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Showing posts with label meir and lonna kin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meir and lonna kin. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Gestetner's Rogue Monsey Bais Din enables Meir "Bugeyed" Kin to keep his wife an Agunah

"bugeyed" Kin 

It seems that Kin has enough money to buy off Gestetner to get him to issue him  a demented letter saying in effect, that Bugeye Kin doesn't have to give his wife Lonna a get and that the Monsey Oilim should "disregard Lonna's Agunah Status"

Bugeye has a knack  to find women to marry him, his latest is a lady from some south American country that he must have found in a rain forest because she had no clue that Bugeye Kin marries women and then refuses to divorce them. 

If you asked this piece of vermin what his motive is .... he would answer "well, I gave her a get, it's sitting in the Monsey Crooked Bais Din Kedushas Levi"
But what this snake doesn't tell you, is that his wife, Lonna, must pay approx 350,000.00 to pick up the get! 
Get it? You have a get but fork over over a quarter of a million dollars.. ......

Gestettner's Bais Din "Shar Hamishpot" is a front to antagonize Agunas  ...and I must admit they do a great job!

The Bais Din where the get is sitting is named after the Holy Bardetchiver the Kedushas Levi ...  
Can you imagine? 
I wonder what the Barditchver z"l would say about that ... he must be rolling in his grave ...and upset that the cruel sadist, Kin, is blackmailing a Bas Yisroel, in a "Bais Din" named after him!

So guys if you have a beef with your wife, go to Gestettner in Monsey and he will give you a heter to marry some creature in a jungle in South America, without giving your wife a get, and if she really wants a divorce you can blackmail her to the tune of 350,000.00 with Gestettner's blessing!
Mi Keamcha Yisroel!