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Monday, November 1, 2021

Instead of Confronting the "self-hating" Jew Blinkin on his opposition of Jews Building in their own Land .. Agudah Calls for a "Yom Tefillah" Against the Israeli Government


Am I the only one that sees this as crazy? Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the Israeli Government which now for the first time has an Arab party as part of the coalition. I believe and hope that the government will soon collapse.

But I don't get the Agudah... They are sitting on leather chairs in the comfort of their conference room in the Unites States in lower Manhattan and calling for a "Yom Tefilah" for Jews living in Eretz Yisrael?
We don't have Gedoilim? 
We now need the Chutzlinikers?

The Agudah has its headquarters in the USA and just last week we heard that the USA's Secretary of State, the self hating Jew Blinkin, wants to open the American Consulate for the cursed Palestinians in Yerushalayim  and is putting enormous pressure on Israel to halt the building of Jewish homes in Israel. And yet "Ein Koil, Ve'in Onah"
Where is the Agudah? Where is the "Moetzes Gedoilei Hatorah?"


Anonymous said...

The Manhattan Agudah are trying to get some $$$ for the Litzman Agudah. That's all.
They won't make any money by blasting Blinken.
Simple as that.

gedolim said...

5:15, definitely. Nothing to do with G-d or the people. They work for the gedolim (feces). It's all about money, power, and znis (sexual exploitation).

Of the getchke's (shaman's), by the getchke's (shaman's), for the getchke's (shaman's).