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Showing posts with label estee weinstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label estee weinstein. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Family Pleads for Missing Estranged Mom Estee Weinstein to Return Home

הנעדרת - נעדרת: חרדית לשעבר, בת 50, אם לשבעה

Police are continuing the search for the missing mother of seven who disappeared in northern Israel on Monday, 14 Sivan. The 50-year-old former chareidi woman left her frum lifestyle about eight years ago and with the exception of one daughter, she has been cut off from the family, which is affiliated with the Gerrer Chassidus. - 

Esti Weinstein, a resident of Yishuv Azur, was last seen in the north on Monday. She left a letter signaling her despondent state of mind and that she was contemplating suicide.

Relatives of Esti are pained and concerned, and have turned to the media with the following message.

 “The family is willing to renew ties and change everything”.

One daughter, Tami, who remained in touch with her, was in contact until the disappearance. 

She spoke with Rafi Reshelf of Channel 10 News on Wednesday 16 Sivan, seeking to send a plea to her mom to return home.

Tami reports that among the letters left behind by her mom was a will, adding she left the religious lifestyle when her mother did, remaining at her side,after all ties with the others were cut off.

Tami adds, her mother was driving a black Hyundai license number 51-562-37. Anyone with information should call the police ‘100’ emergency number