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Friday, May 6, 2022

Stoliner Rebbe Tells Chasidim to Bring Weapons to Shul, Including on Shabbos


The Karlin-Stoliner Rebbe has put out a call for his chasidim to bring their guns to shul – on weekdays and on Shabbos.

The Rebbe’s directive comes amid a spate of deadly terror attacks in Israel, and shortly after the terror attack in Elad in which three people were murdered by axe-wielding terrorists.


Anonymous said...

Hi. Can we get the inside scoop me the Jewish sites?
Basically I see articles that are word for word on YWN and here.
Is it one ownership, or does one take from the other without permission? Or do both of you take from somewhere else? Is there a deal that the sites have that they don't have to give credit to the original author?
Please clarify for me. Thank you!

Dusiznies said...

None of the Frum Jewish sites have reporters. None..
We take news from sources who themselves steal from other sites, we follow the example of The New York Times and CNN who either steal stuff, plagiarize from others and then twist and lie about the stories to suit their agendas.
If you should watch CNN, CBS, NBC or other news sites you will notice they also have the same exact stories and the exact same talking points, no one gives anyone any credit even though it's not their original story and they do have reporters.

The purpose of my own site is to write my opinions about various news stories that expose the hypocrisy of the frum or secular media., so I will copy and paste from another site like YWN who copied and pasted it from another site, and write or comment my opinion, and that is basically my agenda.
Since I cannot or won't comment on every story because I basically choose which story I want to comment on, I will post stories that interest me and my readers. If I stop blogging even one day I lose my followers, so it's important just to post stories even when I don't comment.I am not a news site, I am a blogger. I may post an article about a news story that happened months ago and maybe even years ago.
When I see a story from a news site which is exclusively theirs then I will give them credit.
Also, I get most of my content from people that want to remain anonymous, and these people also send the story to YWN or VIN, so that we all have the same story. YWN and VIN basically read Bchadrei Chadarim and Kikar Ha'Shabbos and then translate their stories into English.
Again, I am a blogger not a News site, no one comes to my site to read the latest news, they come to my site because of my opinions and to see which stories from the news I gleaned.
If you are looking for news go to the News Media.

Dusiznies said...

In addition I post stories that YWN and VIN would never post, For example look at my sidebar, the story about the machlokas in the Kanievski family was not reported in the Chareidie Media. The story about the fake Ukrainian Rabbi Bleich wasn't reported in the Chareidie Media. The Rabbi recently arrested for molesting wasn't reported in the Chareidie media. Satmar propaganda and their lies and their continuous infighting isn't reported in the Chareidie media. The Satmar civil War in Bnei Brak isn't reported in VIN and YWN.
The hate against Israel by Lakewood and Satmar are stories that YWN and VIN would never touch.
I also take apart the fake AMi stories and decipher it so we can see through their lies.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much.
I appreciate your response and all the information therein.