The driver of Egged bus nr 402 who was driving the bus from yesterday's lethal car accident killing 6 and seriously wounding several more on Road 1 near Latrun interchange, seen at the Traffic Court in Jerusalem on February 15, 2016. Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90
Israel - The driver of the bus involved in a collision that left 6 people dead Sunday night was ordered kept in custody for three days, on suspicion of negligent manslaughter and of tampering with the investigation of the accident.
In court on Monday, police said that in the 40 minutes between the time the accident happened and when the police placed him under arrest, Chaim Biton managed to remove the bus’s tachograph – which records the vehicle’s speed – and replace it after removing a disc.
Police also said he made a series of phone calls during those 40 minutes and they are working with the cellular companies to access the numbers he called.
The arrest warrant for Biton says the police case so far is based on forensic evidence taken from the scene as well Biton’s testimony and that of the truck driver he hit and multiple witnesses at the scene.
Police said that while driving his 402 Egged bus on highway 1 from Jerusalem to Bnei Brak “for reasons that remain unclear, he left the right lane and began driving in the shoulder and did not notice a disabled truck on the side of the road and struck it with great force.”
Police said that at the last moment he apparently did notice the truck because he swerved to the left, causing the bus to hit the truck mainly on its back left side.
Almost all of the passengers sitting on the right side of the bus were killed or hurt as a crane mounted on the back of the truck gutted the right side of the bus. Speaking at the Jerusalem Traffic Court on Sunday, police said the accident “looked like a terror attack”.
Biton was arrested at the scene of the accident at 7:30 Sunday night, some 40 minutes after the collision. Police continued to investigate the scene until 2am, after which they questioned Biton until 6:30am.
The accident on Highway 1 bore a striking resemblance to an accident involving Biton in December 2013. Like Sunday’s accident, in that collision Biton was driving the 402 line on Highway 1 from Jerusalem to Bnei Brak when he hit a truck from behind, leaving 18 passengers lightly hurt.
Why aren't they reporting how fast this putz was going?
This Motzei Shabbos had the opportunity to meet a bunch of guys with their wives in a restaurant, they were all wearing Shtramlich and Bekeshes, the wives were dressed in form fitting clothing and had spitzlach....
all of them with no exception told me outright that they do not believe in a RBS"O rachamana litzlan ....but they love the Satmar community ... and all of them even though they didn't believe in H all told me that the Satmar Rebbe planted in their hearts a hate of Israel, that they cannot get past that ....
so they admitted that they are basically mechallel shabbos, they go friday nights to a bar ....but they hate Israel ...
they told me that they are not a minority ...
So Mr. 12:49 ..... "Frum means a medakdek bemitzvohs he barely has a yarmulka" that is the most sick observation I ever saw ....
You and your entire community will probably be assimilated very soon ... this thing .....with Shtramilch and Spitzlach will soon explode .... and they will assimilate ....
The Zionists have an almost zero assimilation rate !
Where did u meet them?
I'm still in my "Clark Kent" uniform, so I cannot tell you, when I'm ready to reveal my self, I will tell you...
BTW the Baal Shem Tov, was also anonymous for the first 30 years!
I'm not an apikores if idon't believe you about what/who you met bla bla bla, but where and when did i mention anything about shtreimel etc etc? But i have news for you, me and we our entire community will outlive you and all the sonei Hashem WE ARE HERE TO STAY AND ZIONISM WILL END UP THE EXACT SAME WAY STALIN AND HITLER AND ALL JEW HATERS ENDED,
And finally Zionists have almost zero bla bla LOL that's the biggest joke 1) Zionism is NOT Judaism to begin with, 2) get your facts straight before you post such ignorant idiotic stupid comment
Oh plz stop it you smocks 6 ppl were killed because of an arrogent isreali the system would be better off WO Jewish drivers like the willy bus learnt
Where does this problem come in about woman with,,shpitzlech, together with an horrific accident being done trough a reckless bus driver,? And unfortunately young lives where torn away so early in the beginning of their life's,? Some of this young victims didn't even have a chance to get married,? And built a, bayis nemun beyisroel,? Or a young husband had to say goodbye to his fresh wife married of ,2,years,? Parents had to say goodbye and give their last respect to their young children,who got torn away from them so young ? Where comes this bashing about frum woman with,shpitzlech, over here,? What about a married Hasidic woman crying out to a therapist that her (frum Hasidic father one of the biggest chushiver dayunim in Williamsburg Brooklyn?) Molested her from about she was ,12,years old,? ,he would come into her bedroom in middle of the night, till she became married,,now she can't see to have a relationship with her own fresh married husband because she reminds herself what her father did to her every single night? Not only that, she claims to her therapist that her sister who is still at home is also being abused by her father still till today's days,?,and she really really wants to save her from her abusive murderous fathers hands,? so she cries that everything in the world must be done to stop her monstrous father of abusing her younger sister,? So the therapist called up this cowered father ( a big chushiver dayan,posek, from Williamsburg Brooklyn)) and gave him a choice,a ultimatum , (1) he admits to all this crimes and starts to go on heavy therapy, where this therapist will send him,? And he will work alongside with her ?? Or she is reporting him to the right authorities police and the sex crime unit,,(because she is a mandatory reporter?) So now she (the therapist) is waiting to see this ,dayans,answer if he is ready to fully cooperate or else,? Being locked up,? Yes he is a big dayan in Williamsburg Brooklyn,, no its absolutely not a fabricated story of reb nuchem Rosenberg,, this hiemisha vieble is getting helped trough a organization in Boro park Brooklyn,,
When we see such a terrible terrible tragedy happening ? Such a terrible accident ? With young fatalities,? the first thing what we would to do is to ask our selves why,? What does hashem wants from us,? Maby he gave us the massage to stop hating each other? To stop the,,sinas chinum,,between each other,? Its very very not appropriate to blame the terrible tragedy on woman with shpitzlech,? Or what they did or how they spoke in the restaurant,? Let's blame our selves ? Our sin to hashem,? Our sinas chinum? Our hate on each other,? One jew on another jew? Where did go the,ahavas yisroel,? Every body should make his own cheshbun hanefesh,? What he needs to correct in life,? And not blame anybody else,?
Now that Bitton will have to become a private driver, here are some clients for him to chauffeur.
Obviously this Biton is a secret Satmar Chareidi - dressed in Mizroochi drag.
How could it be anything else? Heh, Mr Dus?
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