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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

While 6 Million Jewish Residents of Israel Mourn Their fallen .. Satmar Media Feature 9 and 1/2 Iranian Jews that Hate Israel


Loose translation:
After 2 years of Corona when Iranian Jews couldn't march in support of the Palestinians, they have now resumed protesting and allowed themselves to be interviewed by the local press, and severely criticised the State of Israel and it's behavior towards the Palestinians.

Jews living in Israel will be mourning tomorrow "Yom Ha'Zikoron" for those who gave their lives for their fellow brothers and sisters.

The cruel and sadistic Satmarars found a handful of Iranian Jews protesting the State of Israel, and are featuring this story on their websites!
Those Jews pictured don't look anything like Jews, and normally Satmar would be mocking them but since they are on the same page vis รก vis Israel, they put them as their cover story! 


Joe Magdeburger said...

Jews living in Iran are not free to speak in support of Israel. They are effectively hostages.If any Iranian Jew ever voiced support for Israel, they would be imprisoned and probably killed.

Anonymous said...

Even if one discounts the mental health aspect of the publishers of this rag, the so-called anti zionist "Shita" is just a money making scam to keep the Satmar "Sheeple" within their crazy fold.
This actually makes the crime even bigger.
The Satmar leaders are willing to sell their brothers to the enemy for blood money.
In the olden times they would be called "Mossrim" and would be drowned in the local mikve by devoted mispallelim.

Dusiznies said...

Joe M
My point is not about the Iranians, my point was that the Satmar animals instead of ignoring them, made a story about it

ORA min Hatorah Assur said...


What really happened here? Elliot Hirsch who married an SY woman claims that some prominent Syrian rabbanim are part of the Get Meuseh Industrial Complex. It's episs shver to figure this one out because Hirsch comes to the defense of the infamous Dibo Hafif who is a wife battering monster if there ever was. About 100 NYPD officers swarmed Dibo's house when they received recordings of his beatings.

Anonymous said...

The Satmar animals are being led by two filthy Jew hating KAPO'S, Aron and Zalmen.