Sunday, May 22, 2022

Eida Ha'Chareidis Orders Editors of "Peshutoi Shel Mikra" to Reprint to accommodate Their Censorship


I am a big fan of this beautiful commentary of the Torah and Rashi. I find it far superior than the Artscroll Translation of  The Chumash and Rashi. Of course Peshutoi Shel Mikra is in Loshon Ha'Koidesh.

The set had an "haskama" of the Rachmestrivka Rebbe of Yerushlayim, had the haskama R' Dovid Cohen the Chevroiner Rosh Yeshiva, had the haskama of the Tolner Rebbe, the haskama R' Azriel Auerbach,and it had the haskama of the ida Ha'chardies itself.

So what happened? 

Some shmeggegie didn't like one of the commentaries, probably because it have had too much love for Eretz Yisrael and approached the Eida and asked them to rescind their haskama.

The Eida called the editor, Harav Zalman Leib Gottleib in for a meeting and told him to recall the sets. R' Zalman Leib tried to reason with them and told them that this would be an impossible task since thousands of these sets were already sold. The Eida  acquiesced and they agreed that all future editions will have the "damaging material" left out and a new more "Chareidie political correct" commentary inserted in its place. They also agreed not to reveal which commentary was the problem.

So I'm waiting with bated breath to get the new set and compare the commentaries. 
Stay tuned!


DIN gets Results said...

DrMike said...

Oh, I thought you were going to say they found a reference to something Rav Kook, ztk"l, wrote.

Anonymous said...

His mind is somewhere else.