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Thursday, May 5, 2022

Satmar Issues "Fatwa" to Say Tachnun on Yom Ha'Atzmoot Even If There Is a Bris ..


Satmar mocks Herzl because initially he proposed that Jews settle in Uganda to avoid antisemitism. 

But what they won't tell you is that Satmar took Herzl's idea and set up an "Uganda" in Monroe and and called it Kiryas Yoel.

Herzl's idea eventually resulted in fulfilling the prophecy of the Neviim that Jews will come back home, to the tune of 6 million.

Kiryas Yoel Uganda wants this prophecy to wait until the cows decide to come home.

There are many shuls in Israel that say Tachnun on "hey iyur" but will not say it if a bris takes place. 

But in the Romanian "Uganda" in New York State, they will openly defy the Shulchan Aruch and say tachnun should a bris takes place.

They pick and choose what part of the Shulchan Aruch they wish to follow but should a Jew not of their community defy an open and shut halacha case like this one  they bark "Minim and Apikorsim"


Anonymous said...

Son'ey Yisroel.
Hagehennon Yichleh ve'hem lo Yichlu.

Moishe Gabbai Friedman said...

Oy, Satmar d'Lakevood, always with the cautious approach to everything. They rejected my nusach that to enhance bashing Tzionim, we all need to wipe our tushies with the blau & veiss shmatta flag. Dee kenst koifen dee degulim bei mir far billig preiz. Chap arein vhile supplies last!

Anonymous said...

It is well known that the chazon ish said tachnun in his minyan even when there was a bris on yom haatzmaut. Nothing new here.

Anonymous said...

Besides hearsay and readsay, what is your evidence for this "well known " fact ?
Hallel on Yom Haatzmaut with or w/o a bracha is subject to various opinions by other rabbonim.
Ponovitcher Rav , who hoisted the Israeli flag , once commented that he does like Ben Gurion - No hallel and no tachanun.
So your comment , even if true , is not universal.

Bimchik the Tooter

Anonymous said...

You're comparing the Chazon Ish to Satmar ? Recall when Rav Shteinman was nifter , these thugs in London and Stamford Hill & in NY threw a tikkun and didn't say tachnun as celebration. ...pasted patchke ' villin calling for simcha !! Referred to him as Yemach ..... on his visit to NY.. And you're going to mention Chazon Ish in the same breath ? You're kidding..

Anonymous said...

Chazon Ish was a great gadol . However , keep in mind that outside of a number of his dedicated followers few pasken like him in other areas.
Cha Cha de Chazzente

Anonymous said...

And it is also well known that the satmar rav did NOT say tachnun on the 5th of iyar and when told of the chazon ish reason people will mistakenly think it was because of the 5th of iyer and not the bris, the satmar rav said he doesn't have that problem.

Thus satmar must still NOT say tachnun on the day of a bris

Anonymous said...

The problem with Ashkenaz poskim including th eChazon Ish us that they pasken as they are still in Galut maybe they should still keep 2 days of Yom Tov and skip Bircas Cohanim.

I believe for many of them Eurome is still Eretz Hakedusha