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Showing posts with label matzav blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label matzav blog. Show all posts

Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Worried Jew" writes letter to Matzav Blog

For those in the know: the "matzav" blog is really the English Yated. Since the Yated wants to be the Chareidi voice, it cannot possibly have a website, the Rabbis banned the internet, so to get around the ban, they  pawned the website off to their children, so that it appears as a separate entity! 
This is the way Chareidim operate, and it's no wonder no one trusts them anymore.
But here is a letter to the Matzav editor and my answer!
Dear Editor,
I have some questions for the readers of Matzav.
How have we allowed much of Yiddishkeit to be hijacked by those who have decided to rebrand everything so that it is “fun”? 
It is these people who are promoters of running away to the Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah, when a person’s place on the Yom Hadin should be his shul or yeshiva. They run to a Carelbach-concert-kumzitz type of Selichos, because a “regular,” normal Selichos in their local shul is not “fun.”
Good, old-fashioned, genuine Yiddishkeit is cast aside for the new, more “hip” type of Yiddishkeit, where the Yomim Noraim are a chance to escape to Europe and Havdalah has to be a 45-minute guitar-fest. Conventional Torah learning and davening, and normal Yiddishe dress and family life are replaced by feel-good versions of “anything goes.”
Where is the outcry? Or is there no outcry because most Jews have just gone off the deep end and people like me are now far and few between?
I’d rather hear from Matzav readers that people are just apathetic than hear that most people have been baptized and “farchapt” by the insanity, leaving me and some other yechidim to practiceYiddishkeit in purity, without all the fake fluff and the feel-good Judaic culture that seems to surround us wherever I look.
A Worried Jew
Dear Worried Jew.
I am "really "worried" about you and YOUR  "hashkafa".  Personally, I am not for going to Uman for any reason. I will not support the Ukrainians, the murderers of my grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and brothers. May Putin destroy them all.
Since the founding of Chassidism  in the late 1700's, Chassidim left their families and went to their perspective Rebbes' to be with them thru Succos,  nothing new here. The Litvishe Rosh Yeshivos also required their students to remain in Yeshiva, as you point out yourself, nothing new here either. 
The reason being,, that Chassidim felt spiritually enhanced being surrounded by their fellow Chassidim and their Rebbe, and the Litvacks wanted to be near their Roshei Yeshivos to grow in Yiddishkeit and spirituality. Everyone in their own way! 
This surge of Ruchniyois that they experienced during these special weeks, remained and kept them going for the entire year. 
During the times of the Bais Hamikdash, men went to be Oilie Regel, and left their families behind, and that's where all this comes from. 
So, Mr. Worrier, what's wrong if a guy feels spirituality at a "Carlebach Selichos Kumzitz?"
It doesn't fit into your narrow-minded lilliputian brain? For you a guy who wants to get close to Hashem by attending a "Carlebach Selichos" is "farchapt" and "babtized?" 
Did you know, that the Leviyim in the Bais Hamikdash played their instruments while chanting the Yoim? Even on Shabbos!
What do you mean by saying "Good, old-fashioned, genuine Yiddishkeit ?"
What does that mean? Does that mean, shukling and rolling your eyes back into your head?
What's wrong with a "Havdalah that is a 45-minute guitar-fest." Who cares? What matters is that they are connecting to their Creator.
Thank G-D, that we have all these ways to connect. Some go to hear a Chazzon, some seek out a "good baal tefilah" some go to a Rebbe, and some, yes, go to a Carlebach Selichos. What's wrong with that? Because it doesn't fit into your mold?  Only a hat with a 4 1/2" Brim, and fancy eyeglasses with pleated pants, is your derech? Or Bushy, thick brisker payis half over the ear and the other half flying in the wind? 
And if a guy wears a blue shirt, he is an outcast?
What's wrong with "feel-good Jewish culture?"
 Depressed is better? What's wrong with "fun?"
There are many ways to connect to Hashem...

Judaism has evolved.
 In the times of the Rambam, they were turbans .... this Shtreimel, and the hats the Yeshiva guys wear is a new phenomenon,. The Chofetz Chaim wore a cap....
You Shoiteh!
You are the one who hijacked our religion !