Wednesday, May 25, 2022

DIN's Take on the Murder of 19 Children and 2 Adults in Texas


DIN readers are usually up to date with the news and know that 19 children and two adults were killed on Tuesday and dozens more injured in a shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. The shooter was 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, a student at Uvalde High School, who was subsequently killed. The gunman also shot and killed his grandmother before embarking on the shooting spree at the school. The students who were shot dead were between second and fourth grades, and between the ages of 7 and 10.

Of course the DemonRats are blaming the guns and so are many frum Jews. I am not privy of all the gun regulations now in effect and so I don't have an opinion on this until I do some research. But I do know that a gun stopped him and if there were some more adults on campus with guns this would have never happened. 

But I believe I have my finger on the problem and I have not seen anyone talk about it. 

I am on Social Media and Social Media no matter the platform, have ads. 

Facebook has a ribbon on the bottom of the page which lets you choose various functions from a menu. There is a "home" button where you can see all the posts from those who you made "friends" with. 

Then there is a "Gaming" button that lets you play games. 

The "games" are practically all violent. In some of the games you can walk down a busy street with random people walking around and you can just walk over to anyone and punch him in the face without any warnings. These fictional characters look very realistic.

In the ad promoting this particular game, you can see the guy playing the game, which shows a guy or gal controlling the character on the screen, which goes over to a young mother pushing a carriage with a child in it, grab the child toss it into traffic and then punching the young mother to death. The creator of the game not satiated with the violence this character just perpetrated on his victim, finds an elderly guy walking with a cane and proceeds to grab the cane and repeatedly beat the old man with his cane around his head and torso until he collapses.

Now what I just described is just the ad which is supposed to entice you to enter this game, it's not the game. Who knows what violence is in the game itself?

In another ad a young man walks around with a submachine gun and kills all police he sees.

I have just described the "mild" games. This is all on Facebook . Tik Tak is far worse because they have actual people committing violent crimes on random people and then displaying this for the entire world to see.

את חטאי אני מזכיר היום When I was a child growing up, I remember watching movies in which the character got killed. But until he got killed, you got to know him, you saw that he was a family man had one or two children, and may have had parents, and when he was killed, I felt really bad for him and the family that he left behind. 

Today's movies, open up with a scene where a guy murders 10 -20 random people in the first 2 minutes of the film. Children watching this violent movie have no connections or feelings to the people murdered and therefore have absolutely no empathy for the victims.

Most of the videos and movies catering to children and teenagers are loaded with violent content and I'm including cartoons. Remember most children today, don't play outside (except in Israel) they go to an empty home and immediately go to their gaming videos etc and play these violent games. They can even play with others over the internet with people in another state or country; they don't even have to know these competitors. Some of this children are experts in these games and know how to navigate the screen perpetrating the most violence that he can muster without getting his own character hurt . The winner is the one who did the most damage. 

Since they are playing with competitors that they don't even know, they have little or no social interaction with their "live" peers. No one even knows them even in their own school environment. They are for the most part loners. They are also very dangerous. 

I really believe that this is where "the dog is buried." 

A teenager watching or playing a game where he can just walk over to random people  and either torture or kill them in a setting that looks so real and believable, will lose all sensitivity and empathy for the people around him.

He will kill his own grandmother or murder his entire family without giving it a thought.

I believe this is the problem and until others see it this way, violence will continue unabated with or without gun control laws. 

ה' ירחם


Anonymous said...

You are spot on bullseye 🎯.
That is 100% true.
The game companies are protected by lobbyist who silence and vilify anyone that attempts to regulate them.
This is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

DIN, sadly you are right again.
If more by-standers had guns, this unmench would have been stopped earlier.

Billy said...

Finally someone put the blame where it belongs.

Agudah Fresser said...

Shloime Werdiger got all uptight when I suggested the Texas killer could have been watching the Gerrorist violence for all we know.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but you are totally wrong and barking up the wrong tree. Violent movies have been around for over 60 years and violent video games 30 years all over the world and have not caused mass shootings anywhere else except the USA. For example Australia banned all guns 25 years after a mass shooting in Tasmania and not only haven't there been any mass shootings but death by shooting is almost totally restricted to gangsters who only shoot each other and don't bother the public. These sorts of mass shootings are restricted to only the USA and the reason is that you all love your guns so much there are more guns than people. And if someone gets a bit angry or mentally unwell he will easily be able to get a gun and shoot as many people as he wants. Having more good guns in circulation to kill the shooters will not help as this guy barricaded himself in one room and killed every child and adult. All the mass shootings have been done with an AK15. Please explain why any American need an automatic weapon that can shoot multiple people every second? I know you all love your 2nd Amendment, but is it more important than the lives of your kids. I wear yarmulka and have a beard and I'm absolutely certainI will not get shot to death in Australia, nor will any kids.

Anonymous said...

1000% right.

The problem is first ammendment rights.

Professor Ryesky said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:58 pm is right. Australia, Canada and Europe have just as many kids playing first person shooter games without the corresponding level of real life mayhem.
And how many years have we had racing video games but no one then gets in their car and tries it in real life.

anon1m0us said...

First off, AR-15 are not automatic. It's a common misconceptions the left makes. It is no different than a pistol but designed to look cool.

Majority of all shootings happen in Blue states that have very strict gin laws. It shows laws don't work, but better mental health awareness.

What non Americas fail to realize is that the fabric of American society and culture is their amendments. If you limit the 2nd, what stops government to limit the 1st for public safety? It is a slippery slope that should not be entertained. Keep in mind, this was a fun free zone, so he should not have been carrying any guns. He broke the law. How are we going to hold people accountable for breaking the law? In NY, we let them free! Until we get serious with upholding the existing law and enforcing what we have, there is no point to argue.

Anonymous said...

I do miss the times before violent video games when peace reigned on earth

Anonymous said...

"peace" may not have "reigned on earth" but we never heard of children being mass murderers

The Dingo ate my baby said...

Australia has a population of 25 million compared to the USA that has 350 million. Homicide rate has increased in Australia in the last two years. I will attribute that to video games as the ones perpetrating these crimes are teenagers and young adults

Anonymous said...

You can you find as many excuses your like. Even if you multiply the number of mass murders in Australia by 15 to get the same per capita numbers, zero times 15 is still zero.

Anonymous said...

To 8:58: there was never such violence in video games as in recent years.
Just because there isn’t a problem all over the world does not mean that it’s not a major contributing factor to the out of control mass murders.