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Friday, May 6, 2022

Yonatan Havakuk, father of five children from Elad, Boaz Gol, father of five, and Oren Ben Yiftach murdered in attack in Elad.


The three people who were murdered in the attack in the city of Elad were identified on Thursday night.

One of the victims is Yonatan Havakuk, a father of five children and a well-known figure in the city.

A second victim has been identified as Boaz Gol, a resident of Elad in his 40s, and also a father of five children.

The third victim is Oren Ben Yiftach, 35, a resident of the city of Lod and a father of six.

Three people were seriously injured in the attack.

Yonatan left his house on Thursday evening and headed towards the municipal park, where he encountered terrorists who murdered him in cold blood. Rescue and emergency services were called to the scene but had no choice but to pronounce him dead.

Police believe that the terrorists who carried out the attack are Palestinian Arab terrorists who may flee to Palestinian Authority-assigned areas of Judea and Samaria.

"We are currently in pursuit of two terrorists, who are believed to have fled the scene," police said. "We have special police forces in the field, Shin Bet forces, helicopters, and other combat units. According to estimates, the terrorists are still in the area and we are doing everything to apprehend them."

Stoliner Rebbe Tells Chasidim to Bring Weapons to Shul, Including on Shabbos


The Karlin-Stoliner Rebbe has put out a call for his chasidim to bring their guns to shul – on weekdays and on Shabbos.

The Rebbe’s directive comes amid a spate of deadly terror attacks in Israel, and shortly after the terror attack in Elad in which three people were murdered by axe-wielding terrorists.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Satmar Issues "Fatwa" to Say Tachnun on Yom Ha'Atzmoot Even If There Is a Bris ..


Satmar mocks Herzl because initially he proposed that Jews settle in Uganda to avoid antisemitism. 

But what they won't tell you is that Satmar took Herzl's idea and set up an "Uganda" in Monroe and and called it Kiryas Yoel.

Herzl's idea eventually resulted in fulfilling the prophecy of the Neviim that Jews will come back home, to the tune of 6 million.

Kiryas Yoel Uganda wants this prophecy to wait until the cows decide to come home.

There are many shuls in Israel that say Tachnun on "hey iyur" but will not say it if a bris takes place. 

But in the Romanian "Uganda" in New York State, they will openly defy the Shulchan Aruch and say tachnun should a bris takes place.

They pick and choose what part of the Shulchan Aruch they wish to follow but should a Jew not of their community defy an open and shut halacha case like this one  they bark "Minim and Apikorsim"

חידון התנך העולמי 2022 ........World Tanach Quiz 2022 in Jerusalem

 World Tanach Quiz 2022 in Jerusalem 

טקס יום הזיכרון בשידור חי 2022 - מהכותל המערבי


Hallel on Yom Ha'atzmaot......


The secular Zionist have constantly been out to destroy Yiddishkeit. They wanted to eradicate the Torah and its followers. They keep trying to שמד ח"ו all of כלל ישראל and turn them ככל הגוים ר"ל.

והקב"ה מצילנו מידם                                                                

Hashem turned the tables on them.

 Instead of Zionist stopping us from learning Torah they became the largest financial supporters of Torah. They spend billions of Shekalim to build חדרים, ישיבות, כוללים, בית יעקב, סמינר etc.

They also spend billions to support the בני תורה who learn Torah.

Over the past two thousand years,(maybe even beyond)  there has never been so much Torah learning anywhere in the world as it is done now in Eretz Yisroel. 

There never was such a large ציבור of תלמידי חכמים, בני תורה, שומרי תורה ומצות

The secular Zionist try to make it difficult to remain a Torah observant Yid, yet they are the ones who are paying billions of Shekalim for Rabonim, Dayanim, Mashgichim, Shuls, & Mikvaos in every city & town in the country alleviating the financial burden of Torah observant Yidden. 

In every country in the world the גזירת שמד today is rampant. Intermarriage is between 70%-85% in every country except in the Zionist State where intermarriage is less than 2-3% (still too many) As much as the secular Zionist try to שמד Klal Yisroel, The  Ribono Shel Olam made sure their wishes won't happen. 

Despite the Zionist claim of כחי ועוצם ידי, etc. especially during the six-day war, the whole בעלי תשובה movement we know of today started during the war. For the past few thousand years, there have never been so many בעלי תשובה as we have today.

We could have had way more בעלי תשובה had we tried a little harder not to make the non-Frum have reason to hate us. 

Russian Jewry which seemed to be totally lost in the sixties was part of the six day war miracle.

Instead of the Zionist converting the Frum into non-Frum the opposite is happening, the non-Frum become Frum.

Ben Yehudah, created the modern עברית so that the Frum Yidden will give up their old fashion religion and become a modern non-Frum society with its own modern language.

Today the most used language to learn Torah is עברית. In most Chadorim, Yeshivos, Kollelim & Bais Yakovs the Shiurim & Schmussen are given in עברית. Chavrusos in the Bais Midrash argue & shout at each other in the language that was supposed to keep them out of the Bais Midrash.

Yes, it's true it is not yet a perfect world out there, but when was the last time that it was.

Perhaps, we should be saying הלל not on Yom Haatzmaut but every single day of the year.

However, we are not allowed to do so כל הקורא הלל בכל יום ה"ז מחרף ומגדף but we should praise and thank Hashem every single day for turning the tables and instead of Torah ח"ו being eradicated it is flourishing despite the secular Zionist attempts. 

Cops Don't Give Tickets .. Free Pizza Free Hot Dogs ..R' Shaye ben R' Moshe


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Lufthansa the "Satmar" Airline Refuses To Allow US Chassidim To Board Connecting Flight To Hungary


I guess frummies learned absolutely nothing from the Covid virus and nothing from the Russian Invasion of Uman. To them all that was a coincidence and has nothing to do with them. It's all אשר קרך בדרך 

 Hashem wants you guys home! Yes home..you heard it here first!

R' Shayele doesn't want anyone coming to his grave on his Yurzeit , and so R' Shayele  called the Satmar Vaad and asked them to influence their favorite German airline to stop them from going forward, short of flooding the plane with mice, and asked Lufthansa  to hold them in Jewish blood soaked Germany for a while so they can stop and think that maybe the goyim don't want them in their cursed countries!

Instead of learning a mishna or a "blettel" gemarah in R' Shayele's memory in the comfort of their homes , this chevra leave their wives to take care of their brood while they celebrate with Shmaltz Herring, Ptcha and other delicacies in Hungary, a country  that brutally murdered close to a half million of their grandparents in just a few months!

Sick indeed! 

Hundreds of chassidim from the US are stuck in Frankfurt, Germany after Lufthansa Airlines refused to allow them to board their connecting flight to Hungary.

The airline claims that some of the chassidim wouldn’t listen to the flight attendants’ instructions and refused to wear masks. However, even if the claim is true, they punished the whole group of hundreds of people instead of penalizing individuals.

Additionally, the chassidim said that many of the non-Jewish passengers were not wearing masks but they were allowed to remain on the flight.

The chassidim landed in Frankfurt on Wednesday and were scheduled to board a connecting flight to Hungary in order to visit the kever of Reb Shayele in Krestiner for the yahrzeit.

The group is now stuck in the airport and it is still unclear if the chassidim will be forced to return to the US or if they still have a chance of flying to Hungary.

This is a developing story.

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Listen to this song from Yaakov Lemmer ... Yom Hazikaron


The song "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" is from the play Les Mierables 

To the Liars That Say That Arabs Kill Jews Only Because of Zionism


24,069. On the eve of Memorial Day, this is the number of those who have been killed in Israel's wars and terrorist attacks. But where did this tally begin? 

Who was the first victim?

 On the commemorative plaque at Har Herzl, it states that  Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Zalman Zoref was the first victim. He was murdered in 5611 (1851), 171 years ago. 
He is considered the first victim of a hostile enemy attack in the present era of our Return to Zion.

Rabbi Zoref was born in Lithuania. He came on aliyah with his wife and three children together with more than 500 students of the Vilna Gaon who immigrated to Israel between 5568-5570 (1808-1810) in order to settle and develop Eretz Yisrael . Rabbi Zoref was a Torah scholar and a public figure who made his living as a silversmith, from which his family name (silversmith is “zoref” in Hebrew) was derived. He quickly became a highly visible leader and devoted his life to building Jerusalem, materially and spiritually, and to bringing more and more immigrants to the Land of Israel.

Rabbi Zoref's success angered some of the city’s Arabs, and they tried to assassinate him. On the rabbi’s way to morning prayers at the Synagogue which he had rebuilt, several Arabs attacked him, stabbing him with a sword. On his deathbed, he recited the Shema, and made his children swear that they would never leave the Land of Israel. His grave on the Mount of Olives was vandalized and recently restored by his family.

And just to keep this in proper historical perspective: Rabbi Zoref was murdered nine years (!) before Thedore Herzl was born.  In other words, our story about the modern settlement of the Land of Israel - and our attachment to it - is older and more profound than it might seem.

Words cannot possibly encompass the debt of gratitude we owe to all 24,069 victims. Rabbi Zoref from Jerusalem was the first and Vyacheslav (Daniel) Golev, the security guard from Ariel, was the last (if only he will truly be the last).

In their memory.

Am Yisrael ... WAKE UP!


Israeli Chareidim Observe Yom HaZikoron After the Bnei-Brak Attack


One out of seven Jews worldwide are Charedi


Roughly one in every seven Jews worldwide is affiliated with the haredi sector, according to a new study released Wednesday morning.

A report released by the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research estimates that out of a global Jewish population of 15.166 million, some 2,077,000 – or 14% - were from the haredi community, as of the end of 2020.

The IJPR report draws on a variety of sources to estimate the size of each haredi population in various countries around the world, including demographic studies in Israel and data from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics; surveys from the Pew Research Center estimating the number of Jewish households and the percentage of households affiliated with the haredi sector - along with estimates by demographers Gilad Malach and Yair Ettinger; estimates of synagogue membership in extrapolated to total population size; and data collected by various regional Jewish federations and local organizations.

There are an estimated 1.2 million haredim in Israel, making up 17% of the country’s 6.9 million Jews. The second largest haredi community is in the US, with roughly 700,000 haredim, making up 12% of the approximately 6 million American Jews.

The third largest haredi community is in the UK, numbering 76,000, or 26% of the 292,000 Jews in Britain.

Supreme Court leak is Democrats’ dirty May surprise for 2022 midterms


Political surprises generally come in October. This one came in May, in the middle of the night no less.

The shocking leak of the Supreme Court draft decision that overturns the constitutional right to abortion is already achieving its main objective. It is giving Democrats something to run on this fall besides Joe Biden’s lousy record. 

Never mind that the leak was a dirty trick that is probably a crime, with Chief Justice John Roberts calling it a “betrayal,” and ordering an investigation. GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell called it an attack on the Court’s independence, saying it is “yet another escalation in the radical left’s ongoing campaign to bully and intimidate federal judges and substitute mob rule for the rule of law.” 

The widely respected SCOTUSblog writes that “This leak is the gravest, most unforgivable sin” and will destroy trust among the justices and the staff. 

All true — but you’re not likely to see a single Dem denounce the leak or the leaker. Quite the opposite. Desperate times lead to desperate actions and, without batting an eye, they embraced the draft’s contents as an opportunity to rally their dejected supporters around a new flag.

Forget inflation, open borders, the murderous crime surge, Ukraine — look over here at this shiny new object. And get mad as hell.

‘Way overboard’

R’ Elchanan Poupko the Lying DemonRat Stooge


In response to a VIN article stating that a frum Jew should not support DemonRats ... Elchanan Poupko displayes his naïveté and his twisted mind!

Read response after his nonsense from outraged Frum Yidden.

Special Counsel States that Clinton Campaign Fed Media with Fake News About Trump


The presidential campaign of 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton consistently fed mainstream media news outlets with “unverified derogatory information” about Republican nominee Donald Trump, culminating in a false narrative that he was colluding with Russia, Special Counsel John Durham says in a new court filing.

After Clinton associated Christopher Steele and Michael Sussmann gave the FBI misleading information about Trump to spark a collusion investigation, the campaign sent some of the information to New York Times journalists.

“Sounded like you might be interested in some of the attached Russia-related material. These are internal, open source research drafts, as agreed, pls (sic) treat this as background/not for attribution, as you’ll see it’s all easily replicated either way,” a Fusion GPS executive wrote to Times reporters.

That message is one of hundreds between the Clinton campaign and journalists dug up by Durham’s probe.

In his court filing, Durham refers to various information given by the Clinton campaign to journalists as “red herring,” “unverified,” “too obvious” to be true, or containing a “very weak link.”

“What we all suspected all along is that the Clinton campaign was really pushing this,” said Rep. Jim Jordan. “And we didn’t know that they just made it up out of whole cloth. But that looks like exactly what they did.”

Pocahontas Unhinged Wants the US to Continue to Murder Babies Until Birth


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

While 6 Million Jewish Residents of Israel Mourn Their fallen .. Satmar Media Feature 9 and 1/2 Iranian Jews that Hate Israel


Loose translation:
After 2 years of Corona when Iranian Jews couldn't march in support of the Palestinians, they have now resumed protesting and allowed themselves to be interviewed by the local press, and severely criticised the State of Israel and it's behavior towards the Palestinians.

Jews living in Israel will be mourning tomorrow "Yom Ha'Zikoron" for those who gave their lives for their fellow brothers and sisters.

The cruel and sadistic Satmarars found a handful of Iranian Jews protesting the State of Israel, and are featuring this story on their websites!
Those Jews pictured don't look anything like Jews, and normally Satmar would be mocking them but since they are on the same page vis á vis Israel, they put them as their cover story! 

Yermeyahu's Prophecy Realized With the State of Israel ..


Israeli Security Forces Fear Chareidi Teen May Have Been Abducted

 The Israel Dog Unit (IDU) issued an “urgent appeal to the public” in its search for Avraham Moshe Kleinerman, 16, of Modiin Illit, who was last seen at Meron over a month ago.

Last week, Israelis from several cities searched for Avraham in his home city of Modiin Illit as well as in Bnei Brak, Jerusalem, and the Shomron, where he frequently visited. A large group of volunteers from the Israel Dog Unit (IDU), a nonprofit specializing in locating missing persons, also scoured the Meron area for hours, searching the site and surrounding forests for any sign of Avraham with dogs and drones.

Last Tuesday, volunteers made efforts to raise awareness of Avraham’s disappearance at the kevarim of Yehoshua Bin Nun and Calev ben Yefunah in the Palestinian village of Kifl Haris in the Shomron, Arutz Sheva reported. Many people whom Avraham associated with were there for the yahrzeit and volunteers distributed pamphlets about Avraham to the participants.

Avraham was once injured by Palestinian Arabs throwing stones at him in the Shomron and even has a large scar on his forehead due to a stone thrown at him. According to his father, he was hospitalized after the incident and has never been the same since, wandering around confused since he was released from the hospital.

Perhaps due to the trauma of the incident, he attempted in the past to return to the scene of the attack despite the fact that it occurred in Area A, which is legally forbidden for Israeli citizens to enter and extremely dangerous. Additionally, the IDU received a threatening message in Arabic from a Jordanian telephone number that Avraham was captured and would be killed in 24 hours. Security officials fear that he indeed may have been abducted.

“This is very serious,” said IDU director Yekutiel Ben-Yaakov. “Over a month has passed and it’s as if the ground swallowed him up. We are not ruling out a terrorist motive. I can’t say more at this time, other than request of the public to contact us if they can recall seeing Avraham any time over this past month, at our special missing person hotline.”