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Showing posts with label kin daughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kin daughter. Show all posts

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Kin's Daughters Speak out!

See "bugeye" shlepping his next victim Danielle Barbosa
Meir "bugeyed" Kin, nicknamed "the mamzer" by Gedolei Yisrael refuses to give his wife Lonna a get, while he went on to marry  a Brazillian Skank ....

This cruel sadistic animal has kept his wife an agunah for 11 years ....
He claims that he gave her a get .... that is of course a bald faced lie!
The get is in a rogue Bais Din  and Lonna can only get the "get" if she coughs up $300,000.00 in blood money!

Watch his daughters begging their father, the selfish Rasha ... to free their mother!
But don't expect anything from this lunatic, he doesn't care about his children ..... or anyone else...
He is a narcissistic, selfish, sadist .... that gets pleasure from torturing women.... even his own blood!