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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Israel kills the 2 cowards that murdered the 3 yeshiva boys

soldiers surrounded the building of Hamas suspects in Hebron, Sep 23, 2014.

The two wanted Palestinians who have been suspected of kidnapping and murdering three Jewish teenagers in Gush Etzion earlier this summer, were shot and killed by the IDF in an exchange of fire on Tuesday morning.
Before dawn on Tuesday, soldiers surrounded the building in Hebron where Marwan Kawasme and Amer Abu Aysha, the two main suspects in the kidnapping and murder, were holed up.
Both terrorist suspects had been hiding out in a carpentry shop in Hebron when security forces, led by the Counter-Terrorism Unit, reached them overnight between Monday and Tuesday. Security sources said the suspects were armed with automatic weapons, and fired on security forces upon sight, who returned fire. The suspects were killed in the exchange of fire.

Brig.-Gen. Tamir Yadai, commander of the Judea and Samara Division, said, “We have been pursuing Marwan and Amar since June 20. This has been a long and complex operation involving the Shin Bet, the IDF, and the Counter-Terrorism Unit. Yesterday evening we located their hiding spot, and since 1 am we surrounded it.”
Security forces received intelligence information about the hideout over the past week, he added.
The IDF surrounded the home, where the two were hiding in a pit located in the basement. “At a certain stage, they came out and opened fire,” Yadai said. “One was killed on the spot, and one into a pit and I assume he was killed,” Yadai added. The body of one terrorist has been identified.
One of the suspects was armed with an M-16 and the second came out shooting with a Kalashnikov.
The Counter-Terrorism Unti threw grenades into the area where the second suspect fell, and the army is searching for the body

Palestinians inspect the scene where Israeli troops shot dead two Palestinians, Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha, in the West Bank city of Hebron September 23, 2014. REUTERS/Ammar AwadPalestinians inspect the scene where Israeli troops shot dead two Palestinians, Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha, in the West Bank city of Hebron September 23, 2014. REUTERS/Ammar Awad
“They did not hide in this location for the entire time. We believe they were there over the past week,” Yadai said. The carpentry shop is located south of the Al-Danadi hospital in Hebron, and i near a Kawasme family-owned complex.
A number of arrests occurred in addition to the raid, targeting members of a terrorist infrastructure who assisted the kidnappers and murderers, Yadai added.
IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz spoke with OC Central Command, Maj.-Gen. Nitzan Alon, and congratulated him on the successful operation on Tuesday.
Palestinians try to put out a fire at the scene where Israeli troops shot dead two Palestinians, Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha, in the West Bank city of Hebron September 23, 2014. REUTERS/Ammar AwadPalestinians try to put out a fire at the scene where Israeli troops shot dead two Palestinians, Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha, in the West Bank city of Hebron September 23, 2014. REUTERS/Ammar Awad
“On the eve of the New Year, Operation Brother’s Keeper, which began on June 13, and lasted throughout this time with determination, ended.”
The IDF promised the families of the victims that they would reach the kidnappers, and kept the promise, Gantz said. “There is no comfort for the families in their heavy mourning and pain, but I hope they have a little relief in the knowledge that we got to the murderers of their sons,” Gantz added.

Kidnapping and Murder
Yeshiva students Gil-Ad Shaer,16, Eyal Yifrah, 19, and Naftali Fraenkel, 16, were kidnapped by terrorists late at night on June 12 from a hitchhiking post in Gush Etzion. They were found dead over two weeks later on June 30.
Palestinians gather at the scene where Israeli troops shot dead two Palestinians, Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha, in the West Bank city of Hebron September 23, 2014. REUTERS/Ammar AwadPalestinians gather at the scene where Israeli troops shot dead two Palestinians, Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha, in the West Bank city of Hebron September 23, 2014. REUTERS/Ammar Awad
In June both Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha were identified as suspects by the Shin Bet added, which added that both were wanted as soon as security forces learned of the kidnapping.
Marwan Kawasme, 29, a Hamas member and son of a family of Hamas members, had been arrested multiple times in the past for terrorist activities, including most recently in 2010, after being identified as a member of a Hamas terror cell which carried out an attack near Bet Hagai in 2010, in which four Israelis were murdered.
Amar Abu Aisha, 32, a Hebron-based Hamas member and son of a family of Hamas member, was in Israeli custody from 2005 to 2006 on suspicion of being involved in terrorism.
Israeli soldiers and border policemen take position during clashes with Palestinians in the West Bank city of Hebron September 23, 2014. REUTERS/Ammar AwadIsraeli soldiers and border policemen take position during clashes with Palestinians in the West Bank city of Hebron September 23, 2014. REUTERS/Ammar Awad
In August the homes of suspects, Amar Abu Aysh was demolished by combat engineers supported by Border Patrol officers. Security forces also sealed off a home belonging to suspect Marwan Kawasme.
Additionally, security forces arrested overnight Basher Kawasme and Ta’ar Kawasme, who are the sons of Arafat Kawasme, himself under arrest since July 14 on suspicion of assisting the murderers to hide after killing the three Israeli teens.
“In recent days, a number of Hamas operatives suspected of abetting the suspects have been arrested and taken to Shin Bet questioning,” the intelligence agency said. Two months ago, the Shin Bet arrested Hassam Kawasme, a Hamas operative who confessed to acting as the cell commander and securing the funding for the kidnap and murder from Hamas members in the Gaza Strip.

Hershi Pfeiffer stabbed in neck by his employee

30 year old Hirshi Pfeiffer an Orthodox man from Bayswater Queens was stabbed in the neck this afternoon in Brooklyn Heights in what police are calling a dispute over money.
The victim, Hershi Pfeiffer, an NYPD clergy liaison, was sitting in traffic in his white Dodge Ram pickup truck on Montague Street when the attacker, a male in his twenties, came up to the driver’s side window and stabbed him in the neck.  According to reports the stabber was employed by Pfeiffer.
Eyewitness Avi Navon told The Brooklyn Eagle  that the attacker was 5’10 with black hair and that he argued with Pfeiffer before the stabbing occurred.
The attacker fled the scene, plowing through the lunchtime crowd, knocking one bystander to the ground. Navon called on those nearby to catch the attacker.
Gowanus resident Joseph Washington managed to tackle the attacker as ran towards Court Street.
“I see him running up the block right here on Montague Street,” said Washington.  “I chased him in front of the bank. I put his hands behind his back and…I took the knife out of his pocket and put it in my back pocket.”
Navon told The Brooklyn Eagle that the attacker confessed to the stabbing, saying he had been working for two weeks for Pfeiffer and hadn’t been paid.
Police could not confirm how many times the victim had been stabbed.
The suspect was apprehended by the NYPD in front of 181 Montague Street and remains in police custody.  The knife used in the attack was recovered by the NYPD.
Pfeiffer was transported to Lutheran Medical Center where he underwent surgery.  
The public is asked to daven for Yaakov Tzvi ben Chana.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Watch your kids in Monsey, Abraham Widenbaum is on the loose

A 25-year-old man is accused of attempted sexual abuse after he allegedly used candy to lure a 6-year-old boy into a room inside a synagogue, Ramapo police said Monday.
Abraham Widenbaum, a resident of a group home for the developmentally disabled on Hillside Terrace, faces felony charges of first-degree attempted sexual abuse and luring a child, as well as a misdemeanor count of endangering the welfare of a child, police said.
The boy was standing in his front yard at 6:28 p.m. Wednesday when Widenbaum is accused of offering him a box of candy to come with him, Sgt. Brian Corbett said.
Widenbaum walked the boy to a synagogue on Harriet Lane, Corbett said, and took the child into a vacant room.
Police didn't detail what happened, if anything, inside the room, but Corbett said Widenbaum asked the child to bring a friend back to the synagogue. The boy left the shul and told his father about what happened, Corbett said.
Police located Widenbaum walking along East Willow Tree Road at 5:50 p.m. Friday.
Widenbaum was arraigned in Wesley Hills Justice Court on Friday and remanded to the Rockland County jail in in New City on $75,000 bail. He is due back in court Tuesday.
The group home is run by Yedi Chesed, which provides services to people with developmental disabilities. It is an affilate of Bikur Cholim of Rockland, which provides health-related services. A message was left for Yedi Chesed officials seeking comment.

Israel sticks it to the Europeans: Exports to Russia will continue, regardless of sanctions

Finally, Israel is standing up for herself telling the Euro-pishers to go shove their boycotts, where the sun don't shine!
European Union sanctions levied against Russia for its mini invasion of Ukraine won’t stop Israel from exporting produce to Russia, Israel’s Minister of Agriculture Yair Shamir reportedly told Russian media earlier this month, Ha'aretz reported.
It won’t matter if Israel is pressured by the EU to stop exports to Russia, Shamir added.
Shamir – the son of Israel’s former right-wing Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir – said Israel was taking this position because of the EU’s boycott of produce produced by West Bank Jewish settlements.
Russia stopped importing EU produce in response to EU financial sanctions levied at Russia over the Ukraine invasion, and Shamir told Russian media that Israel was interested in filling that void.
“First of all I don’t feel [pressure] and I don’t see it. Take into account that lately the Europeans have been putting some boycotts on our products. So [is that] how it goes? They put a boycott on us and we will not help somebody else? They can’t. They can’t on the one hand stop [Israeli] sales to Europe, and on the other [ask us to] stop sales to Russia. That doesn’t work together. They have to decide,” Shamir reportedly said.
Shamir also called the EU sanctions against Russia an opportunity for Israel, and reportedly said Israel is ready to triple its agricultural exports to Russia.
Israel now exports $325 million in produce each year to Russia and would like to raise that to $1 billion annually.
“If [the EU would] come to us and say, ‘Well, we will not do any boycott [of settlement products], then maybe we can negotiate. But I don’t think the Israeli government will go for that. Even if the sanctions [on Russia] are reduced, I believe our products will continue to flow into Russia. It will be easier to deal with us, it will be cheaper and more stable, and with no political price tag for what you do and what you don’t,” Shamir said.
Shamir’s was interviewed by RIA Novosti, but his remarks were also published in English on the Russian government’s own news agency’s website. They were seen by senior EU officials in Brussels, who reportedly raised the issue with Israeli diplomats.
Israeli envoys in Brussels discussed Shamir’s remarks and the irritation they caused with senior Foreign Ministry officials Jerusalem. In turn, they met with senior Ministry of Agriculture officials and “told them that because of the sensitivity of the Ukraine issue and the ongoing talks with the EU about boycotting settlement products, it would be best to avoid such comments in the future,” Ha’aretz reported.
Shamir’s office issued a statement that essentially said Shamir would ignore anything the Foreign Ministry said about the situation and would continue to push produce sales to Russia despite its attempted rape of the Ukraine.
“The minister did not express an opinion, nor does he intend to intervene in the dispute between Russia and the European Union. The minister works to expand agricultural exports to Russia, just as he does in other markets to realize Israel’s economic potential. And he will continue to do so on a commercial basis, not on a diplomatic basis,” the statement reportedly said.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A First - Over 6 Million Jews in Israel

As 5774 comes to a close, the Interior Ministry released population statistics showing the nation grew by almost 200,000 during the year. 90,646 boys were born as compared to 85,584 girls. The most popular names are Yosef, Daniel, Tamar and Noah. 75,848 Israelis got married and 23,419 were divorced. 

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated “For the first time in the nation’s history, there are over six million Jews living in Israel”.

On the eve of 5775, Israel is approaching 9 million citizens. The numbers released on Sunday 26 Elul by the Ministry of the Interior show there are 8,904,373 Israeli citizens today as opposed to 8,730,562 at the close of 5773.

176,230 babies were born in 5774 including 90,646 boys and 85,584 girls. The name Tamar moved from third place in 5773 to first place this year. According to the Interior Ministry, the name Shirah moved from second to third place. Noah has dropped from first to second place. The name Talya fell from fourth to fifth place and the name Yael moved from fifth place in 5773 to sixth place in 5774.Yosef moved to first place for boys’ names after being ranked fourth place in 5773. Daniel remains steady in second place for a second consecutive name as is Uri, which remains in third place for a second consecutive year. Itai, which ranked first place in 5773 has moved to fifth place in 5774.

The growth in the population is due to aliyah, with officials registering 24,801 new immigrants arrived in 5774. At the opening of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday 26 Elul, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu cited that for the first time in the State of Israel’s history there are over 6 million Israeli citizens.

Top Jewish Obama Official Who Pressured Israel Got $15 Mlln Payoff From HAMAS

Jewish Traitor Indyk 
Martin Indyk was Obama’s and John Kerry’s top diplomat in charge of forcing Israel to “make peace” with HAMAS and the Palestinians and shove all kinds of concessions down Israel’s throat that would be the death (G-D Forbid) of the Jewish State. But, for once, Binyamin Netanyahu, stood tough against him, and Indyk resigned to return to liberal think tank, Brookings, where he is a top official. 
 In exchange for his service to HAMAS against Israel,Indyk was given $14.8 million from Qatar, HAMAS’ top financier (and also ISIS’ top hostage ransom payer). 
The New York Times reported this (without, of course, noting Qatar’s role in HAMAS financing), and few noticed.
For those of you not familiar with Indyk, he is one of the many self-hating, anti-Israel Jews to come out of AIPAC–the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, otherwise fraudulently known as “the pro-Israel lobby.” 
Indyk has company in several fellow former AIPAC employees Wolf Blitzer (now at CNN) and M.J. Rosenberg (another friend of Obama and, until recently, a part of Media Matters) who once pretended to be supporters of Israel but are now cheerleaders for its Muslim enemies. He came to the U.S. as an immigrant from Australia. AIPAC helped him get the visa, and now this self-loathing Jew has U.S. citizenship. Indyk was born in England (thus, the extremely awful teeth).
Indyk was one of the founders of the pro-Israel, AIPAC-allied Washington Institute for Near East Policy. But, then, he joined the Clinton Administration  and has been anti-Israel ever since, constantly trying to shove bad agreements and concessions down Israel’s throat and at times succeeding (see the Oslo Accords, which he pushed and to which Oslo negotiator Caroline Glick acquiesced– but then saw the light . In exchange for pimping Israel on these disastrous concessions, Bill Clinton twice made this hideous creep the U.S. Dumbassador to Israel. And, then, Barack Obama appointed him to a special envoy position in charge of pimping Israel again. But, like I said, Netanyahu told him where to go, and he resigned in frustration, going to Brookings and getting the nearly $15 mill from his HAMAS funding partner buddies in Qatar.
Whenever you see an anti-Israel diplomat in ANY administration–Democrat OR Republican, follow the money and see the ultimate payoffs
Martin Indyk is among the biggest whores for Islam and Islamic terrorism’s patrons. And their johns get their money’s worth. They always do.
Despite all this, the left-wing morons who've appointed themselves to the leadership of Jewish communities across America continue to invite and pay this whore tens of thousands of dollars to hear his pretensions on Israel and the Middle East.
They’d save money if they just watched Qatar’s other financial project, Al-Jazeera. The same opinions are spouted there as emanate from Indyk’s ugly mouth.

Toddler, Tova Fraidel Danziger dies from injuries sustained in car accident

Tova Fraidel Danzinger of Chestnut Ridge, died on Shabbos morning from injuries sustained in a terrible accident on Friday, when a vehicle struck her on Becketts Court.
Levaya details were not available.

Friday's post
 A toddler was  critically injured after being struck by a vehicle, Friday afternoon.
A spokesperson for the Ramapo Police Department said that they received reports of a pedestrian struck on Becketts Court, in the Village of Chestnut Ridge around 1:30PM. Upon arrival, responding officers were advised that Hatzolah EMS was in the process of transporting the struck pedestrian to Westchester Medical Hospital. Upon further investigation it was determined that a 2002 Toyota Sienna, driven by a 19 year old female from the Monsey area, backed into a 1 and a half year-old female who was in the roadway.
The child was transported in cardiac arrest and was stabilized upon arrival to the hospital.
The full extent of the child’s injuries is unknown at this time.
Ramapo Accident Investigation responded to the scene and is currently investigating the incident.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Satmar Rebbe's Grandchild serves in the IDF and is a Tzeeoinie !

The Satmar Zionist Chaim Meisels 2nd from left
Chaim Meisels is the grandchild of the Beirach Moshe, and now serves proudly in the IDF!
Now when the Satmar Rebbes' curse the Zionists, they are including their own blood! 
"Kofrim" "Apikorsim" etc.... 
Anybody that doesn't agree with their irelevant shita is a "kofer"! How sick and demented is this... but the Creator has different plans and has a great sense of humor, gave them a grand child that is a sworn Zionist! 
מי כמוך בעל גבורות ומי דומה לך 
" Me Chamoicha Baal Gevurois, U'mee doimeh Lach!״

As Israeli Media Reported the story:

משפחתו מאמינה כי הקמתה של מדינת ישראל הוא אסון והשלטון הציוני הוא אויב. בצעירותו למד במוסדות של סאטמר ובגיל 18, עזב את החסידות, יצא לעבוד והחליט לממש את חלום חייו - להתגייס לצה"ל. הכירו את חיים מייזליש, הנין של האדמו"ר מסאטמר, שרוצה לשרת בצנחנים

:זמן שהחרדים מקצינים עמדותיהם נגד גיוס לצה"ל, נין האדמו"ר מסאטמר התגייס:חיים מייזליש, בן 20, הגיע לפני שלושה חודשים מארה"ב לישראל ולנגד עיניו עמדה מטרה ברורה: להתגייס לצה"ל. אחרי שסיים את מסלול הטירונות, הוא אומר שהחלום שלו הוא להשתלב בצנחנים, מספר על העזיבה את החסידות הקיצונית, על היחסים עם המשפחה ועל החלטה לתרום למדינה.
מייזליש, נינו של רבי משה טייטלבוים, האדמו"ר השני בשושלת החסידות, המכונה "הברך משה". בצעירותו למד במוסדות של החסידות וספג את עקרונותיה האנטי ציוניים. בגיל 18 עזב את החסידות, יצא לעבוד והחל לחשוב בצורה רצינית יותר על חלום הילדות שלו שלעולם לא תיאר שיוכל לממש.
"תמיד רצה לי המחשבה בראש שאני רוצה להתגייס לצבא", הוא מספר לוואלה! יהדות, "מעולם לא חשבתי שזה יקרה ואף פעם לא היה לי את האומץ לדבר על כך עם אף אדם. כשלמדתי בישיבה, הסתכלתי על החברים שלי ועל החסידות בצורה שהיא מתנהלת, ידעתי שזו לא הדרך שבה אני רוצה להמשיך לחיות. לא הרגשתי טוב עם עצמי וידעתי שזה לא בשבילי".
הוריו של מייזליש, בניגוד למשפחות בקהילות חרדיות קיצוניות, כמו זו בסאטמר, ממשיכים לשמור עמו על קשר. "הם לא נתנו לי את ברכת הדרך והם גם לא מכבדים את ההחלטה שלי, אבל הם עדיין נמצאים איתי בקשר. הרגשתי שזה משהו שמאד רציתי לעשות. מבחינתי המדינה קיימת, היא טובה וצריך לתרום לה חזרה".
ההחלטה להתגייס לא התקבלה ביום אחד, הוא אומר, "זו הייתה החלטה קשה וחשבתי עליה רבות". בחסידות היו מי שניסו לשכנע אותו להימנע מגיוס, "אמרתי להם שזה מה שאני רוצה וששום דבר לא יעזור. הייתה לי עבודה מסודרת בארצות הברית אבל הבנתי שבשביל החיים שלי, זה הדבר הכי טוב שיכול להיות".
ביום שלישי האחרון סיים מייזליש את הטירונות, ובחודשיים הקרובים הוא ישתתף בקורס עברית. "החלום שלי הוא להשתלב בצנחנים. החיילים שם עם הרבה מאד מוטיבציה וזו היחידה שבה אני יכול לתרום רבות למדינה".
חסידות סאטמר היא מבין החסידויות הגדולות בעולם. היא נחשבת לקיצונית מאד ואינה מקובלת על רוב הרחוב החרדי. מרכזה בארצות הברית והיא מזוהה קודם כל עם הרעיון האנטי-ציוני. אלפי חסידיה מאמינים כי הקמתה של מדינת ישראל הוא אסון והשלטון הציוני הוא אויב.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Former Satmar Girl asked if she wants to be the 10th at a Minyan

The author (left) and her son at the Museum of Natural History in New York // Courtesy of Frieda Vizel
by Frieda Vizel (former Satmar Monroe "Vaabel)

On Saturday, I was walking on Amsterdam Avenue in New York City, crossing over to the other side with my son Seth when a man with white stubble and a New Jersey accent stopped me and asked: “Do you want to be a tenth to minyan?”
I was shocked. I looked at him and asked: “Me?”
“Yes, why not?”
I was caught so off guard; I wore nothing that gave me away as Jewish. Just black leggings and a red shirt; boots. An ordinary outfit. I felt so integrated into the New York City weekend scene. But my eight-year-old son, who often chooses to be more religious than me, had his yarmulka on, so he gave me away.
I never thought anyone would ever ask me to be a part of a quorum for prayers. According to Jewish tradition, the presence of God descends to where there are ten men. Only in egalitarian synagogues women are also counted. I’ve watched men look for a tenth for minyan many times, because I grew up Hasidic and the men needed a minyan three times a day. When my grandfather was old and frail we held prayers in our house and finding ten men older than 13 who could make it was often a problem. We called the extended social network; cousins and neighbors and far away relatives who would make the effort for the sake of the grandfather; but I would never be called. I often helped get the men by running after younger brothers and knocking on neighbor’s doors to ask if someone could come be a tenth. After I got married at eighteen, I could help by sending my husband to be part of prayers when there was a need for minyan, but that was the only extent to which I could participate. Then I left the Hasidic community and began to explore small, tentative ways I can express my Jewish identity and be part of the Jewish community.
I stood there on this rainy Saturday and looked at the kindly Jewish man in astonishment. A part of me wanted to remind him that I was a woman and couldn’t be part of the minyan even if I wanted to, and a part of me was so deeply touched that this man valued me for religious services as much as he would a man.

"Worried Jew" writes letter to Matzav Blog

For those in the know: the "matzav" blog is really the English Yated. Since the Yated wants to be the Chareidi voice, it cannot possibly have a website, the Rabbis banned the internet, so to get around the ban, they  pawned the website off to their children, so that it appears as a separate entity! 
This is the way Chareidim operate, and it's no wonder no one trusts them anymore.
But here is a letter to the Matzav editor and my answer!
Dear Editor,
I have some questions for the readers of Matzav.
How have we allowed much of Yiddishkeit to be hijacked by those who have decided to rebrand everything so that it is “fun”? 
It is these people who are promoters of running away to the Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah, when a person’s place on the Yom Hadin should be his shul or yeshiva. They run to a Carelbach-concert-kumzitz type of Selichos, because a “regular,” normal Selichos in their local shul is not “fun.”
Good, old-fashioned, genuine Yiddishkeit is cast aside for the new, more “hip” type of Yiddishkeit, where the Yomim Noraim are a chance to escape to Europe and Havdalah has to be a 45-minute guitar-fest. Conventional Torah learning and davening, and normal Yiddishe dress and family life are replaced by feel-good versions of “anything goes.”
Where is the outcry? Or is there no outcry because most Jews have just gone off the deep end and people like me are now far and few between?
I’d rather hear from Matzav readers that people are just apathetic than hear that most people have been baptized and “farchapt” by the insanity, leaving me and some other yechidim to practiceYiddishkeit in purity, without all the fake fluff and the feel-good Judaic culture that seems to surround us wherever I look.
A Worried Jew
Dear Worried Jew.
I am "really "worried" about you and YOUR  "hashkafa".  Personally, I am not for going to Uman for any reason. I will not support the Ukrainians, the murderers of my grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and brothers. May Putin destroy them all.
Since the founding of Chassidism  in the late 1700's, Chassidim left their families and went to their perspective Rebbes' to be with them thru Succos,  nothing new here. The Litvishe Rosh Yeshivos also required their students to remain in Yeshiva, as you point out yourself, nothing new here either. 
The reason being,, that Chassidim felt spiritually enhanced being surrounded by their fellow Chassidim and their Rebbe, and the Litvacks wanted to be near their Roshei Yeshivos to grow in Yiddishkeit and spirituality. Everyone in their own way! 
This surge of Ruchniyois that they experienced during these special weeks, remained and kept them going for the entire year. 
During the times of the Bais Hamikdash, men went to be Oilie Regel, and left their families behind, and that's where all this comes from. 
So, Mr. Worrier, what's wrong if a guy feels spirituality at a "Carlebach Selichos Kumzitz?"
It doesn't fit into your narrow-minded lilliputian brain? For you a guy who wants to get close to Hashem by attending a "Carlebach Selichos" is "farchapt" and "babtized?" 
Did you know, that the Leviyim in the Bais Hamikdash played their instruments while chanting the Yoim? Even on Shabbos!
What do you mean by saying "Good, old-fashioned, genuine Yiddishkeit ?"
What does that mean? Does that mean, shukling and rolling your eyes back into your head?
What's wrong with a "Havdalah that is a 45-minute guitar-fest." Who cares? What matters is that they are connecting to their Creator.
Thank G-D, that we have all these ways to connect. Some go to hear a Chazzon, some seek out a "good baal tefilah" some go to a Rebbe, and some, yes, go to a Carlebach Selichos. What's wrong with that? Because it doesn't fit into your mold?  Only a hat with a 4 1/2" Brim, and fancy eyeglasses with pleated pants, is your derech? Or Bushy, thick brisker payis half over the ear and the other half flying in the wind? 
And if a guy wears a blue shirt, he is an outcast?
What's wrong with "feel-good Jewish culture?"
 Depressed is better? What's wrong with "fun?"
There are many ways to connect to Hashem...

Judaism has evolved.
 In the times of the Rambam, they were turbans .... this Shtreimel, and the hats the Yeshiva guys wear is a new phenomenon,. The Chofetz Chaim wore a cap....
You Shoiteh!
You are the one who hijacked our religion !

Satmars in Monroe Vote for a Shiksa instead of Chassidic guy for Assembly seat

Aron Weider
Elisa Tutini
Nu Nu, pass the bubbilich! 
Satmar decided that a  shiksa will be better for them than the Chassidiser Guy, so they voted as a block for Tutini. I think Weider didn't hold from the shita, and the shiksa is probably against the "medinah" so it's a perfect fit  ... just speculating!

Rockland County legislator Aron Wieder lost the Democratic primary for the 98th Assembly District seat said election officials Wednesday.

Wieder trailed Elisa Tutini of Monroe by 107 votes in last week’s primary, reports LoHud (http://lohud.us/1tizkK9 ).
Outstanding votes were counted for Orange and Rockland counties, showing Wieder lost by 61 votes.
The seat for the 98th Assembly District has been open since Annie Rabbitt became Orange County clerk in January of this year.
Tutini will go up against Deerpark Town Supervisor Karl Brabenec in November.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Avraham Gefner arrested for molesting in Nyack..

Hey guys remember when I broke the story July 31? Well they finally arrested the guy who wants to grope for free!

46-year-old Avraham Gefner allegedly grabbed the thigh and buttocks of a waitress at a South Broadway restaurant, the Journal News reported.
The woman reported the alleged assault to her manager, but Gefner left before police arrived.
Police used normal investigative methods and a search of social media to find Gefner, who was arrested Friday by Orangetown police.
Gefner was reportedly released without bail.
He is scheduled to appear in Nyack Village Court on September 23 right after Selichos!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Meisels Israeli Seminaries give a new meaning to Loshon Harah!

Dear loyal readers, 

I was really hoping that before the Yomim Noraim, I wouldn't have to write or report bad tidings. I'ts a time of reflection and a time of Teshuvah, and I really wanted to take a break. Well, the "Samach Mem" won't let me rest. 
Yesterday in response to an article that I posted on July 23, 2014, titled, "R' Kahane's letter to Chedvas Seminary telling them to "shut up" about Meisels,  I got an email, that made me blow my stack. 
But first  let me briefly update you on what's happening. 
The truth is that the story is now so complicated, that I lost track myself of the present situation. Suffice it to say, that some innocent teenage girls flew 5,665 miles  to Israel to Seminary, to reinforce their spirituality, and lo and behold, Mr. Meisels, owner of three Seminaries took advantage of them, sexually. 
Then R. Kahane, a mechanech at Chedvas Seminary, a Meisels Seminary,trying hard to contain the damage, sent an email to the girls that they are in effect prohibited to speak "loshon hara" and cannot disclose to anyone that Meisels is an admitted sexual predator. Better to let him roam around and contaminate innocent souls than tell the world that there is a sexual predator on the loose. 
If you want to read the story in detail read Frumfollies '
Now read the email and then my thoughts:

Anonymous said...
If people actually knew what the Chafetz Chaim said, they would know that Rabbi Kahane was NOT wrong when he wrote in this private email to a few Chedvas alumni that “…And even l’toeles the halacha is that it’s assur to believe it.”

If you have ever learned Hilchos Lashon Hara, you know that they are vast and complicated. The Chafetz Chaim makes a clear differentiation between acting on lashon hara to protect oneself (and no further) and believing and accepting it wholeheartedly to be true. The latter is what Rabbi Kahane was referring to in his letter.

If you want to twist this to claim that Rabbi Kahane was telling girls not to report abuse to authorities (although his letter was written after the whole Meisels scandal had gone public) that is your choice. But please do not do so on a public forum.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Satmarism vs Zionism Part 4 "Miracles"

Recently, Satmar published a booklet,  שמעו דבר ה׳  a transcript of Reb Yoel Teitelbaum's Shalosh Seudois Torelech given  during and immediately after the 6 day war, in 1967. The booklet is accompanied with an MP3 which is an actual  recording of the Rebbe speaking on Shabbos at Shaloish Seudois.
Notice the arrogant title of the booklet: "Listen to the Words of Hashem," as if the Satmar Shitah is the words of Hashem!

Click on links to read :
**Part 1 Titled "Chabad Shabsai Tzvi" 
was posted on Sept 7

**Part 2 Titled "Zionists Started the 6 Day War " 
was posted on Sept 8

**Part 3 Titled "Israeli Flag Avoda Zara "

was posted on Sept 11

Part 4 "Miracles"

In this transcript, on page 11 of the booklet, the Rebbe denies that there were any miracles during the 6 day war, he says, that all the "miracles" were performed by Satan (Samach Mem)! 
He cannot fathom that Hashem would perform any miracles for the Zionists, since the Zionists are the "avoda zara themselves" and they are "rashaim" and there is no way that Hashem would perform miracles for rashaim and the avoda zara ... he says throughout these  Shalosh Seudois "Toralech", that if anybody holds  that "Hashem performed miracles for the Zionists" then that person is an "apikoras".
The Rebbe throughout his life called anyone that did not agree with his "shitah" an "Apikoras" and a "Meen" 
It was his way, or the highway, he could not have a normal debate,

Before we translate the Rebbe's "holy words" that all "miracles" were done by Satan himself, take a couple of minutes and watch the video!

Page 23 of the booklet:
In this talk, the Rebbe contradicts himself. First he says that these "miracles" were all performed by  the Satan, and then in the same sentence he says that the Satan didn't perform any "miracles".
If your confused, don't worry, you're in alot of company. Through out this booklet the Rebbe talks about the Miracles performed by the Samach Mem, the Satan. Below is just a sample!

"Let's talk, and let's give a little understanding of what happened here [the miracles of the 6 day war],
I already predicted this 10 years ago, in 1957, and this prediction was printed Shevuois, that they (the religious Zionists) will point out that these were miracles! Like the Gemarrah says in Avoda Zara 55, "that whoever wishes to get tamei, gets help from above." 
Therefore the Satan performs miracles for them! 
There is special "chassodim" that there are no miracles yet, what we see now, is all "shetusim and havalim" nothing!
Anyone that knows a little, does not wonder why there are no miracles yet. Looks like as if  the Satan when he doesn't need to .... doesn't perform any miracles, This generation's spirituality is so low that he [the satan] doesn't need to perform any miracles, he only needs to do something that people will be able to lie and say that they were miracles, this alone is enough to make them blind. 
For just nothing, the Satan doesn't perform any miracles, if not there would have been big miracles already. I was counting on more miracles. 
I predicted this 10 years ago, and its not because I'm a prophet and not because I possess  Ruach Hakoidesh, but we see that all this [the miracles] comes from the Satan..."

Page 25 
In this talk, a week later, (now the whole frum world is chattering about the great miracles, since it's now a week after the war) the Rebbe, panics, and calls frum Jews (not Zionists, but any frum Jew) that says the 6 Day war,  "was a miraculous event" ..... 
"Shotim," "Tipshim" and Rashoim" ...
(don't forget, that just the previous week in the Toreleh he said that the Satan didn't find it necessary to perform miracles, here the Rebbe reverses course because of the obvious miracles all around the 6 day war, and admits that the Satan did perform "miracles,"

"Can this be understood? 
We find Shotim and Tipshim and Rashoim, the Religious Liars, that are misleading the world that say "more Miracles" and again "miracles and miracles!"  
G-d should protect us if these were miracles.
I am afraid of [these] miracles! I already said this ten years ago... 
Challilah V'chas, Challilah V'chas, If this were nebech miracles, then this is a terrible catastrophe for the Jews ...... 
these are not miracles but  dressed up naturally. Even the gentile newspapers said that this war is a natural war..
We see what kind of achzarim they (Zionists) are, they are placing the entire Jewish people in jeapordy only because of their honor and their government!
This entire war could have been avoided thru many different approaches, everyone knows that. There is no time now to discuss politics ... but those whose eyes are open, have no doubt!
Just the smear campaign, the apikorses from those who say (that it was miraculous)..
They should have said that Hashem helped them"

Now, my friends, notice, that the Rebbe cannot have a civil debate, he must call religious, frum Jews that don't agree with him:
"Tipshim, Shoitim, Rashoim and Apikorsim!

And for his remark "that even the "gentile newspapers say that this is a natural war"
Let me tell you guys a story.
I'm not going to disclose much about myself, since this blog is not about me, but in my business, I go to West Point on many occasions.  I befriended, during the course of business, a general in West Point, and we became pals. He told me that in West Point, they naturally teach techniques of war, since the students all graduate as officers. They study all past wars, except for one ..... the 6 day war.... why? Because as the General told me ..."there is nothing that students of war can learn from this war, since this was a miraculous war..." 

After witnessing the miracles of the War of Independence, R' Tzvi Pesach Frank z"l commented:
"It has been almost two years since we were privileged to see that Hashem has remembered His nation, saving us with the beginning of redemption (hischata d'gulah) and Israel's Defence Forces have conquered the majority of western Eretz Yisroel. Some retort saying that the State of Israel is the work of Satan. We, however, trust the Gemarrah (Berachos 50a) that states, "Who performs miracles? The Holy One Blessed be He"
(Kuntras Hat Tzvi  page 48).

Now the question is:
Why would Hashem perform miracles thru people who are not religious?

Because he did and does!

Hashem created and performed miracles for Ahav Hamelech, despite him being a Rasha Me'Rusha. 
See the Radak and Abrabanel on Sefer Melachim 1 (20:14) that comment that Ahav himself was surprised that Hashem would perform a miracle on his behalf, since he was an ovod Avoda Zara! 
We also see the miracle that Hashem did on Purim thru the intermarriage of Achashverosh, the Rasha, and Esther.

The Satmar Rebbe (Va'Yoel Moshe, Ma'amer 3 Shevuois ch 131-134) actually discusses Ahav, and says that Ahav was actually a Tzaddik who was overcome by his Yetzer Harah towards Avoda Zara (isn't that everyone's problem, overcoming the Yetzer Hara?). The Rebbe adds (and this is unbelievable) that other than him being an Ovad Avoda Zara, Ahav was not only a Tzaddik Gamur, but sacrificed greatly for the sake of Torah! And because of his Tzidkas, he was respected by the Neveeim and therfore had miracles performed by Hashem on his behalf.  Now, that takes care of the issue whether Hashem would perform miracles thru Rashaim, because  according to the Rebbe, Ahav was a Tzaddik!

The problem with this theory is that it flies in the face of the Mishna Sanhedrin (11:1) that states explicitly that Ahav has no portion to come. The gemarrah in Sanhedrin 102b also states that Ahav wrote on the gates of Shomron that he is a "kofer" of the G-D of Israel. 
All, and I mean all meforshim state that he was a Rasha. The Rambam (hilchos rotzeiach 4:9) states that Ahav was not only an ovad ovada zara, but a murderer. 

 Rav Menachem Kasher z"l (Ha'tekufah Ha'gedoilah ch 2 pp 34-39) quotes passages directly from VaYoel Moshe and offers a point-by point refutation. 
So we see here just One example of how Hashem performs miracles thru Reshaim! So even if you were to say that the Zionists are Rashoim, how can you say that these are not miracles?