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Showing posts with label The YeshivaWorld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The YeshivaWorld. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Jewish Children Were murdered, raped and abused and YeshivaWorld Ami and Mishpacha ignore the story


When it comes to writing against Israel, AMI is 'Rosh Ve'Rishon" to report it.
 Reading this week's Ami you would never know that Chaim Walder sexually abused and raped countless Jewish children, and made himself a martyr by blowing his brains out in a cemetery.
 They had pleanty of time to report the story before going to press.

The Yeshiva World Blog has proven itself to be a bunch of cowards and their sponsors should be boycotted ASAP. There was no mention of the sex fiend Walder all week.

The women writers of AMI and Mispacha should tell the publishers if this story is not reported they will walk out! 

How many victims will have to take their lives until the frum world recognizes that their are monsters among us and must be exposed for who they are? How many?