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Monday, January 3, 2022

When Rav Shlomo Kluger Spoke Loshon Hara ..In Memory of Shifra Yocheved Horowitz z"l


The Short Vort
Good Morning!

Today is Friday the 27th of Teves 5782 and December 31, 2021

*yemach shemo-may his name be obliterated

In Memory of Shifra Yocheved Horowitz Zecher Tzadekes L'Brocha
Shifra was a victim of the vicious, pernicious, and malicious monster whose name I shall not utter.

Ms. Horowitz committed suicide this week as a result of the crippling abuse she suffered at the hands of cw.
Where were the throngs at her levaya?

I will no longer give this evil, demonic maniac the "honor" of upper-case letters; rather, he is lower-cased to cw.

And In Honor of The True Heroes- The BRAVE VICTIMS who came forward and as Shimshon did years before them, they showed gevura in the face of the multitudes who were against them.
Ultimately, they brought down the predator forever and prevented more boys, girls, women (and who knows who else) from being abused, humiliated, and destroyed.
We honor these victims of terror.
They are our heroes
We thank Hashem that cw can no longer continue his reign of terror against our people.
May the name of the evil rot

In this article, I will convey universally accepted Torah principles and present a true Torah approach to the disastrous debacle of cw.

Don't give the schnorrer Uriel Goldman a cent, He is collecting for the Lev Tahor Kidnappers


Throughout Charedi communities in the United States as well as on social media, warnings have been posted regarding one Uriel Goldman who is allegedly engaged in collecting funds for the Lev Tahor community, widely viewed as a cult.

“Warning: Uriel Goldman, head of Lev Tahor, is collecting funds in Brooklyn,” reads one such posting. Another reads, “Uriel Goldman is now in Brooklyn, presenting himself as someone who is collecting funds for needy families abroad. In fact, the money is used by the Lev Tahor cult in Guatemala.” Some of the ads are written in Yiddish; several allege that the money collectors raise will be used in order to “kidnap children.”

According to community activists who are engaged in trying to prevent the cult from moving to Iran, Lev Tahor’s members are endeavoring to raise money to fund lawyers, buses, hotel rooms, and additional expenditures, in order to reach that country. The activists are determined to prevent them from doing so, as it will be impossible to monitor the group’s activities if they succeed in settling in the Islamic state.

Activists, as well as those who have left Lev Tahor, say that the group also uses part of its funds for its legal battles against those seeking to extricate their loved ones from Lev Tahor. One former member told Behadrey Haredim, “The children appear malnourished and actually hungry. Their clothes are ragged and torn. Their money is used for their wars against the whole world – if they cared about their children, they would provide them with their needs. They wouldn’t wander from one place to the next; they would settle somewhere normal, like the Skver or Tosh communities have, for instance.”

Behadrey Haredim contacted Uriel Goldman, who told them, “These people just hate us and they are doing things like this all the time. I don’t take people’s money in order to fund trips to Switzerland and not to fund terrorism either. Now they want to stop us from having money to buy food too. If someone thinks that we don’t deserve to have food to eat, I’ll take him to a din Torah with the Ribbono Shel Olam [to the Heavenly Court]. We trust in G-d and He will provide for us. These people are persecuting us for no good reason.”

Goldman added that, “No one asked us if the allegations have any basis to them. They just write what they want. G-d will help us. I’m not going to get stressed out about people who have always persecuted us.”

Rav Yitzchak Berkovits on Chaim Walder: ‘Narcissist and a Sociopath'


Rav Yitchak Berkovits, one of the preeminent and most respected American poskim in Israel, conducted a Zoom video call with therapists and mental health professionals in the aftermath of the Chaim Walder matter.

He discussed multiple lessons and takeaways from this challenging episode, and clarified the position of the Gedolim in this complex matter.

Rav Berkovits essentially said that any doubts that one may have had about the allegations were erased by Walder himself.

He said, “What made things very clear was the suicide note. This was not a depressed person writing a note. This was narcissism at its best, this was manipulative, this was a person preparing to commit a violent crime, murder, and the victims…all of us, [he intended that] we should all feel guilty for his death. I think to any level headed human being who has any sensitivity to human beings and a bit of nuance–it’s obvious.”

He added, “We are dealing with a sociopath, who knows how many victims we don’t know about, who knows how many lives were destroyed.”

The Rav said that he does not know why this was not handled by the conventional Bais Din protocol. He was not critical of anyone involved, however he said that victims generally do not need to face perpetrators in Bais Din, and that many Batei Din have dealt with these issues extremely effectively.

He also said that while not every complaint is substantiated, that is usually the exception and not the rule.

In addition, the Rav said that he highly doubts the claim that “nobody wanted to touch this case”, because many cases like this have been properly handled in Bais Din and predators have been punished and prevented from acting further.

He said that “Rav Shmuel Eliyahu has a heart of gold, and when he heard from victims, that was certainly not something that he could live with.”

Rav Berkovits was adamant that males should never counsel females. He told the professionals that “the number one takeaway is that there is no heter for a male to counsel a female, whether as a therapist, counselor, or coach…seminaries where young charismatic good looking men teach women, we have had too many problems, there is something sick with that.”

The Rav said there “are plenty of competent professional women and there is no reason or justification for a woman to ever visit a man.”

He said “in theory it should all be professional, however l’maaseh it is not that way.”

Rav Berkovits is Rosh Kollel in the renowned Jerusalem Kollel. He is recognized world-wide as a prominent posek and ba’al eitzah. Through his varied roles in the kiruv world, he has become a sought after speaker and his advice on complex community matters is valued by Rabbonim and leaders across the globe.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

An Open Letter from an Abuse Survivor


Dear random anonymous person on the internet,

What if it were your daughter? Your sister? Your brother? Your best friend?

Would you still be out here screaming Lashon Hora? Innocent until proven guilty?

If you answered in the affirmative, you can stop reading now. You’re not my target audience. I’m looking for those who can actually stop defending for a second and just…..listen.

Because we really really need you to listen to us.

Rebbetzin Riki's Dvar Torah in Yiddish


In a Stunning Reversal Walder’s Own Lawyer Backtracks and Apologizes to Haaretz Reporter


In a stunning turnaround, Dovi Weinroth, Chaim Walder’s lawyer and personal confidant, appears to have backtracked from his role as an apologist of Walder’s.

In addition, Mr. Weinroth apologized to the Haaretz reporter who first broke the story, after calling him a murderer at Walder’s hesped.

On Thursday Mr. Weinroth published an emotional and candid Facebook post, in which he discussed the importance of focusing on the unspeakable pain and torture that the victims suffered. He also expressed remorse for his own words at Walder’s levaya.

He wrote, “I write post-trauma. Like everyone else, I have been going through a very difficult personal upheaval since Chaim Walder’s suicide. This story is a kind of horror film. It is never too late to hear the sound of those who were shattered.”

He also addressed his apology to the reporter, saying, “I picked up the phone and called Aharon Rabinovitch. Truthfully this was the first time, and for a simple reason. To apologize. At the end of the day I never spoke with him. [Yet] I got up at the levaya and demeaned him.”

He wrote about Mr. Rabinovitch’s gracious and forgiving response. “Dovi I’m not upset at you. You were eulogizing a friend. I can understand that. Of course I disagree with you and think you did not convey the right message. You missed the most important point, but I did not take it as an attack. Do not worry one bit.” .

Mr. Weinroth went further, saying that the extreme concern to avoid lashon hara may have led to a lack of concern about the victims.

He wrote, “I understand that the most dangerous part of this has been the lectures against lashon hara, for one simple reason: The Charedi community has not offered any alternative. To frighten people about speaking lashon hara about a matter like this only worsens the situation.

“I missed [the point], and I missed it in a huge way. At the hesped, I spoke about lashon hara, and I now realize that only exacerbates the problem, if certain other prerequisites are not first met. Likewise, everyone must ask themselves, what is their motivation for their comments or publication–to repair or to gossip?”

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Bais Yaakov Boro Park Sends Letter to Parents..."Talking about the Rapist Walder is Loshon Hara"


Let's take a break and listen to one of R' Ben-Zion Shenker's beautiful compositions



Yonassan Schvartz "Chizuk from the Parsha" Is Only Concerned About "Walder's family" not the ones he murdered and raped


 His "chizuk" didn't work on Walder, who he says he was in contact with every day before his cowardly act of suicide! Schwartz is upset that people are burning Walder's books... guess why?
Schwartz distributes Kids Speak books in Yiddish..

Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman Answers the "Loshon Hara-nikers" ,,, "Walder's Act Was a Staged act of Narcissism"


Response To Rabbi Edelstein's Fatwa that "These Matters Must Be Dealt With Confidentially"

 Rabanim had the field to themselves for 60 years, they told us NOT to go to the police, to come to them, to deal with it in secret, under the radar. The result is Yehuda Meshi Zahav, Chaim Walder, Eliezer Berland, Malka Leifer and too many others to count. all were prolific serial rapists, who were well known to Aaskanim and Rabanim.

We trusted our Rabonim and they shattered that trust, they allowed child rape to go on for years! in fact there was a vaad/ committee set up in Bnei-Barak by Rabanim where people were told to log complaints of abuse and guess whom they selected as head of this committee, none other than Chaim Walder!! Some cruel joke.

Then comes along Aaron Rabinovitch and puts an abrubt end to this Retzicha almost single handedly, he did in 2 month what all Rabonim were unable or unwilling to do for 30 years, and what do these same Rabonim say?? No no this is not the right way to do it!! come to us we will handle it in secret, under the radar…. let us handle this

This is the very definition of insanity, doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results! we have tried that for 60 years, and if we continue doing this we will unfortunately get the same results.

Sadly, going to the press is  the only option. For decades and way too often, Rabbonim have covered-up abuse and been complicit in allowing abusers to change locations. To claim that “all those” who go to the media are simply trying to cause harm is simplistic. Why is it not possible to be dan l’kaph zechus and say that many of them are trying to help by publicizing the matter in order to save the community from harm? It’s disappointing to see such a weak, ad hominem, attack being used.

The attitude of “we shouldn’t talk about such things” only works to shield the abusers and allow Rabbonim to avoid responsibility.

a) Is Rabbi Edelstein telling us it is halacha that I will have olam haba if I have an affair? Please answer yes or no
b) Is the Rov saying that a TRUSTED public CHAREIDI figure who is claimed by multiple people over many years to have violated d’oraisos that harm other chareidi yidden.should not be outed among the community ?
and most importantly,
c) Who is going to protect us in the chareidi olam from the crime, the abuse, the sham leaders and the false tzidkus that is out there if our gedolim are not going to??

Friday, December 31, 2021

NOT Speaking Loshon Hara is what destroyed the Bais Hamikdash

 From  Yudel Shain

The lessons to be learned from the fast of Tzom Gedaliah

צום  גדלי-ה

It is a fast day that commemorates a tragic time in our people’s history, one
that the Gemorah (Rosh HaShanah 18b) equates with the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash itself – a very jarring thought. And yet perhaps even more jarring, are the words of the Panim Meiros on the Yerushalmi in Horios (3:5). The Panim Meiros states as follows:  Gedaliah caused his own death.

He was, himself to blame, not only for his death but for the deaths of thousands of others.How so? 

When people erroneously forbid information from being disseminated on account of thinking that it is Lashon Horah – terrible tragedies result.  When people think that it is absolutely forbidden to pass on necessary information, people cannot take protective measures. At times this too can be quite devastating.

Gedaliah Ben Achikam was one of the Gedolei HaDor of his generation. It is a perhaps little known fact, but he was also a Navi. Indeed the Gemorah (Rosh HaShana 18b) explains that Hashem Himself (Zechariah 8:19) equates the death of this great Tzaddik with the destruction of the Bais HaMikdash!  Rarely if ever do we find such testimony as to the stature of any individual.

Hashem himself is his character witness.

Zera Shimshon Parshas Ve'era




A cry for help from a survivor


DIN: She wasn’t a master story teller. She didn’t have a son’s grave to die on. She didn’t have a gun to shoot herself.

She died as she lived: powerless and in silence.
She didn’t get a mass funeral. She didn’t get a prominent obituary in the newspaper.
Shifra Horovitz Z”L.

Dear random anonymous person on the internet,

What if it were your daughter? Your sister? Your brother? Your best friend?

Would you still be out here screaming Lashon Hora? Innocent until proven guilty?

If you answered in the affirmative, you can stop reading now. You’re not my target audience. I’m looking for those who can actually stop defending for a second and just…..listen.

Because we really really need you to listen to us.

I needed you to listen, weeks ago when this story broke. When I tried to make you understand that multiple victims, with therapist and family corroboration, should be enough for you to stop shouting me down with that completely misused term “innocent until proven guilty”.

Shifra Horovitz, the Walder victim who so tragically ended her life today, needed you to listen. Not to defend. Not to ignore.

For my own healing, I promised myself that I wouldn’t check to see what you were saying about the Walder saga. That I wouldn’t allow myself to be triggered by the social media outrage machine or the frum press’ role in this. My inner voice told me that was a sign of growth; that it was self-compassion to not engage with opinions that may be unkind to abuse survivors like myself.

But even I couldn’t completely block you out.

Partly because well-meaning friends still shared some of the more outrageous takes, but more so because no matter how many years you’ve been in therapy, and how many thousands of hours spent practicing self-love, there is still a part of you that feels soothed when it hears “we believe you”. That inner child, wounded to the core, forever looking for reassurance and validation. The victim who spent years being told (and internalizing) how bad they were, will never tire of hearing “it’s not your fault. You are a good person. You are not lying.”

That’s what was so powerful about the communal response to this story. It marks one of the first times that large institutions in our society took a stand and said “we believe the victims”.

Every bookstore owner, every Yeshiva head, every publisher who grappled with this and chose to pull those books off their shelves deserves to be applauded.

Each and every one of those decisions was a brave one, and long overdue.

But our daughters and sons deserve better. A lot better. Shifra deserved better.

We deserve better than to have one of our premier gedolim describe Walder’s crimes as “adultery”, and to accuse of murder those who raised their voices against this monster. We deserve better than having to witness the sendoff he got; from the mayor of B’nei B’rak providing a eulogy, to the large crowd at his funeral, to the chief rabbi of Israel visiting the shiva house without at least putting out a statement for his victims.

And we deserve better than to have our news media refer to Walder as A”H or Z”L (of blessed memory), or to have the story completely ignored for weeks by most of the mainstream press in our circles.

Because every time our press chooses to not report on this, a survivor understands: “an image is more important to protect than a child”
Every time you say “It’s Lashon Hora”, survivors hear “your story shouldn’t be shared”.
Every time you say “innocent until proven guilty”, we hear “you are lying”.

There has to be a better way. Because silence is what enables these horrors to happen in the first place, talking about it openly is the only way to fight it.

And what exactly does “innocent until proven guilty” even mean in this context?

Does it mean that I was lying when I told my best friend when it happened? What if I told my mother? My therapist years later? What if all their stories matched up?
Would that be enough to convince you?

Because that’s what happened in Walder’s case. With multiple victims. And the loved ones they confided in. Yet the defenders still shout this well-meaning, but misguided slogan.

How can someone be “proven guilty”? Will a guilty verdict in court convince you? Because I don’t see that making much difference to Berland’s defenders.

Because there will always be excuses. We will aways find ways to explain away unpleasant evidence against those we care about: “That newspaper is out to get frum jews. A frum person could never get a fair trial in that system. Those leftists and their anti-torah agenda”.

And therein lies the heart of the matter.

It’s this “us vs. them” component. It’s what makes us so quick to rush to defend “one of ours”, against “them”. And it’s not a bad impulse. We all do it, or at least feel it. It’s that urge to defend someone we love from criticism. That quickening of the heart we feel when someone insults something we care about.

It’s a survival mechanism. Something we as a people likely had no choice but to adopt over millennia of persecution. It’s not evil. There are no villainous leaders in our society who decree that it be this way. It is a mechanism by which Hashem has enabled us to survive through exile.

But like any other adaptive and protective behavior, it can become pathologic. And when it does, it can harm people we care about. For example, anxiety about a test can be adaptive in that it pushes you to study. But if left unchecked, it can cause you to yell at your loved ones. It can make you neglect other important things in your life.

So I ask you, if you care about us- your fellow brothers and sisters- please un-circle your wagons for us. We understand the urge for wagon circling when hearing scary and potentially destabilizing things. But that must be balanced with the need for growth and change, so that others don’t suffer the same fate.

Please stop hiding behind slogans like “innocent until proven guilty”, because that’s never how that phrase was intended to be used. That standard is intended for our legal system. It is meant to protect people from miscarriages of justice by law enforcement.

This same system also has standards such as “beyond a reasonable doubt”. Which is another good thing. It protects the rights of people to a fair trial. But it also means that the vast majority of abusers will never face justice in a court of law. Because most cases cannot be proven to that level.

Which leaves survivors with very little recourse for justice. All we have is the court of public opinion. Where we can tell our stories, and others can use their own logic to determine whether our stories hold water.

Please don’t shout us down using those empty slogans. Give us a chance to speak our truths. Maybe even publish our stories in mainstream orthodox press. Most importantly, please just listen to us with love like you would for a member of your family.

Because we are your family


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Jewish Children Were murdered, raped and abused and YeshivaWorld Ami and Mishpacha ignore the story


When it comes to writing against Israel, AMI is 'Rosh Ve'Rishon" to report it.
 Reading this week's Ami you would never know that Chaim Walder sexually abused and raped countless Jewish children, and made himself a martyr by blowing his brains out in a cemetery.
 They had pleanty of time to report the story before going to press.

The Yeshiva World Blog has proven itself to be a bunch of cowards and their sponsors should be boycotted ASAP. There was no mention of the sex fiend Walder all week.

The women writers of AMI and Mispacha should tell the publishers if this story is not reported they will walk out! 

How many victims will have to take their lives until the frum world recognizes that their are monsters among us and must be exposed for who they are? How many?

A Tale of Two Funerals

 Thousands by the funeral of the Monster Man Walder

Barely a minyan by Shifra Hoffman 

Shira Horowitz A"H Victim of the Monster Walder TAKES HER LIFE


I'll bet that this is not enough proof for those bastards that commented that Walder was innocent and that all reports were fabricated.

It's time to cut out all those "Loshon Hara" sermons now! 
Rabbi Edelstein and other rabbanim now have blood on their hands!

״מפני שנתפרסם עליו כמה פעמים שעבר בשאט נפש על איסורין הידועין לכל ישראל שהוא אסור, כנאוף וכיוצא בזה,על איש כזה מותר לקבל לשון הרע״. (חפץ חיים הלכות לשון הרע כלל ז׳ הל׳ ה׳).

The Rabbis Are Trying to Rehabilitate Chaim Walder. Here's Why They Will Fail


Walder was accused of sexual assault, but upon his death he was upgraded by some Charedi leaders to the status of a martyr. The attempt to rehabilitate him will be another self-inflicted blow to the rabbis’ authority

by Anshel Pfeffer

 There’s a long list of issues that the ultra-Orthodox media is forbidden to report on. At the top of the list is anything to do with sex. For example, when U.S. President Bill Clinton faced impeachment in the Monica Lewinsky affair, Yated Ne’eman, the daily newspaper of the Haredi “Lithuanian” stream, reported that Clinton was in danger of losing his job for lying.

Consensual or coerced, sex is a completely taboo subject. Cases of rape will never be reported. At most, in very rare cases, there will be an oblique reference to “immoral behavior.”

 Another subject on the list of unmentionable topics is suicide 



I have taken a few days to mull over the recent atrocious events leading up to the final attack of a rapist against his victims. Yes, I am talking about the dead. About a dead man. A man whose נשמה was dead way before his גוף.

Rapists have no soul. In its’ place is an abysmal emptiness that prowls to fill the void with cruel pleasure. And just like the addict who is never satisfied and keeps needing a new fix, so too, the rapist. Like CHAIM WALDER.

There are two types of rape. The one where a rapist grabs a random person and rapes her/him. Then there is the calculated rapist who knows the victim well, including all her/his vulnerabilities, grooms the victim, initiates the sexual relationship, and rapes her/him over and over. The latter is much worse, because as opposed to the random rape attack, the rapist who is well acquainted with the victim oftentimes turns her/him into a sex slave, to the extent that the victim believes in the attacker and may even develop romantic feelings for the attacker, manifested as the Stockholm Syndrome.

The clever experienced rapist will create all types of alibis and evidences (just in case…) even while the attacks are going on. This type of rapist is not just content to rape, but when bored with the victim will secure innocence by threatening the victim with the shame of exposure or legal repercussions.

Though this type of rape happens in the secular world, tragically it is very common in the Frum world. If there are any witnesses, they usually turn away and will even be defensive of the rapist. The victim has nowhere to turn. Until the day that she/he decides to stand up to her/his attacker. In most cases it will work against the victim, because the rapist will create an image of victimhood in an attempt to make the accuser appear as the predator! Sounds twisted, but those who are familiar with such cases, will agree.

Chaim Walder cleverly used his power to feed his pleasure for sexual force. And he did that for a very long time. Kol Hakovod to the holy Rabbonim who stood up for the victims and condemned the acts of Chaim Walder.

The takeaway lesson from this ugly tale is that even though we finally see that justice could have taken place, the rapist still made sure to have the last say. Chaim Walder wrote an arrogant suicide letter, calling the Rabbonim to a Bais Din in shamayim. Even in his last moments of life, the rapist left the world with the self-created image of a victim.

by Baila Sebrow