Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Yermeyahu's Prophecy Realized With the State of Israel ..



Feivel said...

So many Jews not keeping the מצוות because of Israel's encouragement to embrace a secular "Jewish" lifestyle. I'm not a anti zionist nut but how can a frum Jew blindly support this חורבן with zeal?

Dusiznies said...

"Jews not keeping מצוות" is nothing new, all you have to do is take a visit to Monroe, Williamsburg and Boro park where thousands of Frum Youth are going off the derech. At least in the Zionist State the chances of them marrying Jewish is over 90%, in chutz le'aartz the chances of them marrying non-Jews according to the Bnai-Brith is 88%
You are maybe not an "anti-Zionist" but you are certainly falling for the lies and fabrications of the Satmar and Litvishe propaganda to keep their naive flocks in chutz le'aaretz!
"this חורבן? What Churban? There are more Jews learning Torah in this "churban" than anywhere in the world? This "churban" has the most gedoilim and tzaddikim than anywhere in the world.
Shame on you! Calling a home to more than 6 million Jews a "churban"
You ungrateful chutzpeniak!

alteryid said...

Thank you for posting this beautiful speech.