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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Washington Post asks "Why aren’t apes evolving into humans?" Answer? "We are apes"!

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Darwin had a theory which he called "The theory of evolution" and he first formulated that theory in a book that he wrote called "On the Origin of Species." 

The theory has two main points, one of which is that all life is connected and related to each other, and that this diversity of life is a product of "modifications of populations by natural selection," hence all the different species.

In other words, we really, according to this theory, could possibly come from a rat, because a rat also has two eyes a mouth and has two ears ears but because of "natural selection" we evolved to be human. 

I won't go into this crazy theory,..... be it as it may, Darwin wrote that since the human is very closely related to the ape, we come from apes.... further up the chain the ape could have evolved from a mosquito or a fish ...I don't remember the order.....

So because of the recent story of Harambe the guerrilla, the Washington Post featured an article in it's science section, asking the question:
If the theory of evolution is true and we are descended from apes, "then why are there still apes around?" and why in 5,000 years has no one seen an ape give birth to a human?
A question every thinking person asks.

To make a long story short, they conclude that we are "apes'.....git shabbos! 

So now that we are apes, there is no difference between Harambe and the child, and therefore, if we extend this logic, there was absolutely no justification to kill the guerrilla to save the child, since they are both apes!
They don't write it, of course, and it's not mentioned in the article, but that's what they are implying....
Read more

Watch Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak Slam a Neturei Karta Representative

Barack Obama Runs Calls Hillary Clinton a Crook and a Liar

Chillul Hashem Continues: FBI Raids Lakewood Offices and Homes! UPDATE:

FBI lkwd tls

Dozens of agents from multiple agencies were seen in Lakewood this afternoon.
The agents, some federal, were seen entering multiple homes and offices around Lakewood.
As usual, a lot of misinformation is going around social media, some suggesting certain facilities were investigated and raided, when they in fact were not.
Contrary to circulating reports, CHEMED was not raided.
“We have heard through various social media reports about a federal raid in Lakewood today,” CHEMED told TLS. “The raid was not of CHEMED nor any entity, agency or person connected to CHEMED.”
No further information is currently available.


- Law enforcement officers have raided multiple offices and other locations here Wednesday, including an office of a private special-education school.

Two officers with the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety's Division of Criminal Justice entered an office of Mark A. Seigel, executive director of the School for Children with Hidden Intelligence, carrying empty cardboard boxes shortly before 5 p.m.

A man answering Seigel's cell phone had no comment and the call was disconnected.

The office is located in a strip mall turned office complex on Route 9 North that also houses the CHEMED federal health clinic and the Ocean County Health Department's Women, Infants and Children Program. Neither appeared to be a target of the investigation.

"It has nothing to do with us," said Victoria Miragliotti, the health department's director of administration.

Miragliotti said officers arrived in the WIC office sometime before 3:45 p.m., thinking it was the Lakewood Board of Education's Office.
"It was the wrong address," she said. The school board moved out of the office next door several years ago.

School district officials were not immediately available for comment Wednesday.

The private school, known by its acronym, SCHI, (pronounced "shy") is a well-funded nonprofit organization with a large school on Oak Street.

State officers were also at the school itself. A van was parked outside and stacks of boxes were visible inside the vestibule.

Highly regarded for its program and resources, it educates more than 100 children with special needs from Lakewood, at an annual tuition rate in excess of $90,000, as well as others from nearby districts. Over the years, however, the school has come under scrutiny because the vast majority of its referrals are children from the Orthodox Jewish community.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Jewish forced laborers dug a tunnel from this holding pit near Vilnius, Lithuania, into the surrounding forest.

A team of archaeologists and mapmakers say they have uncovered a forgotten tunnel that 80 Jews dug largely by hand as they tried to escape from a Nazi extermination site in Lithuania about 70 years ago.
The Lithuanian site, Ponar, holds mass burial pits and graves where up to 100,000 people were killed and their bodies dumped or burned during the Holocaust.
Using radar and radio waves to scan beneath the ground, the researchers found the tunnel, a 100-foot passageway between five and nine feet below the surface, the team announced on Wednesday.
A previous attempt made by a different team in 2004 to find the underground structure had only located its mouth, which was subsequently left unmarked. The new finding traces the tunnel from entrance to exit and provides evidence to support survivor accounts of the harrowing effort to escape the holding pit.
“What we were able to do was not only solve one of the greatest mysteries and escape stories of the Holocaust,” said Richard Freund, an archaeologist from the University of Hartford in Connecticut and one of the team leaders. “We were also able to unravel one of the biggest problems they have with a site like this: How many burial pits are there?”
Dr. Freund and his colleagues, working with the PBS science series NOVA for a documentary that will be broadcast next year, also uncovered another burial pit containing the ashes of perhaps 7,000 people. That would be the 12th burial pit identified in Ponar; officially known today as Paneriai.
From 1941 until 1944, tens of thousands of Jews from the nearby city of Vilnius, known as the Jerusalem of Lithuania, were brought to Ponar and shot at close range. Their bodies were dumped into the pits and buried.

Israeli Bais Din Paskens in Favor of Bobov 45 ...for R' Ungar!

This Psak is 23 pages long and sides with R' Mordchai Dovid Unger, rebbe of Bobov 45! The 23 page psak is  against R' Ben-Zion Halberstam, Bobover Rebbe of 48th Street! 

So the battle continues with no end in sight, with both sides hating each others guts! 
I won't post the other 22 pages ...

Deer Crashes Through Windshield of Frum Motorist’s Vehicle On Rt. 306 in Monsey, NY

No one hurt, B'chasdei Hashem!

Esti Weinstein's Father Holds a Flower at her funeral !

Esti Weinstein requested flowers at her funeral, and her father obliged!

Many reports in the blogosphere reported falsely that her Chariedie family fought in court to have her buried in a Chareidie Cemetery against her wishes ...they also reported falsely that the Chareidie family would not sit shiva ...all those reports turned out to be false...
What actually happened was that there was a funeral that the Chilonim set up and the Chareidim actually attended that as well ...standing in the back with respect, when that was over her Chareidim family eulogized her!

The Family will sit Shiva for her!
Members of the Orthodox community attend the funeral of former Hasidic Jew Esti Weinstein at the Yarkon cemetery in Petah Tikva on June 28, 2016. (Photo by Avi Dishi/FLASH90)
Family going to Esti's funeral

Yitchok Meir Schwartz that "Went Off the Derech" Marries off his Chareidie Daughter!

Jews Vote The Capo Jerold Nadler for another term!

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Jerry "fatso" Nadler is laughing his head off, knowing full well that his stupid greedy constituents will vote him in, even when he stabs them in the back with a rusty knife!

The "crying lady" singer, Abish Brodt with his gang of 7, paid for a full page ad in the Hamodia, supporting this dangerous animal that voted to give nuclear weapons to the Iranian Mullahs! 

The Satmar Gypsy Robo call mentioned, that it is more important to support the "local" agenda (more $$$$ for Ezra Friedlander) than the survival of the Jews in the State of Israel!

When will we ever learn? 
Why didn't the Gedoilim come out with a strong memo denouncing this two-timing scoundrel? 
Instead they are busy with "pista maasis" and "naarishkeitin" ...
busy with "talking in Shul" etc.....

How low have we sunk? 

Satmar Boro Park Robo Call Urges Naive Chassidim to Vote for Nadler," Not for Zionist Agenda"

Image result for Nadler
Audio Player
The following is a transcript of the Satmar Gypsy anti-Jewish message:
A heartfelt plea to our dear brothers, Satmar Chassidim in Boro Park.
“We are all witnessing this dirty campaign led by a few irresponsible individuals against our devoted congressman, Jerry Nadler, because he didn’t accommodate 100% Bibi Netanyahu with regard to the Iran deal last summer. If, G-d forbid, Nadler loses the Boro Park votes, it will be a terrible chillul Hashem. It’ll give the impression that specifically Orthodox Jews are the most loyal to Israel and are ready to jeopardize their own interests all for the agenda of the Zionist state.
“The fact is that Satmar today has the biggest communities here in the city. We can clearly control the outcome of the election and perform a kiddush Hashem.
“Satmar Yidden will follow the posuk (Yirmiyahu 29), ‘Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.’ Peaceful, faithful Jews will vote this Tuesday for Jerry Nadler for Congress and send a message to the whole world that we are not voting for a foreign interest. We are voting for local interest.”


Crowds gather outside the airport after Tuesday night's explosions, as emergency crews rush to help the wounded

Shocked crowds of bystanders and holidaymakers mix with emergency services crews outside the terminal where the attackers struck

Forensic officers enter the terminal where three suicide bombers earlier opened fire and detonated suicide vests at Ataturk airport

Passengers comfort each other after the horror of the attack, which saw three suicide bombers blow themselves up at the terminal entrance

At least 50 people were killed and dozens of others wounded in a terrorist attack at Ataturk Airport, located just outside of Istanbul in Turkey, on Tuesday evening.

An official in Turkey said on Tuesday night that the majority of those killed in the attack were Turkish citizens, while the Foreign Ministry in Israel said there is no indication that any Israelis were injured. 

Israeli passengers who were stranded at the airport following the attackwere taken to nearby hotels until flights are renewed on Wednesday.

The Foreign Ministry has opened an emergency hotline at +972-2-5303155.

Turkish officials have confirmed that two suicide bombers detonated their explosives in the attack
Turkey's Justice Minister initially told reporters that at least 50 people were killed in the attack, but senior Israeli officials in Turkey told Arutz Sheva the death toll is at least as high as 60

The attack took place in the international departures area, according toCNN.

Gunfire also heard at the site was from Turkish security forces attempting to stop the bombers, officials added.
In the confusion, some witnesses had told Reuters they saw gunmen open fire from an airport car park.

As with previous attacks, the Turkish government has placed a media blackout on Turkish outlets reporting the attack.
Footage has emerged apparently showing terrified commuters taking cover at the airport in the aftermath of the bombings.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Funeral of Este Weinstein....Frum daughter "We will never forget that bitter day when you left the house"

צילום: יוסי זליגר

צילום: יוסי זליגר

Frum Daughter of Este Weinstein
'לא נשכח את היום המר והנמהר בו עזבת את הבית''. בתה"
החרדית של וינשטיין מספידה אותה


לאחר הטקס של קרובי המשפחה והחברים החילונים, החל הטקס החרדי. תמי נשארה לעמוד לצד אחיותיה החרדיות, והאח חנוך חיבק את אמן. מנחם אירנשטיין, אביה של המנוחה, נשא דברי הספד. "אני זוכר אותך מחנכת את בנותייך לאהבת השם ואהבת הדרך", אמר האב. "לעולם לא נשכח אותך, אסתי, כאישה משכמה ומעלה, אהובה וכשרונית, מחנכת את בנותייך לאהבת השם, את כיבוד ההורים שלך. תמיד היית יד ימיננו", הוסיף

After the funeral where only non-religious family members and friends, attended, the Chareidim part of the family had their own hespid...her only daughter that remained in communication with her remained to stay at the Chareidie Hespid....

Menachem Orenstein, the father of Este eulogize her,
"I remember you educating your daughters to love G-D and to love going in His ways"
I will never forget you, Este, the respect you had for your parents.... you were always by our side"

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Tammy Montag the daughter that communicated with Este

Hundreds  attended the Petah Tivka funeral of Esti Weinstein, a formerly ultra-Orthodox woman who was found dead in an apparent suicide over the weekend.
Weinstein, 50, was discovered at the Hakshatot Beach in the coastal city of Ashdod Sunday, bringing to an end a week of searches after she went missing. In the car with her body police discovered a short note.
“In this city I gave birth to my daughters, in this city I die because of my daughters,” Weinstein, once a member of a prominent family in Hasid Gur sect, wrote.
Eight years ago Weinstein, who had seven daughters, left the ultra-Orthodox fold, in which she had grown up and which had seen her married at 17. Only one daughter maintained contact with her
She also penned an autobiography about her experiences leaving the religious world.
“I love you so much and will always love you,” her daughter says in a eulogy. “You were everything to me, a friend and mother.”
Members of Weinstein’s family from the Hasidic sect were also at the funeral, and as expected the sorrow was tinged with tensions between the religious and secular parts of Weinstein’s life.
“It’;s hard for me to speak about you. For me, you will always be like your first 43 years, when you were pure,” her father Rabbi Menachem Orenstein said, according to Ynet.
Weinstein’s boyfriend, though, used his eulogy to criticize the religious community for cutting off contact with her.
“At the heart of every religion is a kernel of unity, and that’s the source of life. But unfortunately it’s turned into ideology. Don’t let any rabbi lead you to hatred and to alienation. The pain from being cut off by your kids is massive,” he says. “Those who leave religion choose freedom but the path is not easy.”

Those who speak bad about Israeli residents are Worse than the Meraglim: The Holy Rizhinir

Ruzhin (or Rizhin) is the name of a Hasidic dynasty founded by Rabbi Yisroel Friedman (1796–1850) in the town of RuzhynUkraine
Rabbi Yisroel Friedman was a direct descendant through the male line of Rabbi Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch (1704-1772), the main disciple of the Baal Shem Tov.
 Rabbi Friedman's father, Rabbi Sholom Shachne of Prohobisht (1769-1802), died when he was six years old. He had an older brother, Avrohom (1787–1812), who became Rebbe of their father's Hasidim upon their father's death. When Rabbi Avrohom died without issue in 1812, Rabbi Yisroel became Rebbe first in Skvyra and then in Ruzhyn, where he attracted thousands of followers.

Din LooseTranslation:
Moreinu Harav Reb Yisroel from Rizhin commented to someone who spoke badly about those who live in Eretz Yisroel and do not follow the Torah.

He yelled at him and said: 
"Speaking bad about anyone who lives in Israel is a great sin and a worse sin then the sin of the meraglim. 

The meraglim at least praised Eretz Yisroel as the Torah quotes them as saying ' and it is a land of milk and honey'. 
The sin was that they badmouthed the gentiles that lived in Eretz Yisroel who were  idol worshippers, as the Torah writes:
 "But ... the people that dwell in the Land are arrogant" 
and look at how harshly the meraglim were punished .... 

How much harsher is the punishment to those who badmouth   Jewish children that live in the Holy Land" 

Nadler: The Man Who Voted With The Ayatollahs

Nadler by gay bar landmark smiling like a "chulent bundel"

Unannounced State Fire Inspections Vindicate Monsey Yeshivos and Make Mr Day a Liar!

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Ed Day 
By Yochonon Donn
New York state inspectors who randomly selected eight East Ramapo yeshivos for fire safety scrutiny said Monday they did not find any hazards in the buildings, contradicting the county executive’s assertions of death traps and gross fire violations.
The state inspectors met last week with yeshivah administrators within the Rockland County school district. The yeshivos offered to counter County Executive Ed Day’s allegations by inviting the state education department to dispatch their inspectors to any yeshivah.
State inspectors, without informing Day’s administration, randomly chose eight yeshivos, visiting four of them on Thursday and another four on Monday. They suggested several changes but said that nothing they’ve seen constituted a hazardous condition.
“He told me, ‘I spent two days here,” one of the inspectors said on leaving a yeshivah, in a conversation paraphrased for Hamodia by a yeshivah official. “He said, ‘I haven’t found a death trap. And the things he was saying about body bags are crazy.’”

Monday, June 27, 2016

Nadler Smacks Holocaust Survivors & "Askanim" want you to vote for him!

The two-timing capo traitor, Jerry "fatso" Nadler, voted to hand nuclear weapons to the Iranian murderers, and the Frum Heimishe Tuches Lekkers take out a full page ad in the Hamodia, targeting   Holocaust Survivors in the capo's district  asking them to vote for the back-stabbing representative, tomorrow!

I'm asking you, haven't we learned from our not so distant bloody history, that pandering to mamzeirim like Nadler, that threw the Jewish people under the bus, will only encourage  him to keep following the deadly democratic regime, with absolutely no repercussions?
Shouldn't we send a message to this fat slob,that cut the heads off the last remaining holocaust survivors, that we will not tolerate representatives, that don't represent us ... 

Now that we had a chance to see the damage that this brainless fool did by voting for this phony Iran deal, a deal that the White House spokesman himself said was a "bad deal" it's time to vote him out....let him eat his gefilta fish and lotkis as a citizen and not as a representative to the remnants of survivors!

Abish Brodt, the  irrelevant "singing Star," signs his name to this atrocity!

Other signers:
Abraham Biderman, R" Pesach Lerner, Moshe Duvid Niederman, R' Beresh Freilich, R' yitzchok Fleischer, R' Naftali Tessler, Yossi Reider