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Monday, June 27, 2016

Satmar gets a little of their own "medicine"

Satmar keeps screaming at the Zionists  "Hisgaarus Be'Umois," claiming that the Zionists by their very existence antagonize the gentile nations ....but the same rule apparently doesn't apply to them, because they keep antagonizing the gentile neighbors in Monroe by annexing land!

But there  are a small group of Satmar residents who practice what they preach, and are siding with the neighbors against annexation!

Satmar well represented in the Gay Pride Parade

The Satmar "HE/SHE" marched in the Gay Pride Parade representing all the Satmar Mosdos.

Both Satmar Rebbes constantly endorse pro-gay candidates, so to make sure that the minhag of endorsing pro-gay candidates continues, they sent the HE/SHE to the parade!

Estee Weinstein: "In this city I gave birth to my daughters, and in this city I died, because of my daughters"

אסתי וינשטיין לצד הרכב בו נמצאה - "בעיר זו ילדתי את בנותיי, בעיר זו מתי בגללן"

"בעיר זו ילדתי את בנותיי, בעיר זו מתי בגללן"

המכתב המצמרר שהותירה אחריה אסתי וינשטיין, מלמד על הכאב הרב שלה מניתוק הקשר עם משפחתה: "בעיר זו ילדתי את בנותיי, בעיר זו מתי בגלל בנותיי"

 נכתב במכתב שנמצא לצידה (חדשות)

Estee Weinstein who was estranged from her 6 daughters left a suicide note near her body, explaining her decision to end her life, and explaining why she chose the city Ashdod to carry out her intention.

 Estee left the Gerrer Chassidis and had divorced her husband. 
Only one solitary daughter decided to stay with her, all others breaking their relationship with her!

She was distraught because of this estrangement and decided to end her life.
When she was found missing last week, her estranged children begged her in open letters to "please come home" and that they forgave her, but it was too late .... the body found was apparently deceased for many days!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Boston Rebbe of Beit Shemesh, zt”l

The Bostoner Rebbe, zt"l, at a family simchah. (JDN)
The Boston Rebbe of Beit Shemesh, zt”l, who had traveled to America for a family simchah was niftar on Thursday night.
Last Shabbos, the Rebbe suddenly suffered a heart attack and went into cardiac arrest. He was hospitalized at Jersey Shore Medical University Center, where he began recuperating. Late Thursday, his condition took a turn for the worse and he was niftar in the hospital.
The Rebbe was in America for the wedding of his granddaughter, daughter of his son, Harav Yisrael Yonah Horowitz, Rav of the Bostoner community in Boro Park, who married a grandson of the Rachmistrivka Rebbe, shlita,and the Skverer Rebbe, shlita. The wedding was held Wednesday in Shikun Skver.
The Rebbe, Harav Chaim Avraham Horowitz,zt”l, was the son of Harav Moshe Horowitz, zt”l, Bostoner Rebbe of New York, son of Harav Pinchas Dovid Horowitz, zt”l, the founder of the Bostoner dynasty.
He was named after his maternal grandfather, Harav Chaim Avraham of Ziditchov, zt”l. As a bachur, the Rebbe learned in Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, under the tutelage of Hagaon Harav Aharon Kotler, zt”l.
Following the petirah of his father, in 5745/1985, the Rebbe was appointed his successor. He continued to lead his father’s kehillah in New York. In 5755/1995, he moved to Eretz Yisrael, settling in Ramat Beit Shemesh, where he founded abeis medrash.
The Rebbe was known for his greatness in all facets of the Torah and many frequented his court for his brachos and sage advice.


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Rep. Jerrold Nadler undermined global security by supporting President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, shouldn't be reelected

For almost a quarter century, Democrat Jerrold Nadler has represented New York City in Congress — and rarely did he cast a more consequential vote than in the term now coming to an end.
In August 2015, Nadler undermined global security, regional stability in the Middle East and the security of Israel by supporting President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. Nadler’s aye was critical because his credentials as both a staunch defender of Israel and Jewish powerfully delivered the message that the pact merited approval.
With Sen. Chuck Schumer and every other Jewish member of the New York delegation turning thumbs down, the President met with Nadler in the White House for the first time in Obama’s then-six years in office as part of a concerted drive to bind Democratic loyalties.
Asserting that the President’s plea for party unity played no role in his decision, Nadler has said he believed the deal’s pluses outweighed its minuses. Whatever his motivations, when the stakes were extraordinarily high, he exercised profoundly bad judgment.
On Tuesday, for the first time in two decades, Nadler faces a challenger in a Democratic reelection primary. DIN urges voters cast their ballots against Nadler in rebuke for helping lead the world in a disastrous direction.
Obama reached the deal as the radical Islamist regime verged on having the capability to produce and deliver a nuclear weapon. In exchange for the end of crippling economic sanctions, the mullahs agreed to dismantle facilities and shed atomic fuel — while remaining on the threshold of weapons capacity, an existential threat to Israel, when terms of the pact expire in 10 to 15 years.
Now, Secretary of State John Jerry is pressuring reluctant U.S. companies to restart business with Iran as a way to satisfy Iranian demands for greater economic benefits. And the international anti-terror-funding watchdog, including American membership, has suspended money-laundering measures against Iran for a year, despite well grounded fear that the country's banks finance terror.
Having won the backing of many in his party, including Nadler, Obama is steadily and insistently strengthening an apocalyptic regime that is bent on regional hegemony and the destruction of Israel — and that backs its muscle with the ability to produce and deliver the atomic bomb within a year if it so chooses.
Nadler represents the 10th District, stretching from the Upper West Side of Manhattan all the way to Borough Park, Brooklyn. He is challenged by first-time candidate Oliver Rosenberg, a 30-year-old, graduate of Yeshiva University and former investment banker.
Every vote for Rosenberg will make a principled statement against an entrenched incumbent who regrettably lost touch with both his constituents and the national interest.

Ari Nagel is the father of an "entire baseball team"

 Ari Nagel a  graduate of  Yeshiva of Spring Valley and Wolmark's Shaarei Torah has 22 kids all goyim from 18 different women!

Nagel with client Kanisha Butler and Aarore, the daughter he helped conceive.

Nagel with satisfied customer Shaniece Cromer of The Bronx and her 11-month-old daughter, Taraji

Tiffany Harrison of New Jersey holds her daughter Zoe — sired by Nagel — joined by wife Yvonne.

On a busy night last week at the Target on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, Ari Nagel, 40, emerged from the men’s bathroom looking a little flushed and quite pleased with himself.
“It’s better when it’s fresh,” he told them.
“It” is Nagel’s semen, and it’s in demand. The 6-foot-2 CUNY Kingsborough math professor has served as a sperm donor for dozens of locals, siring 22 kids over the past 12 years with 18 women of various backgrounds.
For lesbian couples and single ladies looking to have a baby without the expense of going through a sperm bank (which can run in the thousands of dollars), he’s the No. 1 dad.
“This isn’t time-consuming, and I’m doing it anyway,” he says of his hands-on hobby. “It’s very easy for me to do.”
His oldest child, now 12, was conceived with a woman he was in a committed relationship with, but all of his offspring since, he says, have resulted from his donations.
About half the time, he provides his seed the old-fashioned way. Sometimes, a lesbian looking to conceive will have her partner in the bed for moral support while she and Nagel engage in intercourse.
“She’s never slept with a guy before, so the partner’s in bed, holding her hand,” Nagel explains. “Sometimes, it could be a little painful, then after a few times, they’re comfortable to do it on their own.”
Other times, he supplies his goods in a cup, which he prefers.
“I’m not doing it for easy action,” Nagel says. “Isn’t that what Tinder is for?”
He often uses public bathrooms, like those at Target and at Starbucks shops, to procure his samples and hand them off to ovulating women.
“You don’t want to do it in one where people are knocking,” he notes.
He will also offer his services in his home near Downtown Brooklyn, but mama wannabes are often more comfortable meeting in public.

Why Jews since the time of the Meraglim" resist going to Israel?

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What was the driving force that made the Jewish people resist their entry into the Holy Land?
By Rabbi Berel Wein

To a great extent the Jewish people have always had an easier time dealing with the study and observance of Torah than with the primacy of the Land of Israel in Jewish life and thought. For various reasons, throughout our history we have always had difficulty dealing with the reality of being an independent, self-governing national entity living within the borders of the country that the Lord assigned to us.

Even before ever entering the Land of Israel, as we read in this week's Torah portion, the Jewish people shied away completely from entering that land and establishing their home there. They preferred living in a trackless desert to having to face the realities of nation building and a problem-laden challenging existence.

Centuries after Jacob and Joseph attempted to remind their descendants that Egypt was not their homeland and that their eventual future lay in their return to the Land of Israel, the Jewish people were still reluctant to revamp the core ideas and values of their tradition and of their ancestors. All later generations of Torah scholars and biblical commentators have attempted to understand what the driving force was that made the Jewish people so resist their entry into the Holy Land.

Though there are many incisive and psychologically penetrating thoughts advanced on this subject, after all is said and done, the question remains a perplexing and disturbing one. 

Why is it that the generation that saw so many miracles – in fact lived a miraculous existence on a daily basis and pledged themselves and their descendants to live a unique and moral lifestyle, should somehow have balked at entering the Land of Israel. Like most questions that begin with the word “why” there are no easy or convincing answers to this difficult issue.

There is a concept in Jewish thought advanced in the Talmud of “seek out and analyze and study the matter and receive reward for so doing” even if there is no practical answer or solution to the issue involved. 

The Talmud itself raises this comment regarding the number of cases that appear in the Torah that are so complex and technical as to render them impractical of any rational solution or mode of behavior.

This opinion really teaches us that we should be able to recognize the possibility of such situations occurring even though we cannot attribute cause or practical solutions to the issues involved. Apparently it is sufficient for us to recognize that such a possibility exists and may still exist and not be dis-heartened or forlorn over that fact.

The mere recognition that somehow these events occur is sufficient enough for us to learn a lesson and continue to persevere in a positive fashion. 

There are unfortunately many Jews within the Jewish world today who still do not recognize the Land of Israel as being a central tenet of our faith and our existence. 

It is almost irrational, certainly inexplicable, why after all of the events of the past two centuries of Jewish life this should be so.

And, no matter what causes we will search for, the perplexing question as to why this is so remains. 

So, all we can do is recognize that this has been a constant problem in Jewish society since the days of Moshe and that basically all we can do is acknowledge the situation while continuing to persevere in building and populating the Land of Israel.

Esti Weinstein Found Dead in Her Car

הנעדרת - נעדרת: חרדית לשעבר, בת 50, אם לשבעה
Zaka released a message on Sunday afternoon 20 Sivan that the search for Mrs. Esti Weinstein has come to a tragic end. She disappeared last week, last seen in northern Israel.

Zaka reports thousands of people were involved in the search for the mother of seven. She was found on Sunday afternoon in a locked vehicle on the Ashdod coast.

 It was determined that she was dead for a number of days.

Mrs. Weinstein became estranged from her chassidish family eight years ago when she decided to leave her life of observance of Torah and mitzvos with the exception of one daughter, Tami, who stood with her during the past years.

Rechnitz the "askan" demanded kosher meals after mile-high hooker romp

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Gabi Greco
The Orthodox Jewish businessman who allegedly ordered up a wild, sex-fueled plane ride to Las Vegas as a bribe for NYPD favors demanded rabbi-certified food for the return trip, The Post has learned.
Real-estate investor Jona Rechnitz — who shelled out $59,000 for the round-trip travel — requested kosher deli sandwiches and a fruit platter for the group’s flight to Teterboro, NJ.
But airline manifests show the same six passengers got “standard stock” meals for the outbound flight, where call girl Gabi Grecko said she had group sex with the men, including now-disgraced Deputy Inspector James Grant.
The Post revealed the details of the cross-country trip on Friday after speaking exclusively with Grecko, who is identified in court papers as “Prostitute-1.”
Grecko has said Rechnitz’s pal, Jeremy Reichberg, directed the kinky action on the plane.
“He’d call me a dirty slut while smacking my a- -,” she recalled.

The beginning of the end for the EU

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Is the fact that Britain voted to leave the EU, good for the Jews??????
The 27 counties that make up the EU became a rabid anti-Israel mouthpiece, and as any student of history knows;  countries that messed with Israel, became extinct...
Other countries are now contemplating leaving, and I hope that this will create a domino effect!

51.9% of Great Britain voted to skip out of the European Union. That's a bigger number than Americans who voted for Obama. And Obama went over there in April and lectured them not to do this. 

It's been a bad couple of days for Barack Hussein O. 
The Supreme Court shafts him on immigration. 
The British vote to leave the European Union. 
What's next?

Ben Ish Chai Speeches were found in Saddam Hussein's Intelligence Offices

Two volumes of the Ben Ish Chai‘s hitherto undiscovered droshos were printed for the first time this week in two beautiful volumes titled Birkas Horeiach
The manuscript was discovered by American troops among 2,700 seforim and tens of thousands of Jewish documents in a flooded basement of Iraq’s intelligence headquarters after Saddam Hussein’s downfall in 2003.
The Ben Ish Chai manuscript was taken to the United States where the partially damaged manuscript was restored and transcribed.
The Ben Ish Chai we have today is a collection of droshos Rav Yosef Chaim said during only two years of his half century incumbency in Baghdad. The new one evidently includes droshos that he said during earlier or later years, which were never heard of until now.
The Iraqi manuscripts also included a manuscript version of the Ben Ish Chai for parshiyos Ki Sisa and Pekudei which varied from our printed version at one point.

Etty Sims a Viznitz Girl becomes a Doctor

Growing up in the Viznitz community in Montreal, Etty Sims had little exposure to life outside of her close-knit Hassidic sect.
In this world, the highest career aspiration for girls was to teach preschool. So even when she became captivated by the fast-paced rhythm of hospitals and the life-saving work of medical clinicians as a teenager, Sims simply didn’t allow herself to dream of becoming a doctor.
“Where I grew up, anything outside that community wasn’t even a discussion,” explained Sims, 29, who graduated from Cooper Medical School of Rowan University last month as part of the Camden-based school’s 43-member inaugural class. “I can’t even say college was discouraged. It just wasn’t a possibility.”
With a few months in between medical school and the start of what is sure to be a hectic yearlong internship at Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School in Newark, Sims had time to reflect on how the impossible became achievable.
There was never a point when she broke off with her community. In fact, the mother of two— with another on the way in August—stresses that she grew up in a loving, supportive home and environment. And even as she no longer considers herself Hassidic, she is a religious Jew.
“I don’t like to put myself in a box,” observed Sims, who will continue after her internship in general anesthesiology at Jefferson University. “I’m Jewish in my own way.”
Sims grew up on stories of medical emergencies from her parents, both volunteers with Hatzalah, the emergency medical service organization that operates in Hassidic communities worldwide.
Soon after, a pivotal volunteer job came her way. An exhausted Israeli couple, staying in Montreal after the birth of their medically frail child, sought her out as a volunteer to stay with their infant overnight in the hospital. Sims jumped at the chance, and then worked out arrangements to stay with the baby overnight on a weekly basis.
By this point, Sims had started contemplating a career outside of the preschool realm. Still, becoming a doctor was unthinkable; after all, there was no such thing as a Hassidic woman doctor. She did know, however, of a woman physical therapist. So after graduating at age 16 with an associate’s degree in early childhood education, she took a job at an early intervention center, working to reinforce children’s therapies.
While her parents were supportive of her desire to study physical therapy, they stressed that she would need to marry before attending a co-ed college. That opportunity came when she met her future husband Jacob, a yeshiva student from Brooklyn.
Settling in Lakewood, NJ, the young couple found full-time jobs while researching her college options. But in the time between planning and enrolling at Ocean County College, Sims became pregnant with her daughter Lanna, delaying her start date until the January semester. Lanna was born in November and school started in January.
“I thought I’d be the dumbest person there,” she said. “I attended a Hassidic girls school and all these other people were coming from public and private schools.”
But not only were her grades stellar and the classes stimulating, her professors were beyond helpful.
Once she was in the groove of balancing school, work and motherhood, it was her father who pushed her to apply to medical school. She found Cooper through research, excited both by the idea of staying in New Jersey and the school’s mission to help an underserved community.
Still, the young woman who had never even heard of the MCAT was not confident that any medical school would take a chance on her. As it turned out, Cooper was open to outside-the-box candidates.
Cindi Hasit, a retired Rowan administrator, said Sims did not have any special needs beyond the bare minimal religious adjustments.
“She just seems to be extremely resilient and didn’t ask for a lot,” recalled Hasit. “The first freshman test, for example, was scheduled three days after Rosh Hashanah. So she couldn’t study Monday or Tuesday that week but the test was on Friday. She didn’t ask for anything special and managed to somehow study, pass that test, and she just kept going from there.”
Graduation last month was an emotional ceremony, with her parents, several siblings and their families coming down from Montreal to witness the event. Among her proudest accomplishments, she said, was being able to serve as a role model for her younger sister Basia, 14, and hopefully for other religious girls.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Fruchthandler & Yeshiva Chaim Berlin foregoes Bais Din and hands Huberfeld over to the SEC

This letter, obtained by the Observer, was sent by a lawyer representing the Fruchthandler real estate family and a prominent yeshiva. It seeks the return of more than $600,000 that Platinum Partners withheld when the clients withdrew their investment.
The Torah does not differentiate between a person that steals $1.00 and a person that manages to steal $600,000.00, a thief is a thief!

But that same Torah commands us not to go to secular court. The third Rashi in Parshas Mispatim clearly equates going to secular court with worshiping idols!

The fact that the Satmar Rebbe brothers are in secular court, is not a surprise, because the minhag in Satmar is only to observe minhagim, the Torah is not in the equation.
The surprise is , that Yeshiva Chaim Berlin went to secular court, and that is a big chiddush!

But both the Litvaks and the Chassidim will prohibit anyone going to secular court when one of theirs, sexually abuses or outright rapes innocent children!
Why is it "mesira" when a dangerous rapist attacks girls or boys, but not "mesira" when its dealing with $$$$$$$$$$?

Israeli Police Searching for Sexual Abuse Victims of Yehuda Silber

Israeli never reveal the names of accused abusers until after trial, but the Court has made an exception in this case because of 47 year-old Yehuda Silber of Yerushalyimis a depraved sexual pervert!
He worked as a therapist for older sick people!

Police ask any victims of this fiend to call the police ASAP!
 משטרת ישראל קוראת בשנית לכל מי שנפגע/ה ממעשיו של החשוד להגיע ולהתלונן בתחנת משטרת מרחב דן (רח׳ ז׳בוטינסקי 122 ר״ג) או להתקשר למוקד 100 של המשטרה בכל רחבי הארץ.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Reb Heshy Jacob is Niftar

Heshy Jacob at a Met Council event in 2013.
Reb Heshy Jacob, z”l, president of Chevra Hatzolah, askan, and celebrated baal chessed, was niftar Thursday morning. He was in his early 70s.
The niftar was one of the leading lay leaders of the Jewish community of the Lower East Side of Manhattan. 

Jacob, 71, was a neighborhood power player with a hand in much of the communal and business life of in Lower East Side.
As Jacob explained his own influence in a 2013 interview with the Forward: “If you’re the person that [if] somebody has a problem he goes to [you] day and night [and] you take the time and effort to help them, then they think you’re in charge.”

Jacob was building manager of two of the four red-brick co-op developments on Grand Street that remain a center of Lower East Side Jewish life, and was chairman of the United Jewish Council of the Lower East Side, a community group. He was also a leader in both the citywide and neighborhood Hatzolah Jewish ambulance services.
“For many decades, he really was the face of the Lower East Side,” said Jacob Goldman, president of LoHo realty, a local real estate business. “It’s a change of an era right now.
He was privileged to have a close relationship with many Gedolei Yisrael, and had an especially strong bond to the Rebbes of Kopyczynitz — Harav Avraham Yehoshua Heschel, zy”a, and his son, Harav Moshe Mordechai Heschel, zy”a — considering himself an ardent chassid of both.
He is survived by, ybl”c, his wife, children, and grandchildren.
The levayah is scheduled to take place Thursday, at 1:30 p.m. at the Bialystoker Shul on the Lower East Side.

The Difference between a Spy and a Tourist

The above Dvar Torah appeared in the Maariv, it was written by Harav Gloiberman who  is the  Torah contributor to the newspaper!

In Chutz Le'aretz the parsha read in all shuls is Parshas Be'Haloischa, but in the State of Israel, the parsha this week is Shlach, the parsha that describes the tragedy of the "meraglim," the spies!

Translation by DIN:

R' Gloiberman writes that in  Parshas Shlach, the Torah talks about the 12 spies that Moshe sent to "tour" Eretz Yisroel and to inspect if the land is good or bad. 
The meraglim spent 40 days touring the length and width of the entire land and brought back a bad and gloomy report.

Let's imagine, business people, sending a messenger  on their behalf to visit a new country,to see if it pays to establish an industrial plant in that country. The messenger decides that there is absolutely no chance that this plant would succeed. 

Can it be  possible that the business people would punish the messenger because he brought back a derogatory report?
Doesn't this go against logic?

This question can be asked about the meraglim as well. Didn't the meraglim complete their mission? And if they did, why the horrible punishment? 

The answer, writes Harav Gloiberman, was that the meraglim weren't just satisfied with a description of what was happening and what they observed in the land, they added their very own conclusions  that  frightened the Jewish people,and brought them to despair!

The meraglim veered off Moshe's understanding of the mission. Moshe sent them to "tour" L'sur and not to spy, Merageil!

There is a major difference between a spy and a tourist
A spy is required to operate in a way that is cunning and must operate with deception, to be able to expose weaknesses of the enemy.

The tourist, on the other hand, just observes and is impressed and admires the land without any chicanery or having to be cunning!

Eretz Yisroel was and is currently a promise from G-D, a land of milk and honey, but the meraglim didn't operate from a point of trust in Hashem, only Calev and Yehoshua proclaimed "Oleh Naaleh" "we will go up and we will conquer and subdue  and breach the walls of the enemy."
They knew that Hashem's promise will be come true in its fullest way, and therefore they were not impressed with the enemy's strength.

It is incumbent on all of us to do, whatever we do, with trust and hope in Hashem and to  believe that the good G-D will keep his promise to the Jewish people, as He has done throughout our history
If our Chazal said to the wise that it is a good thing to keep quiet, how much more does it apply to fools?.

There are Rabbonim with big beards, some of whom,  were moiser nefesh to keep those beards in "Bergen Belsen" concentration camp, but refused to be moser nefesh for Klall Yisroel to make Aliyah! 
They even discouraged Jews Pre WW2 who had visas in their hands to Palestine begging them,instead, to stay in Europe, dooming them to their horrible deaths!  
They even described those Gedoilim who advocated Aliyah as ...."Apikorsim and Meenim
They twisted the words of Chazal that say in Tractate Kesubois that "anyone living in Chutz L'aaretz is as if he has no G-d," Chas Ve'sholom..

Like the meraglim, Big Beards living in the comforts of Chutz L'aaretz, discourage Jews from making Aliyah,frightening them, proclaiming instead, as did the leader of a fanatical sect in Orange County .... the words of the meraglim:
"  Amalek dwells in the area of the south, the Hittite, the Jebusite, and the Amorite dwell on the mountain; and the Canannite dwells by the sea and on the bank of the Jordan"

Let us all listen to the genuine Gedoilim, who like the Ari Hakodosh, The Bais Yosef, the Ohr Hachyim Hakodosh, the Ramban etc ...  sacrificed to  live in the land that Hashem promised  us .... a land of milk and honey ..a country with such beauty...
 let us correct the great sin of the Meraglim that brought despair and gloom to the Jewish people....
Do not listen to those Gedoilim that encourage you to stay in Chutz L'aaretz, remember the meraglim were also "gedoilim!"

Chareidim Wearing Burkas

This is now a common sight in Yerushalyim ..... I think that only the ugly ones are covering up,

Family Pleads for Missing Estranged Mom Estee Weinstein to Return Home

הנעדרת - נעדרת: חרדית לשעבר, בת 50, אם לשבעה

Police are continuing the search for the missing mother of seven who disappeared in northern Israel on Monday, 14 Sivan. The 50-year-old former chareidi woman left her frum lifestyle about eight years ago and with the exception of one daughter, she has been cut off from the family, which is affiliated with the Gerrer Chassidus. - 

Esti Weinstein, a resident of Yishuv Azur, was last seen in the north on Monday. She left a letter signaling her despondent state of mind and that she was contemplating suicide.

Relatives of Esti are pained and concerned, and have turned to the media with the following message.

 “The family is willing to renew ties and change everything”.

One daughter, Tami, who remained in touch with her, was in contact until the disappearance. 

She spoke with Rafi Reshelf of Channel 10 News on Wednesday 16 Sivan, seeking to send a plea to her mom to return home.

Tami reports that among the letters left behind by her mom was a will, adding she left the religious lifestyle when her mother did, remaining at her side,after all ties with the others were cut off.

Tami adds, her mother was driving a black Hyundai license number 51-562-37. Anyone with information should call the police ‘100’ emergency number

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Stern: We Need Secular Subjects Too


Crazy stuff! A Rav, a Talmud Chachum, repeats what the Rambam paskens Le'halacha, that if you don't teach your child a trade, he will become a thief, ... gets  flack from Chareidim! They claim that he is speaking against Daas Torah! 
Sick world out there! 

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Aryeh Stern Shlita speaks out regarding what he feels is the need to educate children with limud Torah in addition to secular subjects to permit them an existence. 

He feels the State of Israel cannot exist as chareidim believe, learning Torah exclusively, and while this is of paramount importance, one must learn secular subjects to earn a livelihood.

He feels it is most unfortunate that this is still “neglected” in the chareidi world, adding there is no reason for this. 

He uses himself as an example, seeking to explain that as one who is learning, the study of secular subjects does not detract from limud Torah, but the two work well together side by side at some point, adding “One needn’t give up on something but encourage this”.

Pre War Europe Video