is remaining silent while acknowledging the problem quietly with the family. They are all scared of him.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how the cult is doing in this war?