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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Lufthansa the "Satmar" Airline Refuses To Allow US Chassidim To Board Connecting Flight To Hungary


I guess frummies learned absolutely nothing from the Covid virus and nothing from the Russian Invasion of Uman. To them all that was a coincidence and has nothing to do with them. It's all אשר קרך בדרך 

 Hashem wants you guys home! Yes home..you heard it here first!

R' Shayele doesn't want anyone coming to his grave on his Yurzeit , and so R' Shayele  called the Satmar Vaad and asked them to influence their favorite German airline to stop them from going forward, short of flooding the plane with mice, and asked Lufthansa  to hold them in Jewish blood soaked Germany for a while so they can stop and think that maybe the goyim don't want them in their cursed countries!

Instead of learning a mishna or a "blettel" gemarah in R' Shayele's memory in the comfort of their homes , this chevra leave their wives to take care of their brood while they celebrate with Shmaltz Herring, Ptcha and other delicacies in Hungary, a country  that brutally murdered close to a half million of their grandparents in just a few months!

Sick indeed! 

Hundreds of chassidim from the US are stuck in Frankfurt, Germany after Lufthansa Airlines refused to allow them to board their connecting flight to Hungary.

The airline claims that some of the chassidim wouldn’t listen to the flight attendants’ instructions and refused to wear masks. However, even if the claim is true, they punished the whole group of hundreds of people instead of penalizing individuals.

Additionally, the chassidim said that many of the non-Jewish passengers were not wearing masks but they were allowed to remain on the flight.

The chassidim landed in Frankfurt on Wednesday and were scheduled to board a connecting flight to Hungary in order to visit the kever of Reb Shayele in Krestiner for the yahrzeit.

The group is now stuck in the airport and it is still unclear if the chassidim will be forced to return to the US or if they still have a chance of flying to Hungary.

This is a developing story.

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Asiatisher Marmorosher Ferd said...

"Moishe Gabbai" Friedman is threatening a "collateral damage" response, to fart on Lufthansa staff if they don't back down.


Lufthansa have no idea who they are dealing with!

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

What do you expect? These are people who, on RH and YK, leave the holiest place in the world, Israel, because they want soil soaked with Jewish blood under their feet in Uman.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how the lawsuit will play out.

Learn the lesson now, rather than have it repeated said...

These Hasidishe kigel fressers think they can praveh the same shtick they do in NY elsewhere. Hymishe behymos that run to Kerestir, Uman, Meron, Lizhensk, etc., chasing after "yeshios", but are at times lacking in basic, elementary derech eretz. They need to learn that people are getting tired of their shenanigans, and not everyone will kowtow to them.

If they don't learn the lesson when it is delivered relatively mildly, like in this case, they might have it delivered more strongly in the future.

Mel Hech said...

How do you identify the ones not wearing their masks. To the goyim they all look the samme.

Anonymous said...

Istenem. 100 💯👍