This film was originally much longer. There were incredible scenes featuring some of the greatest names in the Rabbinical world who shared some of the greatest Divrei Torah and Chizuk about the importance of doing everything possible to free Agunot.
And at the last minute, these cowards backed out because they were uncomfortable with how it could affect their public perception.
American Bais Din Rules That Husband is a "Get Refuser"
Rabbi Dovid Lau, Chief Ashkanazi Rabbi Of Israel, has ruled that the Israeli Chevra Kadisha cannot bury Mrs. Kin, because her son, Meir, living in the USA, refuses to divorce his wife and has kept his wife Lonna, an agunah for the past 16 years. Bugeye" Meir has defied the American Bais Din, marrying another woman under a fake "Heter Meah Rabbanim" The dead lady, according to Bais Din, supported her son's Get refusal and supported "Bugeyes" decision of keeping her an agunah!
Meir Kin himself stayed in the US, afraid that he would get arrested at the Israeli Airport, but sent his mother's dead body off to Israel.....
Here See Meir Shlep his new wife like a cow after marrying her without giving his first wife a get!
נשיא בית הדין, הגאון רבי דוד לאו, הורה לחברא קדישא שלא לקיים הלוויה לאשה שבנה, תושב ארה"ב, מעגן את רעייתו למעלה מעשור, וזה בכדי להביא לשחרור העגונה
בפסק הדין של בית הדין בארצות הברית כותבים הדיינים: "לאחר שהבעל מעגן את אשתו כט"ו שנים וגם נשא אשה אחרת על אשתו לפני כחמש שנים, שלא כדת ולא כדין, וכבר נפסק עליו שהוא מסרב ועומד בסירובו לגרש את אשתו לאחר שהיה פסק דין של חיוב גט על פי בית דין של ארצות הברית".
בהמשך פסק הדין כותבים הרבנים: "אנו בית הדין מחליטים ומורים על פי ההלכה דעת תורה - לא להרשות את קבורת אמו בקבר ישראל עד שבנה יגרש את אשתו". בית הדין מדגיש כי האם תמכה בבנה לעגן את אשתו.
יצוין כי הבן עצמו נמנע מלהגיע להשתתף במסע ההלוויה, מחשש שייעצר בהוראת בית הדין, אך גם הוא לא ציפה למהלך כה דרמטי וחריג של נשיא בית הדין.
גורמים ברבנות הראשית מספרים כי רבנים בכירים ומספר אישי ציבור מפעילים בשעות האחרונות לחצים על הרב הראשי שיחזור בו מההחלטה, אך בשלב זה הרב מסרב ומונע את הלווית האם.
נשיא בית הדין אמר הבוקר: "לאחר שביררתי ובדקתי היטב לפנינו מונח מקרה של עיגון קשה ביותר למעלה מעשר שנים כאשר הבעל מסרב בכל תוקף לאפשר לאשתו להמשיך בחייה בעוד הוא נשא אישה שניה שלא כדין.
"לאחר שמוצו כלל האפשרויות האחרות נאלצנו להודיע לחברה קדישא שלא לקבור את האם עד להפקדת גט כשר בידי הבן. אנו תקווה כי מהלך זה יביא למתן גט בהקדם ולשחרורה של האשה מכבלי עגינותה לאחר שנים כה רבות".
See "bugeye" shlepping his next victim Danielle Barbosa
Meir "bugeyed" Kin, nicknamed "the mamzer" by Gedolei Yisrael refuses to give his wife Lonna a get, while he went on to marry aBrazillian Skank .... This cruel sadistic animal has kept his wife an agunah for 11 years .... He claims that he gave her a get .... that is of course a bald faced lie! The get is in a rogue Bais Din and Lonna can only get the "get" if she coughs up $300,000.00 in blood money! Watch his daughters begging their father, the selfish Rasha ... to free their mother! But don't expect anything from this lunatic, he doesn't care about his children ..... or anyone else... He is a narcissistic, selfish, sadist .... that gets pleasure from torturing women.... even his own blood!
It seems that Kin has enough money to buy off Gestetner to get him to issue him a demented letter saying in effect, that Bugeye Kin doesn't have to give his wife Lonna a get and that the Monsey Oilim should "disregard Lonna's Agunah Status"
Bugeye has a knack to find women to marry him, his latest is a lady from some south American country that he must have found in a rain forest because she had no clue that Bugeye Kin marries women and then refuses to divorce them.
If you asked this piece of vermin what his motive is .... he would answer "well, I gave her a get, it's sitting in the Monsey Crooked Bais Din Kedushas Levi"
But what this snake doesn't tell you, is that his wife, Lonna, must pay approx 350,000.00 to pick up the get!
Get it? You have a get but fork over over a quarter of a million dollars.. ......
Gestettner's Bais Din "Shar Hamishpot" is a front to antagonize Agunas ...and I must admit they do a great job!
The Bais Din where the get is sitting is named after the Holy Bardetchiver the Kedushas Levi ...
Can you imagine?
I wonder what the Barditchver z"l would say about that ... he must be rolling in his grave ...and upset that the cruel sadist, Kin, is blackmailing a Bas Yisroel, in a "Bais Din" named after him!
So guys if you have a beef with your wife, go to Gestettner in Monsey and he will give you a heter to marry some creature in a jungle in South America, without giving your wife a get, and if she really wants a divorce you can blackmail her to the tune of 350,000.00 with Gestettner's blessing!
Well guess who's' coming for dinner on Sunday August 16 in Boro Park? The arrogant sick deranged polygamist Bugeye Kin! He is scheduled to show his ugly face at the Tiferes Rivka Wedding Hall, 1257 38th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11218. There will be a rally at the front of the hall... If you don't want your daughter to wind up with a sick misogynist like bugeye, come support the rally!
Here see bugeye shlepping his latest victim past guests
Dummy Danielle in wedding dress, Meir (Bugeye) Kin on right!
The wedding was a modest affair, held in a reception hall overlooking an artificial lake tucked behind a suburban strip. But just minutes after it ended, the bride and groom hurriedly scurried past dozens of protesters here who were chanting “Bigamist!” and “Shame on you!”
One of the wedding guests on Thursday evening glared at the demonstrators, repeatedly hissing: “Mazel tov. Mazel tov. Mazel tov.” The bride, in a lace and sequin floor-length gown, grasped the hand of her husband and looked at the crowd in silence.
Meir Kin, the new husband, has been divorced for more than seven years, under California’s civil law. But he has refused to give his previous wife the document known as a “get,” as required by Orthodox Jewish law to end a marriage. In the eyes of religious authorities, the
woman he married in 2000 is what is called an agunah — Hebrew for chained wife. Without the get, the woman, Lonna Kin, is forbidden under Jewish law to remarry.
Jewish law prohibits men from taking multiple wives. But Mr. Kin, according to several rabbis here, apparently relied on a legal loophole, which says that if a man can get the
special permission of 100 rabbis to take a second wife, he is able to do so.
Protesters outside Mr. Kin’s wedding in Las Vegas denounced him for not giving his wife a divorce document called a get.CreditIsaac Brekken for The New York Times The case has become a powerful symbol for what activists say is a deepening crisis among Orthodox Jews — hundreds of women held hostage in a religious marriage, in some cases for years after civil cases have been settled. According to the intricate religious laws dictating marriage and divorce, only the husband has the power to grant a divorce.
“What has happened here is really shameful,” said Rabbi Kalman Topp, who drove from Los Angeles to protest the wedding, along with other rabbis and congregants from Orthodox synagogues there. “Not only is he in clear violation of Jewish law, but he is utilizing and corrupting Jewish law to commit cruel domestic abuse.”
Ms. Kin, who runs a real estate company, and her supporters say that Mr. Kin, a physician assistant, is demanding $500,000 and full custody of their 12-year-old son in exchange for the divorce. And they cast doubt on whether he really has the support of 100 rabbis. Reached at his Las Vegas home on Thursday, as a photographer took pictures of him and his bride in the driveway, Mr. Kin declined to comment.
Traditionally, Jewish communities relied on the threat of ostracism to persuade a recalcitrant husband to give his wife a divorce, but many say the threat became far less potent as these communities opened and spread out. In recent years, Orthodox activists with the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot, which organized the protest at Mr. Kin’s wedding, have tried to publicly shame men into giving the get.
When a congressional aide refused to give his wife the decree several years ago, protesters wrote to the congressman, created sophisticated social media campaigns and protested in front of his Washington apartment. Last year federal prosecutors filed charges against a New Jersey rabbi whom they accuse of taking tens of thousands of dollars to kidnap and torture recalcitrant husbands refusing to give their wives a religious divorce.
Ms. Kin’s nearly decade-long fight for a religious divorce illustrates the limited power of such women.
“This is not supposed to happen, that even with all these people against him he can marry anyway,” Ms. Kin, 52, said in a telephone interview from her home in Monsey, N.Y., where she lives with their son and three daughters from a previous marriage. “I would like to find a man who could be a good life partner, to have the kind of marriage my parents have. I want to marry someone and have a life like that, but now I am chained to a dead marriage.”
When she heard several weeks ago that Mr. Kin planned to remarry, Ms. Kin said she felt a momentary sense of relief — it was a clear sign that he was ready to move on with his life. But his new marriage could make it even less likely he will give her the document she desperately wants.
“He’s basically a bigamist,” she said, “and basically, I’m just stuck.”
Ms. Kin of Monsey, N.Y., says she has fought for years to be free from the chains of what she refers to as “a dead marriage.”CreditAndrew Sullivan for The New York Times
The couple first separated in January 2005, shortly after Ms. Kin filed for divorce in New York. But she withdrew the motion, on the advice of a lawyer who later told her that it would be easier to secure a get if her husband initiated the civil divorce. Mr. Kin then moved to Los Angeles, and filed for divorce there six months after he arrived. Long before the divorce was finalized in 2007, she said, he told her he never planned to give her the religious document.
Typically, such disagreements are adjudicated by a religious court made up of three rabbis, known as a beit din. Mr. Kin was approached by a local rabbi with a list of several such religious courts his wife would be willing to submit to, but he has not responded, according to Rabbi Yehoshua Fromowitz, who runs the Ahavas Torah Center, a synagogue here,
Instead, Mr. Kin, who in recent years moved to Las Vegas, has repeatedly insisted that Ms. Kin agree to binding arbitration from one particular religious court based in Monsey that is controversial and has been widely denounced by rabbinical authorities in the United States and Israel. Several leading rabbis, including the chief rabbinical office of Israel, have said they would not accept a divorce document signed by this particular court. Mr. Kin has said that the head of the beit din, Rabbi Tzvi Dov Abraham of Monsey, granted him dispensation to marry again.
A Las Vegas rabbi declined to perform the wedding on Thursday. The groups protesting say they believe Mr. Abraham traveled from New York to officiate. He did not return repeated phone calls for comment.“The rabbinical court system is such an ad hoc system where any man is able to call himself a rabbi and any three rabbis are able to call themselves a court, so that even if it’s not accepted by anyone, he is able to hide behind this,” said Rabbi Jeremy Stern, the executive director of the group that organized the protests against the wedding. “What empowers him to continue is the support of friend and family and community. We need everyone to say clearly we will not tolerate this kind of behavior.”
Mr. Kin, according to several members of the small Las Vegas Orthodox community, has worshiped at two synagogues affiliated with the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement, which is known for welcoming a broad array of Jews. The rabbis at those synagogues do not count him toward a quorum needed for prayer because of the controversy over his divorce case, but they have declined to publicly rebuke him or force him out, according to Rabbi Shea Harlig, the head of Chabad of southern Nevada.
Mr. Stern and other rabbis supporting Ms. Kin say they will continue to press that Mr. Kin be exiled from the local Jewish community.
Ms. Kin is still holding out some hope she will receive the get — she communicated with Mr. Kin by email as recently as this week, she said, and she continues to send her son across the country several times a year to spend time with his father.
Little is known about Mr. Kin’s new wife, Daniela Barbosa, who is said to have recently emigrated from Brazil. Friends who attended their wedding refused to answer questions from a reporter. If their marriage were to disintegrate, she, too, would need to receive a get for a religiously valid divorce. Although rabbinical leaders outlawed men taking multiple wives in the Middle Ages, the practice is biblically allowed.
“We’ve outlawed this for thousands of years,” Mr. Fromowitz said. “It is totally unacceptable.”
But Mr. Fromowitz conceded that Mr. Kin had historical precedent to rely on. After all, he said, the biblical patriarch Jacob had four wives.
On this episode of Up Close, we hear directly from a woman “chained” in her marriage and whose husband is now marrying someone else. Lonna Kin has been trying for ten years to get a Jewish divorce, or get, from her now-ex-husband. She separated from her husband, (Israel) Meir Kin, in January 2005, and their civil divorce was finalized in May 2007. Yet Meir Kin has yet to give her the Jewish divorce document that would free her from her Jewish marriage and allow her to perhaps remarry and move on with her life — even though as this interview airs he is scheduled to marry another woman. Lonna is known as an agunah, or “chained woman,” stuck in her Jewish marriage. She shares her story, for the first time, in this episode of Up Close. Because of the importance of the topic, we are making the complete interview with Lonna Kin available online in the special extended webcast of the episode above.
And then, what do we mean when speak about “evil?” Why do we act immorally, and why do some of us do so more than others? Author Andrew Michael Flescher offers some answers to these questions in his new book Moral Evil and on this episode of Up Close.
This sicko is marrying Daniela Barbosa this Wednesday in Las Vegas. Ms. Barbosa must be one desperate nutty lady to want to literally get into a sick bed. Meir claims that there is a get waiting in Bais Din to pick up, but what he refuses to tell the world, is, that there is a $500,00.00 price tag for that! This animal with bug eyes has been torturing and blackmailing his wife Lonna Kin for 9 years. Message to Barbosa: Marry a man that you can divorce! Because you will never ever be able to divorce this piece of human waste!