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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Lakewood Community defy the "vaad" and Vote in a landslide for Jack Ciattarelly


Meanwhile their is no clear winner as the election is still as of this writing in a dead heat!

As the vote between incumbent New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelly comes down to a razor-thin margin, the numbers from the overwhelmingly frum city of Lakewood were released, showing that Ciattarelli won it by a landslide.

Despite endorsements from the Lakewood Vaad and numerous askanim, Governor Murphy was unable to gain the support of the majority of Lakewood’s voters, who lean conservative and in general feel that Murphy’s policies do not align with their values.

Ciattarelli won 61.6% of the Lakewood vote, with a total of 11,644 votes.

Lakewood has over 50,000 registered voters, but saw less than a third of them turn out to vote in Tuesday’s election.

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