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"bugeyed" Kin |
It seems that Kin has enough money to buy off Gestetner to get him to issue him a demented letter saying in effect, that Bugeye Kin doesn't have to give his wife Lonna a get and that the Monsey Oilim should "disregard Lonna's Agunah Status"
Bugeye has a knack to find women to marry him, his latest is a lady from some south American country that he must have found in a rain forest because she had no clue that Bugeye Kin marries women and then refuses to divorce them.
If you asked this piece of vermin what his motive is .... he would answer "well, I gave her a get, it's sitting in the Monsey Crooked Bais Din Kedushas Levi"
But what this snake doesn't tell you, is that his wife, Lonna, must pay approx 350,000.00 to pick up the get!
Get it? You have a get but fork over over a quarter of a million dollars.. ......
Gestettner's Bais Din "Shar Hamishpot" is a front to antagonize Agunas ...and I must admit they do a great job!
The Bais Din where the get is sitting is named after the Holy Bardetchiver the Kedushas Levi ...
Can you imagine?
I wonder what the Barditchver z"l would say about that ... he must be rolling in his grave ...and upset that the cruel sadist, Kin, is blackmailing a Bas Yisroel, in a "Bais Din" named after him!
So guys if you have a beef with your wife, go to Gestettner in Monsey and he will give you a heter to marry some creature in a jungle in South America, without giving your wife a get, and if she really wants a divorce you can blackmail her to the tune of 350,000.00 with Gestettner's blessing!
Mi Keamcha Yisroel!
And which blogger supports him, the famous anti Halacha anti women Eidensohn blogger. Thanks for the update I linked you by my blog daistorah.wordpress.com
Let's for a moment put all the Lonna arguments aside and tell DIN he is 100% correct that Kin is the villain in this story.
The fact remains that ORA are a bunch of feminist terrorists who are wrong in the other 99.99% of cases.
Back to Lonna with a question for DIN. Do you know all the nitty gritty of the financial demands? What does Kin claim he is owed? Does she have assets of his? Or is he claiming he is owed money for being badmouthed? Or is he just shaking her down? Are there any news articles or other documentation regarding this?
This crap has been going on long enough .... you know, I had different business' and people owed me money .... I moved on ....
He needs to give her a get .... the children are all grown ....
he moved on with his life taking some jungle skank from South America ...
it's time for this cruel sadist to move on and give her a get !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gestettner is a moron .... for even writing that "people should ignore her Agunah status" .... how sick and perverted can someone write a statement likee that ? Hmmmm?
Give the get with no strings attached!
There is a very important concept in life to move on. DIN is correct about this. Gedolim tell this to people all the time.
But read the psak carefully that Dayan Gestetner argues this case is constrained by halacha, that as long as the feminist terrorists at ORA keep using Lonna as a pawn to attack Kin, Kin himself is assered altz get meusah from moving on by giving a get until ORA stops what is the real crap in this tragic story.
I know Gestettner for over 40 years ....he is known to be corrupt
But it makes no difference...
Bugeyed has to give the Get ....Meusah meusah meusah ...
he has to give the Get!
ORA will stop badgering him once he gives the get ....
ORA should not stop attacking this cruel sadistic piece of vermin!
Give the GEt!
How is Dayan Gestetner corrupt? Either put up or shut up. I have never met him (& never met Kin or Lonna) but I know he doesn't take money no matter how long he spends on a din Torah.
Even ORA doesn't say he is corrupt because they know it wouldn't go across well with the public so they employ a different smear against him.
You can chant meusah as much as you want but virtually all the Rishonim learn that ORA type attacks are meusah midin Oraysa and most recent big poskim go like them. The Chazon Ish is even more machmir than what is befayrush in Rishonim.
ORA has also paved the path for mamzerim like they did in Philly.
First of all May the Ribbono Shel Olam bless all those that work for that Holy Organization ORA
Second of all, the "Rishonim" didn't know who ORA is because the "rishonim" lived a thousand years ago .... so we don't know what the "rishonim" would have said ....
But what I do know is that Kin is the scum of the earth!
Gestettner that enables him is a corrupt guy and as I told you I know him over 40 years ....
And btw no one not even the Litvaks pasken like the Chazon Ish ... he was a daas yochid in every single psak....
And what is definite is that Lonna will be Free soon, either by Bugeye giving her a get or as R' Yaakov Kaminetzky said in a similar case, by him dying!
Two things to note, a get by his beis din is not recognized by other batei din, and ORA doesn't not cause forced gets., that's a figment of eidensohns imagination. So there is no heter for him to remarry, and she has no get waiting for her. More details on the Halacha on my blog.
a kosher Jewish divorce gives a lot of power to the husband
if you want to have a real valuable get like the Torah says and be considered a free woman you have to follow the rules even its not comfortable and doesn't seem fair
the Torah doesn't allow a woman to force her husband for a get
the man has to give the get with his full heart and with no pressure
and if he does give the get with pressure its not considered that his wife if free and the get doesn't have any value
i feel very bad for the lady but we are Jews and we need to follow the rules
today most rabonim ignore and even don't learn very important hallachos from giten and that causes
i wish everyone good lives
If we are Jews then the Rabbis are also Jews and this Bais Din are a bunch fakes frauds and phoneys.....
The Chazal actually doesn't agree with your take that a husband has to give a get with "his full heart and with no pressure "
The Chazal actually say "koifen lo ad she'omer roitzeh ani"
We force the husband with "pressure" until he says ...I want"
and that is the halacha ...
That guy, Epstein, who was arrested by the FBI actually had it right!
Who gives a f#@$? She wants a divorce, then give her a divorce immediately. There is never an excuse to not give a bas yisrael a divorce once she wants one. A divorce doesn't need to be bought by the wife for any sum of money.
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