Monday, July 8, 2019

Jews Upset Because Some "Shvartzah" Florida School Principal Says He Cannot Take A Position On The Holocaust

A "Shvartzah" high school principal in Boca Raton, Florida told a parent that inquired about the school’s educational plan for teaching the Holocaust that “Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened.”
Spanish River Community High School principal William Latson in an email in April 2018 first told the parent, that “the curriculum is to be introduced but not forced upon individuals as we all have the same rights but not all the same beliefs.”
The exchange of emails was first reported by the Palm Beach Post, which obtained the emails through a public records request.

When the parent, who is not named in the report to protect the identity of her child, asked the principal to clarify his remarks, telling him that the Holocaust is a “factual, historical event,” he doubled down saying: “you have your thoughts, but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs.” He said that as a school district employee he cannot take a position on the Holocaust.
The school with about 2,500 students is said to have one of the county’s largest Jewish student populations in the county, according to the report.
In a statement to The Post, Latson, who has been principal since 2011, apologized, saying his email “did not accurately reflect my professional and personal commitment to educating all students about the atrocities of the Holocaust.”
The school’s educational offerings on the Holocaust exceed the state’s requirements, according to Latson, though not all of the offerings actually take place in the classroom. The parent proposed a change, adopted this school year, which has every 10th grader read “Night” by Elie Wiesel.

Latson was not disciplined for his emails.


Ma Rabbi said...

They should fire this stupid Shvartze.

Anonymous said...

No one defended these ingrates in the 1960s except the Jews.

Magdeburger Joe said...

Stupidity comes in all colours. It is frightening to see how history is obscured and forgotten. Although in Yiddish, shvartze is non-judgmental, in English and Yinglish it has attracted pejorative connotations. I consider its use to be a blemish upon this otherwise magnificent website. I have experienced Jew hatred first hand from some blacks, but also great decency from a larger number of African Americans. I will not cheapen my loathing for Jew haters by expressing it in racially pejorative language.

Realist said...

And I don't believe slavery ever happened!!

Abe said...

Stupid Shvartze?
As despicable as that principal’s remarks were, your characterization of him as a stupid Shvartze is highly unfit for a thinking Jew. If a white principal had made the same remarks, would you have called him a Shvartze also? Why the need to inject race into this?

Dusiznies said...

I grew up with blacks ... I lived with them for over 35 years and now in Israel I live with them again ...
I remember the civil rights riots in the 60's very well .... i remember very well that the same blacks that we played with, shared in their tragedies, and felt their pain ... then went and stabbed us all in the back by destroying Jewish businesses robbed and yes even murdered their own neighbors ...
I remember well when we had to form security patrols to protect the jews that had just survived their own families being annihilated in WW2 ...
Please don't lecture me about blacks ....they are un-ungrateful race ...Jews died for their cause ...yet few of them ever stood up and defended Jews and Israel...
The few blacks that do ... like Thomas Sowel, Candice Owens are not only mocked by blacks themselves but the fake liberal Jews .... whose children will soon be assimilated in the vast Goy Hating World...
Hey ... Abe Don't lecture me about Shvartzas ...
I had a business in the construction industry and employed them ... not two or three ... but hundreds of them ...gave them Parnassah , bonuses and contributed to their causes ...
then one nice day ... they totally destroyed my business and left anti-Jewish graffiti
they are by and large as I said before an ungrateful bunch out to destroy sociery as we know it
they have a slave mentality ... look how they treat themselves in the African nations?
I was hoping that the Ethiopians would have some class ... but now I'm questioning their Jewish heritage ... no Jewish neshama would be as barbaric as they were in the latest riots..... not even the Auerbach crazies would even think in their wildest imaginations to be as barbaric as these guys were ....Israel brought them here from the jungles of Afrika ...It's not easy here for anyone ... there is discrimination agains sfardim ... sfardim against ashkenazim ...
but no one has been as un-grateful and barbaric as them ..
Stop lecturing me about blacks ..

yomtov said...

wow, have u totally lost it? Your blog was always a bit to the fanatical side, but calling a black man a derogatory term even if he personally deserves it and then generalising about all of them?
Please use your sechel

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your bad business experience, but still have to agree with Abe that denigrating the race of the principal only detracts from the story and from the overall integrity of your blog which I usually find thoughtful and informative.

Anonymous said...

Your experiences are unfortunate. I'm surprised to hear about the Ethiopians- I didn't know their riots were so insane. The reporting on them did not equal your description of what went on.

Anonymous said...

What are you 5 years old?

You get off on saying that word?

Welcome to the Jungle said...