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Ezra Friedlaner (Shmuck in the Middle) Ben Rohdes (Obama's Stick against Jews) Second from left |
Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes pointed to Israel’s settlement building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a key reason for the failure of a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
“And in that context, we therefore thought that we could not in good conscience veto a resolution that expressed concerns about the very trends that are eroding the foundation for a two-state solution,” Rhodes told reporters in a phone call Friday.
you guys wonder why Moshiach hasn't come yet? well don't, with so many so called frum yidden openly hating Israel, why should hashem send moshiach? if he shows up and tries to take them to Israel they'll kill him
Who's the other heimishe putz in the picture?
Another Muslim posing as a jew.
These A$$holes are a disgrace to humanity
Satmar worships aalah they are NOT part of the Jewish nation
The NY Post described the full impact of Obumbum's backstabbing.
After the (non-Palestinian) Arabs themselves backed down out of respect for Trump, Obumbum had his lackeys cowardly bombard, with anonymous messaging, other non-Arab Muslims, Communists & the New Zealand Leftists so that they would revive the measure. Rhodes then pretended Obumbum did not instigate it but does applaud it.
The measure gives legal backing to any country to arrest Jews simply for LIVING anywhere in the West Bank and EVEN the OLD CITY of YERUSHALAYIM! They could technically also arrest a painter who is hired to do a job without Palestinian permission. Worst of all, is same thing goes for any poshutta Yid who there is evidence only DAVENED AT THE KOSEL without begging the Palestinians & being granted permission!
President Trump will not be able to undo a UN Security Council measure but he can stop the $600 million funding to the Palestinians, strip all the US money given the UN, and retaliate against any country who tries to cynically arrest Jews.
Rhodes is second from right. second from left is Jarrod Bernstein, former Obama Jewish liaison.
Friedlander couldn't miss one of his last parties with his leftist comrades before they leave office. But he is already trying to reinvent himself by kissing up to the Trump people now, like David Friedman, Jason Greenblatt, etc. I hope they are not stupid enough to fall for his scam. They should send Ezra Friedlander, the Chasidic con artist, packing, let him go back to his friends Hillary and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
P.S. The other day he had a get together with his fellow Clinton Chasidim in New Square.
DIN,did you catch last week on the Zev Brenner show this KAPO BASTARD Jew hating piece of human garbage Yaacov Shapiro yemach shemo,who is the spokesman of Satmar in explaining their hatred towards MEDINAS YISROEL,
Please look into it and report on it
Enough of this Anti-Satmar. Moshiach hasn't come partly because we do not have Achdus as a People - which we do not seem to fixing on here. If anything, this seems to be adding to our problems. Why, the Gemara tells us, was the Second Beis HaMikdash destroyed? Because of Sinas Chinam. I.e. we had to much strife and did not have Achdus. It was not because of Anti-Zionists (though they did not exist them) - or Zionists for that matter.
So please, give some thought to the reason why Moshiach ACTUALLY hasn't come and maybe try to make some mendings.....
May Hashem send us Moshiach Tzidkeinu bi'm'heira mi'od bi'yaminu, Amein vi'Amein.
AishKodesh 2:50PM,
There are a very few societies where Sinas Chinam does not apply because the Sina is not chinam. The sina is not gratuitous. Indeed it's appropriate to loathe, despise and hate societies like North Korea, Iran, and Satmar because of their scorn for the great Jewish Medina. In fact Satmar is worse than Iran because its predominantly the mullahs and revolutionary guards that hate Israel, but much of the populace would welcome the downfall of the Regime.
Not Satmar however. Every Satmar despises Eretz Yisroel, so there is no Sinas Chinam to detest the cult of Satmar. They are not part of Klal Yisroel and are just as deplorable.
Moshiach will come when the cult of Satmar is obliterated.
4:48 PM--Forgot exactly who the satmers are,are they the cult that is mostly making a living of sec.8 food stamps vouchers fraud and deception?
Should read " does apply" in line 2.
Abe, nevertheless, the Torah HaKedosha commands us not to hate another Jew in our heart. And Satmarers are, of course, Jews.
I have absolutely nothing against you or anyone else here. I just want everyone to try to not do aveiros.
Freilichen Chanukah all and Kol Tuv!
The poster calling themself Aish Kodesh seems like a sincere person, some of who's points are valid at times. But unfortunately, sometimes his message may be more Christian than Jewish. In true Yiddishkeit sometimes one may (or even be commanded to) hate another Jew, e.g. some evil people. One needs Torah knowledge and guidance to know when to apply that properly, of course.
But to be naive and make everyone into a tzaddik is not normative Judaism. It seems that he comes from the Aish Kodesh Hasidic congregation on Long Island, which was swindled in a big way a few years ago by one of its officer members. Naivete and fooling oneself is not a virtue in normative Judaism however.
AishKodesh 6:01PM
Thats not quite true. Remember the tale of Pinchas and Zimri? Pinchas had no trouble hating Zimri the leader of the tribe of Shimon. In fact his hatred became so bold that he killled Zimri and his harlot concubine.
Now I'm not suggesting that anyone go and dispatch a few Satmar to some other non-material place... I wouldn't know where,but its definitely not shomayim. But it IS perfectly OK to despise this pernicious cult not only in your heart but in the internet too.
Ezra Friedlander has a contract with Hassan Ali Bin Ali to work for Qatar. And he worked to get Shimon Peres a congressional gold medal. (http://jpupdates.com/2014/11/14/ezra-friedlander-hired-promote-qatar-ties-us-jewish-community/)
So you see what Friedlander is about. A hymishe chusid needs parnusseh.
Maybe he can get a gig working for J Street on outreach to Hasidim.
The guy on the right end of the photo is Joe Stamm, from Med Review. He gives Friedlander office space at his office in Manhattan. So Friedlander gets the prestige of Manhattan office space on the cheap (for those who are fooled by it).
Well, yes. But.... We are still not allowed to speak lashon hara.
If he tries to kiss up to Trump, I hope that Trump will kick him in the place where even his long reckel can't protect him.
What is wrong with you guys? What do you have against the Liska Chusid Uncle Tom Ezra Friedlander? How dare you criticize him. He wears a shtreimel on Shabbes and goes to daven at 10AM. What a big tzadik. And his father is a Rebbeh too, with maybe like 2.38 Chasidim.
Ezra is a closet satmer. He's buddy friends with niderman who works for the satmar zali fraction.
There must be something behind ezra's visit to new square to visit there and other high big shots of the town. He does notin for free. New square voted for clinton.
Ezra goes yearly to satmer 21 kislev anti israel rally
A while ago Friedlander tweeted a link to a video shiur in English in one of the Satmar anti zionist books written by the Rebbe R. Joel Teitelbaum, given by Jeremiah Cohen from Midwood. So why does Morton Klein invite him to the ZOA dinner? Who is being fooled here?
Beware of the Ezra Friedlander scam game.
The same photo of Friedlander with Ben Rhodes is in the Community section of Hamodia weekly of Deceember 21, p.67.
Friedlander gave an award to the publisher of Hamodia a few months back in DC (as part of Jewish Heritage Month, which he got to handle through his friend Debbie Wasserman Schultz of the DNC, which he proceeded to use for things such as honoring the disgraced philanderer Marc Schneier), so they give him his free advertising there.
Ezra is a real mentsch. and unfurtanetly, some other people who wrote some silly comments are real jealous. "lo sachmod". End of story.
A real mentsch? You mean like his buddies Obama, Biden, and Clinton? Wow, such honorable mentschen.
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