Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Dayan Peretz Rottenberg Chased by Gerer Pogromists Shouting "Sheygatz ..Tinoifas" Taken right out of Satmar Handbook



Back to Góra Kalwaria said...

With such behavior, they don't deserve the holy land. Let them go back to Poland.

Moishe Gabbai Friedman said...

Imitation is the best sort chanfening!

Litvak said...

After the recent massive hillul Shabbat and hillul hashem perpetrated by Gur hasidut they must now be recognized for what they really are: a gang of common criminals with absolutely no real connection to the Torah that was given to us on Sinai.

Judging by the behavior of his disciples, the “rebbe” that leads this gang should also be recognized as the common boorish mafia boss that he is. We can also safely assume that his Torah knowledge is close to zero. He should be treated accordingly.

The organized crime department of the police should be sent to deal with them.

And above all this grotesque masquerade as “pious Torah scholars” who are practicing “Judaism Ultimate” should be exposed. They should be recognized as the gang of boorish hoodlums that they really are!