Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Little Sadigere Twirp Still in Courts to evict his mother and now fighting in Secular court to Nab Her Property in Tel Aviv. The "Tzvea" Gave it to her



Anonymous said...

Such a zeidener, gehoibener Yungerman!
Yorei Shomayim le'haflee!
Fighting with his last breath for the Mitzvah of Kibud Eym.
Would never go to the "Erko'os shel Akum", even when he stands to loose big money.
Mamash ro'uy to lead a huge Chassidus!
Each inch a descendent of the Golden dynasty.

(It's really not his fault that his mentally ill father left him this mess. He himself is still young, but shows big promise to be an even bigger Un-mench than his father)

Brisker said...

I don't understand the first comment trashing the frierdik Rebbe. I've only heard that he was a nice person. He had a friendly relationship with rosh yeshivas Brisk R' Avrohom Yehoshua who would not associate with anyone described as above.

Anonymous said...

By secular court do you mean the holy Zionist state aschalta digiula rabanit harashit court?

Anonymous said...

Huge chillul Hashem. Probably the attention on the net just whets the appetite for more horrific actions. Best thing is to ignore him totally, but most of the news is paid for, it will probably not happen until Moshiach.

Anonymous said...

As opposed to the tumei golus loving dynasties in Bklyn & Orange County duking it out in ovdei kochavim courts. You must think people are stooopid.
Bimchick d'ko"k Toot.