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Monday, January 20, 2020

Balloons attached to explosive device located near Beit Shemesh

Israel Police sappers arrived Monday to safely detonate an explosive device found near the central city of Beit Shemesh.
The device, attached to a bunch of balloons, landed near the Beit Shemesh-area town of Mesilat Zion.

No one was injured.

On Sunday, explosives attached to balloons landed in the southern city of Sderot. Officials in the IDF and the defense establishment believe that Hamas, which controls Gaza, is behind the balloons' launch.

On Friday, balloons with an explosive device landed in the city of Ashdod, after flying along the coast.

 Police were called to the scene and closed the area to the public in order to allow sappers to safely detonate the device.

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The New York Times Endorses Two Radical Leftists For President! ......Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren

The New York Times endorsed not one, but two candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination on Sunday.
The paper’s editorial board gave their blessings to the crazed fake Indian candidate Elizabeth Warren, and the "no clue Amy Klobuchar in a surprise endorsement that split from tradition.
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While Ezra Friedlander & Satmar Rebbe of Monroe Advocated FOR Iran Deal ..Iran Was Building Nuclear Weapons

Netanyahu with Secret Iran Files 

Guys... I'm old enough to remember when the "Political Genius" the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, Reb Aron Teitelbaum urged the US Congress to ignore Netanyahu's warning that Iran was building nuclear missiles!  

I remember when Satmar put up their naive stupid fool, Yolie Labin  from the Kidney Donor Organization to write an Op-Ed in the Yeshivah World to fight for the murderous Mullahs in Iran! They picked him because Labin ran the Kidney Donor Organization and they figured that he was considered an "honest neutral guy" by the heimishe community  .... which he was until he was recruited by the Satmar Mullahs to defend Obama's dangerous Iran Deal.

I remember when the dangerous money grubber Ezra "the Capo" Friedlander  tried to sell Holocaust Survivors the notion that it was ok for Iran to get a  license to build nuclear weapons that would G-d forbid annihilate the entire Israel and cause a much bigger Holocaust! ....

Well guess what? 

Iranians were building a nuclear weapon way back in 2002...

Will we hear an apology????

Do I hear crickets ....?

Do not listen to these useless idiots .... they are only working to fill their own pockets on the backs of the Jewish People!!

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R' Chaim Vital's Secret Kabbalistic Remedies and Segulos for Children on Auction

andwritten leaf from ‘Sefer HaRefuos’ handwritten by the holy Kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Vital himself, detailing various natural and Kabbalistic remedies, particularly regarding children’s welfare.

Aside from Rabbi Chaim’s extraordinary Kabbalistic knowledge, Rabbi Chaim was well-versed in the field of medicine, practical Kabbalah and alchemy, and wrote a large and thorough treatise on the subject.

Rabbi Chaim Vital describes many incidents where he himself practiced these remedies and saw first-hand results.

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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Kosher Winery Spills 1,000 Gallons of Boutique Wines in "Maasar" Ceremony

The Or Haganuz boutique winery on Sunday held a festive ceremony for "maasering" their annual product – winner of countless international tasting competitions – which involved spilling about 4,000 liters (1,056 gallons) of the winery’s fine wine.
 In the time of the Bais Ha'Mikdash, this wine would have been sent to Jerusalem for the use of the Cohanim (priests), but since this cannot be done nowadays, the amount "maasered" is forbidden to use by its owner or any layman, Kikar Hashabbat reported.
The ceremony was attended by the rabbis of the Badatz—the rabbinical court of the Haredi community in Jerusalem which also supervises the kashrut of the winery. Also on hand were the regional rabbi, Rabbi Yosef Elmasheli, and the Rabbi of the Or Haganuz community, the kabalistic Rabbi Mordechai Sheinberger.
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Kiryas Joel Charity Sued for $950K in Credit Card Chargeback Scheme

Rumors have it that they will blame the nasty Zionists for this scheme! These "ober-chuchems" started a "gmach" on the "chesbon" of the "goyishe" bank, KeyBank......
But the crazy anti-Semitic goyim got wind of the scheme and weren't too happy about getting fleeced by some anti-Zionists chassidim, so the goyishe "tipshim" ...instead of going to a Bais Din in Monroe...  went to the FBI ......... and now the anti-Zionists are in big doo-doo......
I suggest they rent the gigantic MetLife building and make a protest against the anti-Semites that won't allow themselves to be robbed, after all this was for a holy purpose ... a "gmach" ....
at the protest they can scream against the "apikoras" Netanyahu, for good measure .... and maybe they could convince the naive R' Malkiel Kotler to join! 
Interesting that they couldn't find a local bank to fleece but chose a bank in Cleveland ....
KeyBank has sued a Hudson Valley religious charity and a co-founder for allegedly running a $950,000 credit card chargeback scheme.
KeyBank of Cleveland sued Mordechai Gold and BHMD BY on Chevron Inc., of Kiryas Joel, Orange County, Dec. 16 in White Plains federal court.
“KeyBank seeks to prevent the fraudulent transfer or dissipation of assets, including those assets that they have already tried to put beyond the reach of KeyBank,” the lawsuit states.
Gold responded in a court filing that the allegations are a “complete fabrication.”
The bank “has attempted to dress up its contract claim as being an elaborate fraud involving over 40 conspirators,” he stated, “yet KeyBank has proffered no evidence of fraud.”
Gold, 26, Yoel Shtosel and Joel Fekete set up BHMD BY on Chevron in 2015 to establish a place of worship, Bnai Yisroel, on Chevron Road, according to the incorporation papers, and to “support the spiritual needs of the community with providing free loans and to support the religious, intellectual, moral and social welfare among them.”
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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Dershowitz to defend Trump at impeachment to protect ‘integrity of constitution’

 US President Donald Trump’s legal team will include former Harvard University law professor Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr, the former independent counsel who led the Whitewater investigation into president Bill Clinton, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The team will also include Pam Bondi, the former Florida attorney general and a Trump ally.
Dershowitz confirmed his role in a series of tweets on Friday, saying he would “present oral arguments at the Senate trial to address the constitutional arguments against impeachment and removal.”
“While Professor Dershowitz is non-partisan when it comes to the constitution — he opposed the impeachment of President Bill Clinton and voted for Hillary Clinton — he believes the issues at stake go to the heart of our enduring Constitution,” he said in another tweet.
“He is participating in this impeachment trial to defend the integrity of the Constitution and to prevent the creation of a dangerous constitutional precedent,” he said.
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PUTTING THE FAT IN FATWA Monstrous 560 Pound ISIS fanatic dubbed ‘Jabba the Jihadi’ is arrested

Hate preacher Abu Abdul Bari had to be loaded onto a flatbed truck after he was nabbed in his Mosul bolthole by Iraqi security forces.
Cops said he was an ISIS member who issued fatwas leading to the execution of a number of scholars and clerics, as well as the bombing of a mosque.
Macer Gifford, a Brit who fought against the death cult in Syria, tweeted: “I’m delighted to say that the Islamic State’s very own Jabba the Hutt has been captured in Mosul.
“Responsible for the execution of men, women and children. This animal raped and murdered.”
Referring to the obvious problems the authorities might face carrying out the country’s death penalty, he added: “Good luck hanging him Iraq.”
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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Lady Suddenly Realizes She Took the Gas Pump with Her

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Rabbi Moshe Eluz Returns From Daf HaYoimie and Dies

Rav Moshe Eluz , 55 , served for many years as principal of  Talmud Torah Netivot Yehuda in Netivot . 
Recently he was a Rebbe for 6 and 7th grades.
After returning home from the Daf HaYoimi he suddenly grabbed his chest, collapsed and died ...

Rich Satmerer In KJ Gets Called Out For Taking His Son the Chassan At His Wedding To the Ladies Side ito Watch Women Dance For them!

The poster above flooded the Holy City of Kiryas Yoel where a "maaseh ne'vilah"(disgusting incident) took place ......

It seems that one of the wealthy baalibatim married off his son, and in middle of dancing, he had the Chutzpah to march his son over to the ladies side to watch his wife and daughters dance a special dance for the Chassan....

Well that crossed the line ... in a city where the leader is no one less than the holiest tzaddik in the entire world, the "Grand Rabbi of Satmar" Rabbinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Harav Aron Teitelbaum Shlitah, Av Bais Din d'kaak Satmar Kiryas Yoel! 

Will will attempt translate loosely most of it ..The Poster asks:

1) Where in Der Blatt (Satmar KJ Newspaper) is there an "objection" to this tragedy? ... we remember well when some "Purim Rebbe" crossed a line how Der Blatt in bold letters placed an "objection."

2) Where in Der Blatt is there an objection when the same newspaper printed an "objection" about a Satmar Asken that participated in a banquet honoring the President of the US ?

3) Where is Rav Aaron Teitelbum's "objection?"  he seems to manage to  organize protests for every little infraction that the (Zionists) do?

Nope! This didn't happen in some Litvishe town ...this happened in Kiryas Yoel.

The answer why they aren't protesting and objecting:
He is one of us ...an Ahroinie!
He has money!
He contributes to our "propaganda! 

Students of Our Rebbe (Not)
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Satmar Protestors Against Israel Get Interviewed by Yiddish Speaking Protestor

I had posted this video in the past ...but it's a slow news day so I figured you guys need a good laugh ..

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Arab Joins Auerbach Crazies in "Hafgana"

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CNN Refuses to Allow Wolf Blitzer to Interview Pence in Israel marking 75th Anniversary of Liberation of Auschwitz

In a time when violent anti-Semitism is on the rise, CNN has refused an interview with Vice President Mike Pence in Jerusalem to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz — because the network is “all impeachment, all of the time,” according to sources.
The White House offered Wolf Blitzer an exclusive interview with Pence at the World Holocaust Forum next Thursday, and the “Situation Room” host enthusiastically agreed. But CNN boss Jeff Zucker then banned Blitzer from leaving the country because of the President Trump impeachment trial in the Senate.
Blitzer’s paternal grandparents were killed in the Holocaust and his parents were survivors. He said in an emotional 2018 interview, “My grandparents were murdered at Auschwitz. My dad survived, but two of his brothers and two of his sisters were killed. They weren’t separated to go to another facility. They were separated to die.”
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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Scary: Israeli Yeshivah Boy Catch a "tremp" with Arab Who Threatens Him to Take him to GAZA ... The Driver Video'd it Himself ... Pathetic!

A Yeshivah Boy from Netivot take a 'tremp" from an Arab driver .... when he asks him where he is from .. he tells him that he is from Gaza and that he is kidnapping him  ... the boys beg to let him out .... but he refuses and asks for 1 million shekel ....
The Arab driver himself filmed the entire episode ...
he must have let him out a while later after frightening him half to death! 
The video went viral in Arab Social Media!
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תיעוד ברשת:
 נהג ערבי עצר טרמפ לנערים תלמידי ישיבה לנתיבות, וביצע מתיחה ואמר להם כי הם חטופים והוא בדרכו לעזה. הנערים מתחננים לרדת והנהג הערבי מסרב. את המתיחה צילם הנהג לרשת החברתית.

Dancing at 13th Siyum Ha'Shas From All Over the World...... Jews United As One ....Inspiring!! .........See IDF Dancing At 2:41Mark

The "Siyum Hashas" (completion of the Babylonian Talmud) for the "Daf Yomi" endeavour in which Jews across the globe to simultaneously study the same gemara (Talmud) page daily for 7.5 years was recently celebrated by hundreds of thousands all over the Jewish world.

The largest of these events was held in New York's MetLife Stadium, sponsored by "Agudat Yisrael" in America. 

Approximately 90,000 people gathered for the completion of the 13th cycle of Daf Yomi, screened to additional events around the world, where they chose to focus on the Charedi soldiers in the IDF.

New Jersey "Siyum Hashas" attendees represented a wide range of Jewish communities in the United States, Mexico, Europe, and even Israel. Working haredim, yeshivish, modern Orthodox, recently religious Jews, Sephardim, and Ashkenazim all chose to highlight the Charedi soldiers' Siyum Hashas in Israel.

The Agudah in America is a part of the Worldwide Agudat Yisrael organization, but in the US, the movement is not political, but social. 

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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Why I’m moving to Israel

When I was 6 years old and living in Israel I would take the public bus to school along with all the other independent little Israelis. 
One morning, I got a late start and the thought of walking into class last made me cringe (still does). And so, as I rode the bus that day, I made a hasty but calculated decision to “miss” my stop so that I would have a valid excuse for my tardiness. Proud of my quick thinking, I watched excitedly as the bus drove right past my school. But as you can imagine, the more stations that went by the more I began to slowly regret my decision. Before I knew it, all the passengers had disembarked and I found myself alone at the back of an empty bus as it arrived at the central station.
As per a routine check at the final stop, a female soldier scoured the seats for any “suspicious” objects that may have been left behind. Lo and behold, she came upon a (fake) sleeping little girl and called the driver over immediately. I pretended to wake up confused and disoriented and told them both I had fallen asleep (the cover had to stay consistent). 
What happened next is one of my fondest childhood memories.
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Shocking video shows moment Queens landlord is fatally shoved down flight of stairs

Video footage obtained by The Post captures the moment a Queens landlord was shoved down a flight of stairs during an argument with his tenant on Sunday — causing an injury he later died from, police sources said.
The footage shows 71-year-old Edgar Moncayo talking on his cellphone on the stoop of his property on 102nd Street in Corona at about 3 p.m.
The door of the building suddenly jerks open and a brief scuffle between Moncayo and his tenant, identified by sources as 22-year-old Alex Garces, ensues, the video shows.
Garces allegedly shoves Moncayo, who goes flying down the red-brick staircase before his head smacks the pavement at the bottom of the eight-stair flight, the video shows.
Garces and a friend then walk down the steps and pass Moncayo’s motionless body on the sidewalk. His friend pauses to check on the elderly man, and then he briefly paces back and forth and takes his hat off in worrisome manner, the video shows.
Moncayo’s grandson, Nicolas Jativa, 20, told the Post that Moncayo was pronounced dead at 12:30 p.m. Monday after being on life support with head trauma at NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst.
The tenant initially told cops the fall was an accident that happened as he tried to carry his mattress out of the building and hit the front door, causing Moncayo to fall, police sources said.
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