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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Chief Badatz Extortionist of Kosher Cell Phones Arrested and the Badatz Backs the Chareidie Mafia


This is pathetic.

The phones should be under “supervision,” not the stores. There is no reason to believe that a store owner would substitute a type-B phone or account for a customer requesting type-A service.

Maybe the situation on the ground will change when the shop owners organize themselves. Learn something from the Ukrainians.

Hours after the arrest of a senior leader of the Comunications Vaad on charges of extortion and harassment of cell phone stores, the BADATZ has released a letter, saying that kosher cell phone stores are currently not being supervised. 

Following the detention of the Supervisor of Cellular Stores, the BADATZ Eidah Charedis issued a special warning to the public.

Under the headline “Warning to parents and educators”, the Rabbanim wrote that “After the authorities arrested the supervisor of cellular stores, and extended his detention for a week, there is currently no supervision of cellular stores in Yerushalayim.”

They added that it is incumbent upon parents and educators to supervise children regarding this matter. 

The judge who extended the detention said at the hearing: “On numerous occasions the defendant extorted and threatened cell phone shop owners while asking them to pay him money to get kosher. The shop owners who did not pay were allegedly attacked.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BADATZ nothing more than a bunch of TREASONOUS criminally insane gangsters hoodlums and extortionist's, and some of them known child molesting perverts.
It is high time the government take off their gloves when dealing with these ignorant savages and gangsters, and throw the book at them with long prison sentences, or better yet deport these treasonous Israel and Jew haters to their heroes and friends in GAZA