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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Watch how Hamas built tunnels wide enough for a car to go thru


IDF Soldier in Gaza Gives a Name to his newborn daughter


Settler Violence Against Palestinians??? What Lies!!


Legal Aid union approves pro-Hamas, antisemitic resolution calling for boycott of ‘apartheid’ Jewish State

 The union representing Legal Aid lawyers approved a controversial anti-Israel resolution Tuesday that calls for an economic boycott of the “apartheid” Jewish State and immediate cease-fire in Gaza — which critics condemned as pro-Hamas and antisemitic.

The resolution from the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys/Local 2325 of United Auto Workers passed with 1067 votes to 570 opposed.

It passed despite the move defying the policy of its employer — the Legal Aid Society — of steering clear of taking stands on international political conflicts. 

The organization’s mission statement declares it is built on “one simple but powerful belief: that no New Yorker should be denied the right to equal justice.” 

“We seek to be a beacon of hope for New Yorkers who feel neglected -regardless of who they are, where they come from, or how they identify,” it states.

The divisive resolution calls for “an end to Israeli apartheid and the occupation and blockade of Palestinian land, sea, and air by Israeli military forces.”

The statement opposes all existing and future US military aid to Israel and endorses the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against the Jewish state.

It also backs legislation forbidding not-for-profits in New York from supporting “illegal Israeli settlements” on disputed land.

“We support the right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland,” the resolution said.

The resolution never mentions or blames the terrorist group Hamas for starting the war with Israel and only refers to the Oct. 7 attack as a “violent tragedy” without mentioning the number of people Hamas killed.

It only mentions the number of people killed in Israel’s retaliatory attacks against Hamas-controlled Gaza.

The vote on the resolution was temporarily suspended after other pro-Israel union members filed a lawsuit to stop it.

A judge recently lifted a restraining order after ruling that the union had the right to proceed.

“We reject all attempts to intimidate workers for their political speech,” the union said.

Opponents within the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys union blasted the resolution as pro-Hamas.

“ALAA’s implicit justification of the barbaric acts of terrorism committed by Hamas — an internationally recognized terrorist organization — erodes any claims of advocating for justice or human rights,” Legal Aid attorney and union member Ariella Goldstein told The Post.

“The resolution appallingly condones the dehumanizing rapes, kidnapping, beheading, and murders that Hamas committed, and recorded themselves committing, on October 7,” she added.

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, executive vice president of the NY Board of Rabbis, called the resolution antisemitic.

When you treat the Jewish State of Israel differently than everyone else, that’s antisemitic,” Potasnik, said, referring to the Legal Aid lawyers union backing the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

“I don’t see this group or others supporting a boycott against China or Iran?” 

The Legal Aid Society, the employer of the anti-Israel lawyers, declined comment on Tuesday.

But last month the group, which relies on millions of dollars in public funding to provide legal services to the needy, slammed the resolution as “laden with coded antisemitic language and thinly veiled calls for the destruction of the State of Israel.”

“At a time when our attorneys and staff should be united in support of the people we serve, the resolution does not advance the legal interests of our clients, does not comport with our mission and values, and is divisive and hurtful,” the statement continued.

NYPD Insist Pro-Israel Demonstrator Remove Israeli Flag During Pro-Hamas Protest


In a tense moment amidst a pro-Palestinian demonstration at New York City’s Penn Station, Elisha Wiesel, the son of the late writer and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, was urged by NYPD officers to put away an Israeli flag as he attempted to stage a counterprotest against the hundreds-strong demonstration.

The protest, led by pro-Hamas activist group Within Our Lifetime, has been part of a series of near-daily protests that began on October 7.

Within Our Lifetime has publicly supported the attack, advocating for “whatever means necessary” to achieve their goals, without exceptions or limitations – including the murder of innocent civilians. The group has also been active in other demonstrations, including a protest against the lighting of the holiday tree at Rockefeller Center in New York. That protest, titled “Flood the tree lighting for Gaza,” references the name Hamas used for the October 7 attack, “Operation al-Aqsa Flood.”

Wiesel, in his account of the incident, said, “NYPD insisted I remove the flag, as [the] situation was getting dangerous.” He shared a video showing him draped in an Israeli flag and engaged in a confrontation with a masked demonstrator.

The NYPD made several arrests during the protest, which started at Grand Central Station and proceeded to Penn Station, including a stop at the Port Authority Bus Terminal.

Participants in the demonstration marched behind a banner proclaiming, “From Gaza to Jenin: Revolution until victory.”

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Many Former Charedim Fell In Oct. 7th Battles, Families Decide How To Mourn Them

 For the nearly 20 charedi families who lost family members in battle or in the Nova music festival massacre, a new challenge has arisen: How do they perpetuate their loved ones in a way that both respects them but also respects the way of life which their parents follow and which was diametrically opposed to their own.

Journalist Yair Ettinger, a member of the Israel Democracy Institute and the Shalom Hartman Institute who focuses on the charedi community, visited several parents of former charedim to see how they are perpetuating their children’s legacy.

Tzivya Krasnitzky, whose son Yaakov died a hero’s death fending off terrorists in Nahal Oz, says that she is proud of her son despite his leaving the charedi mode of life. Yaakov joined a commando unit of the Border Police and studied for university entry, even after he had been described by his teachers as “The next Gadol Hador.”

She describes her son in glowing terms, says she loved him even more after his death, says she had prayed that he would sanctify G-d’s name but never dreamed it would happen in this way and has no regrets about her support for him. Tzivya says she is comforted by the thought that, even after leaving the chareidi way of life, her son reached a place which is “so high I could never have dreamed of it for him.”

Members of the Yotzim LeShinui organization for former charedim consider themselves a community and maintain strong social contacts. Nadav Rosenblatt, the head of the organization, says that the complex situation with the fallen member’s families can vary from acceptance to total rejection and exclusion, especially in light of the choice made by some to do army service, considered anathema in charedi circles.

David Mittleman, a Golani machine gun expert, was adopted by a foster family after leaving his charedi background. David fell in battle while stopping the terrorists from entering kibbutz Kissufim on October 7th. His parents requested that he be buried in a regular civilian burial with no military honors or mention. The foster family from Kibbutz Rosh Tzurim said that they understand and respect the parents’ decision to call him “murdered” on his grave, although stating that he was killed in battle with terrorists.

The second reason the parents did a civilian burial was to prevent Halanas Hameis (leaving the dead unburied) as the IDF was too busy with funerals to perform a ceremony for two days afterwards. The foster family prepared a special pendant with Kriyas Shma and David’s name to be worn by IDF soldiers and distributed 13,000 of these pendants in his memory.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Sick and Getting Sicker: Chareidie Rabbis denounce Chareidie journalists who praise soldiers

DIN: If you look in Tanach ( Shmuel 30:1) there is a similar "Oct 7 Story" with Dovid Hamelech. The Amalekites captured hostages,  women and children in the city of Ziklag, if I'm not mistaken, Ziklag was close to Gaza. So what did Dovid do?? The Tanach writes that he cried until he could no longer shed tears.

The people who had their wives and children taken hostage wanted to "stone" him, even though Dovid had himself two wives and children taken hostage.

 Why you ask would they want to stone him? 

According to the Radak, "Dovid Hamelech left the city of Ziklag unprotected", sound familiar?

The Klei Yakar says something that we in the Chareidie world can relate to, he says that the people were angry at  David Hamelech,  since he had not lost any children in the army as they did !

But then what did he do? 

He told the then Kohen Gadol, Ebiather, to inquire from the Urim Ve'Tumim on what to do.

To ask the Urim a question, it had to be specific. So what did Dovid Hamelech ask the Urim Ve'Tumim????

Did he ask what Kapital Tehillim to say? Did he first ask the Roshei Yeshivos to ask their talmidim to be "mechziek in Torah?"

Open a Tanach and be shocked to what he asked. 

All he asked was " Should I go to war? And will I succeed?"

That's it!!!! 

But why are we jumping to Tanach when we can go to the Torah itself , at the end of Parshas Mattos?

The Jews are ready to go into Eretz Yisrael after traveling 40 years in the Midbar, because they listened to the "gedoilim" who were part of the meraglim that didn't want Israel, and suddenly history repeats itself as two tribes now refuse to go into Eretz Yisrael. Shevet Gad and Shevet Reuvein, they wanted to remain in Chutz Le'aaretz. 

Why? Because they as the Midrash Hagodal states: "They attached more importance to their herds, their wealth. and put heavy emphasis on their material possessions."  

Moshe is of course in shock as we see just 2 verses down, he tells them the repercussions of the meraglim story! He reminds them of the reason they spent 40 years wandering.

But as Moshe regains his composure,  he angrily asks them something the Roshei Yeshiva would like to remove from the Torah:

האחיכם יבאו למלחמה ואתם תשבו פה

"Shall your brothers go out to war while you remain here?"

See the Orach Hachyim Hakodosh who states:

אמת כי ה' הוא הנלחם להם, אבל על כל פנים צריכין להזדמן במלחמה

"It is true that Hashem is the one who does the battle, but you still have to be prepared for war"

Question: Why didn't Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuvein simply tell Moshe , that "we will learn Torah and as you know that Torah is matzil?" "Our learning is on the same level as those going to war, and our words of Torah will be the missiles and we are on the same plane as those putting their lives on the front" 

They knew that this was a cockamamie excuse so they said " we will in fact fight with the IDF and then after the entire country is conquered will return to our families." 

Did Moshe believe them? Apparently not, he made them sign the famous "Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuvein "tnai" a "tnai ka'ful" 

In Moshe's army, learning in kolel or in Bais Medrish was not an exemption to get out of army service, So I'm sure you have been coached to respond to this that in Moshe's army, the troops were all tzadikkim. I agree, they were all tzadikkim, so my suggestion is to open the doors of Ponovitz, Brisk and Mir and draft all those tzaddikim and let's send all the chilonim home. ... Great! 

Today Chareidie leaders have learned nothing from the Torah and nothing from Tnach, and not only that, they are actively discouraging the praising of those ready to give up their lives,!

Mind you, all this while Jewish blood is still pouring on the streets, and he questions whether those fallen are "kedoishim" ... What???? 

Such disconnect from the Jewish people and Jewish values. Even Hashem says:

עמו אנכי בצרה

Is it any wonder then, that a Rosh Yeshiva and an Av Bais Din who gave shiurim in the MIr compares Jewish soldiers to garbage cleaners? 

And to which journalists is he addressing this to? Haaretz? Jerusalem Post? Israel Hayom? 


He is addressing this to the journalists of the Yated!

Very sick indeed! 

Rabbis of the Edah HaChareidis, a conservative haredi organization with anti-Zionist views, published a strongly worded letter yesterday against haredi journalists they believe to be promoting nationalism. The Rabbis were led by Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, a member of the organization's rabbinical court.

“It has become known in our communities and throughout Israel that a great error is present in the press who presume to call themselves haredi while spreading false opinions which are far from our ways,” the letter begins.

They criticized the way that haredi journalists are praising soldiers and casualties of the war, calling them "far from the ways of Old Israel."

“Especially at a time like this, when the spirit of nationalism is consuming the camp on every side, and many are pulled into false beliefs coming from scribes that are far from the ways of Old Israel, among them those who promote enlistment of men and women which is absolutely forbidden and has never even been considered to be permitted.”

“Let all mourners mourn the fall of the reinforced dividing wall that has existed since ancient times, and the one thing equal to all such publications and journalists is that they tend to spread and cause damage, and it is your responsibility to guard them.”

The Rabbis call for such publications not to be brought home. “These are not the portion of Israel, and indeed, the greatest men of previous generations have already warned and sounded an alarm in the gates of the masses against such publications, and we do not encourage everyone to check that each man of Israel supervises himself and his family against stumbling over these unfit publications, and someone who protects his soul will stay far from them, not buying them and not bringing home those that are distributed free of charge.”

“In a completely and diametrically opposed manner, it is obligatory that every man and his household and descendants bring the spirit of holiness and simple belief and trust in God into his house, to distance false beliefs and trust in mortals, and as the ancient parable stated by the prophet said: ‘wickedness will emerge from the wicked.’ And let us increase prayer to the Salvation of Israel in matters both public and private.”

IDF Finds Some of the Terrorists that were Directly Involved in Oct 7


The Israeli military has released photos of soldiers destroying a well-known statue glorifying the deaths of Israeli soldiers and a separate image showing what it says are 20 militants detained in an arrest raid.

The army said it destroyed the statue in the Shijaiyah neighborhood, which depicted a fist coming out of an armored personnel carrier and three military dog tags.

One of the dog tags had the name of Oron Shaul, an Israeli soldier who was killed during fighting in the Gaza City neighborhood in 2014. His remains have been held by Hamas since then.

The Israeli military also shared footage of what it said were Gaza militants detained during an operation inside a school on Friday.

Around 20 detainees are shown in the photo, kneeling and wearing white jumpsuits. Nine have red circles around their heads and are identified as Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants.

The Israeli military said some of the detainees, who were taken for interrogations by Israeli intelligence, participated in the Oct. 7 attack that sparked the war with Hamas. The cross-border attack killed some 1,200 people and kidnapped 240 others.

INSANE: US leaves open possibility of Hamas retaining power


The U.S. State Department on Thursday refused to rule out the possibility of the Hamas terrorist organization retaining power or joining a Palestinian Authority-led governing body for the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria.

“We have been clear about our position on Hamas, which the United States designated as a foreign terrorist organization in 1997 due to its premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets,” a U.S. government spokesperson told JNS.

However, “Palestinians’ voices and aspirations must be at the center of post-crisis governance in Gaza, unified with the West Bank under the P.A.,” the spokesperson said, adding, “Ultimately, the future of Palestinian leadership is a question for the Palestinian people.

“We remain committed to working with the P.A. and Palestinian leadership on the critical work of strengthening Palestinian institutions … and reinforcing commitments to nonviolence and countering terrorism,” concluded the official.

On Nov. 8, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Gaza must be handed over to the P.A. once Israel’s operation there ends. The solution “must include Palestinian-led governance and Gaza unified with the West Bank under the P.A.,” stated Blinken.

Nearly Half of Jews Considered Leaving UK Due to Jew Hate


Nearly half of British Jews have considered leaving the UK since October 7, according to staggering new data.

The polling by the Campaign Against Antisemitism, was conducted from November 12-17 among 3,744 respondents.

Following the Hamas massacre in Israel, 48% of respondents, including 17% who strongly agreed, said they had considered leaving the UK due to antisemitism. 34% disagreed.

69% of UK Jews agree (40% strongly) that they were less likely than before the massacre to show visible signs of their Jewishness. 15% disagreed, and the rest did not say.

Respondents were asked if they or someone they knew, had experienced or witnessed an antisemitic incident since October 7. 61% responded in the affirmative.

Regarding the statement, “Antisemitic hate crime is treated by the police in the same way as other forms of hate crime,” two-thirds disagreed, almost a third strongly; 16% agreed; and 18% neither agreed nor disagreed.

91% agreed that they would “avoid traveling to a city center if a major anti-Israel demonstration was taking place there”.

When asked if they were “satisfied with the BBC’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas crisis,” 86% said that they weren’t, including 71% who felt strongly. Only 4% were satisfied, including 1% very satisfied, and 4% didn’t express an opinion.

The remaining respondents said they did not watch or listen to the BBC or read its website.

Regarding the statement, “I feel personally connected to events happening in Israel,” 97% agreed, 78% strongly; no one disagreed, and only 2% expressed no opinion.

Monday, December 18, 2023

OMG Is he planning to Open Up another Pesach Program???


Biden will deny visas to Israelis that oppose Two State Solution


Secretary of State Antony Blinken has announced visa restrictions on Israelis in response to “settler violence.”

Britain and Belgium plan to follow suit, and other European Union countries will likely jump on the blacklist bandwagon.

The United States frequently uses such visa restrictions to block those guilty of gross human-rights abuses, tyrannical foreign despots and nationals of state sponsors of terrorism.

But this is a far cry from that — it’s simply a big step in the Obama-Biden administrations’ deep delegitimization of those who oppose a “two-state solution.”

The president has broad power to deny entry to foreign nationals — despite the furor over President Donald Trump’s executive orders in this area.

Video reveals ‘biggest Hamas tunnel’ yet discovered — and includes eerie footage of terrorists building it

EXPOSED: The biggest Hamas terrorist tunnel discovered.

PAYBACK: Cyberattack Cripples Iranian Gas Stations After Attempted Attack On Israeli Hospital


A group known as “Gonjeshke Darande,” or “predatory sparrow” in Persian, which has been previously linked to Israel, took responsibility Monday for a cyberattack that crippled around 70% of gas stations in Iran.

The group claims to have disabled a significant portion of Iran’s gas pumps in what they describe as a response to aggression by Iran and its regional proxies.

“Khamenei, playing with fire has a price,” the group said in a statement released in Persian and English.

Iranian state media confirmed that several gas stations in Tehran ceased operations, saying that a “software malfunction” forced them to shut.

Gonjeshke Darande has previously claimed responsibility for a cyber attack on Iran’s major steel companies. During that attack, Israeli military correspondents, typically briefed off-the-record by senior Israeli officials, hinted at potential Israeli involvement. A cyberattack on Iran’s fuel distribution system in 2021 paralyzed gas stations across the country, leading to long lines of angry motorists. The hacking group claimed responsibility for the attack on fuel pumps.

Interestingly, the cyberattack occurred almost at the same time as Israel’s Cyber Directorate announced that Iran and Hezbollah were behind a cyberattack on the Ziv Medical Center in Tzfas last month.

“In a joint effort by the cyber directorate, the IDF, the Shin Bet, and the Health Ministry and hospital teams, the attack was stopped before it could achieve its goal of disrupting the hospital’s operations and harming the medical care of civilians,” Israeli officials said.

“However,” the officials added, “it was found that the group stole some sensitive information stored in the hospital’s systems.”

Jackson NJ Residents Don't want Chareidim There. "they are taking Over"


In a distressing display of hate, a recent council meeting in Jackson Township was marred by anti semitic rhetoric targeting the Orthodox Jewish community, raising concerns about the state of community relations in the Jewish area.

During the meeting, shocking comments were made, including references to a “cultural genocide” and accusations of a “hostile takeover” by the Orthodox community in Jackson Township. The divisive remarks took aim at the Orthodox Jewish community, igniting tensions and casting a dark shadow over what should be a forum for constructive dialogue.

One of the particularly alarming statements involved calls to bar an Orthodox council member from voting, highlighting a troubling attempt to marginalize a representative based on their religious affiliation. Such exclusionary sentiments go against the principles of inclusivity and equal representation that form the foundation of a democratic society.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Talkline With Zev Brenner with Satmar Ger Yechiel Bloyd who left Judaism on why he joined and left

 DIN: After listening to the entire interview, not once but twice, I am convinced that he is a bonafide sicko. He refuses to explain anything. Zev keeps harping that the Rabbis who Zev knows all said that at the time of Giur, He was 100 % committed. 

So let me tell you something. I know those Rabbis as well and I can tell you that this is not the first time they have been duped, והמבין יבון! 

The fact that he got his "little one" cut and that is supposedly proof positive that he was genuine means absolutely nothing, there are millions of people who do crazy things with their bodies, especially in this sick society. All it proves is that he is a very sick puppy. Why did he marry a 50 year old woman knowing that as a  Jew he has an obligation to have children? BTW this itself shows that he is not playing with a full deck. Didn't the good rabbis see this obvious contradiction? 

I don't think that he finished shas, I think he read thru it like someone reading "ashrei" ... He said that he learned "kisvei Ari"? And then he accepts JC all over again? I don't buy it. I believe that those rabbis know they have been duped and are now defending themselves, after they watched him  making a laughing stock of them. Those rabbis should quit the Giur business just for this story alone. They have no business converting anyone. Some of the callers had some great points, and his answers were vague or nonexistent. Sick Sicko .. 

70% of Chareidim Polled say that a man who isn't learning Torah should enlist


73% of haredim believe themselves part of Israel's national destiny due to the war, according to a new survey conducted across a broad range of haredi communities and viewpoints by the Haredi Policy Research Institute.

75% believe themselves to be part of the 'story of Israel' and are in favor of increasing haredi participation in Israeli society. &0% believe that someone who is not learning Torah should find a way to contribute to the state through military or civilian service, and support for haredi enlistment in the IDF or other security services has risen 20% recently.

The survey shows that the sense of belonging to the nation's destiny rose with the tendency to define themselves as modern over conservative.

53% of the haredi community believes that the haredim need to waive the coalition funds for their community due to the war. 19% believe that this should apply to all the funds, and 34% believe that education should be exempted.

85% of the community finds it important that the secular community view the haredi community favorably. 32% favored increasing haredi participation in Israeli society, and 44% believe that the relationship between haredim and Israeli society should not change.

Enlistment in the IDF has risen by 20% since the beginning of the war, and 29% of the haredi community support enlisting haredim in the IDF.

Krainess Campaign for Gun Lights Please!!

My dear readers I never ask you for anything, but I personally know those running this "gun-flashlight" campaign and we are an emergency situation as the soldiers must have those Gun-flashlights, so please donate whatever you can 

Scroll down on the above website to donate! 

Harris Poll Finds 51% of Americans Ages 18-24 Want Israel ‘Ended and Given to Hamas’


Let’s put it this way: if some rare disease had swept through America, killing everyone 25 and older, it would become very inhospitable for Jews. A survey conducted online by The Harris Poll and HarrisX within the United States from December 13-14 among 2,034 registered voters, asked, “Do you think that the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian dispute is for Arab states to absorb the Palestinians, for there to be two states, Israel and Palestine, or for Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians?” and, God help us, 51% of respondents ages 18-24 preferred “for Israel to be ended.”

Now, among respondents ages 25-34, only 31% picked the “Israel be ended” option, ages 35-44 were even less enthusiastic – 24%, and the fate of Israel was safe with the 55-64 crowd – only 13% want it annihilated, and the 65+ are truly harmless – 4%.

Even more disturbing are the seemingly inherent contradictions in the 18-24 groups’ answers be related questions. In fact, right next to the above offensive result, comes this question:

“Do you believe that Hamas attackers on October 7th committed rapes and other crimes against women or is that not the case?”

And, surprise, surprise, respondents ages 18-24 believed the charges against Hamas by a majority of 76%.

Biden’s crumbling relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu could easily turn into an all-out disaster

 Over the many years they have been in the public eye, Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu were never friends and rarely allies. Their fundamental political differences were compounded by years of long-distance disagreement.

Then suddenly, terrorism brought them together in something of a shotgun wedding. Biden visited Israel just 11 days after the Oct.  7  Hamas attack where he and Netanyahu embraced in an awkward, aborted hug.

In hindsight, that appears to have been the high point of their new relationship. It’s been downhill ever since and the gap between them is growing at an alarming pace. Headlines from recent days illustrate the tensions:

“Biden Warns Israel It Is ‘Losing Support’ Over War”

“In Dueling Remarks, Biden and Netanyahu Spar Over Gaza’s Future”

“Rifts Between Biden and Netanyahu Spill into Public View”

It is tempting to claim that a feud between the president and the prime minister was inevitable given their long history of contrasting parties and philosophies. But that explanation doesn’t do justice to the reasons driving the sudden change of tone.

The basic cause is the American political calendar and Biden’s scandalous bid to curry favor with American voters who oppose Israel, even after the Hamas slaughter.

With allies like this . . .