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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How the Frum World was Hijacked by the Extremists! Time to take the Religion back !

by guest writer  Isi Liebler of the Jerusalem Post

The polarization within the Jewish religious arena is sharply reflected both by the dramatic weakening of modern Orthodox streams and in the growing radicalization of the haredi world and empowerment of its most extreme elements. 

I recollect nostalgically the Orthodox rabbis with whom I was acquainted in the Diaspora. With the exception of the Hungarian ultra-Orthodox who deliberately isolated themselves from the broader community and the fanatically anti-Zionist Satmar Hassidim, they were all committed to the communal welfare. 

Ultra-Orthodox laymen included doctors, lawyers and businesspeople who ensured that besides a yeshiva education, their children also learned trades or studied in university. In a word, most of them participated in the broader community. 

In Israel during the early decades of the state, aside from small pockets of extremists, the Aguda and other ultra-Orthodox groups retained a respectful attitude to the state and its instrumentalities. However, with the growth of haredi representation in the Knesset enabling them to tilt the balance of power, they succeeded in leveraging vast sums from successive governments for their education and housing. 

Simultaneously, yeshiva rabbis, devoid of secular education and many with minimal interaction with society, strove to enroll as many yeshiva students as possible, irrespective of their abilities. 

Furthermore, they urged their followers to devote their lives toward full-time learning without earning a livelihood, and to rely on state welfare. This approach has no precedent in Jewish life. Many of the rabbis debating in the Mishnah are actually identified by their profession, and Maimonides emphatically stated that “Whoever thinks he can study Torah and not work, and relies on charity, profanes God’s name.” 

The radicalization was spearheaded by an aggressive haredi hijacking of the Chief Rabbinate – a state institution which they had formerly treated with contempt. 

In turn, this led to a determined drive to impose on the entire nation excessively stringent interpretations of Jewish law in all spheres – marriage, divorce, gender separation, conversion and kashrut. 

In order to alleviate acute economic hardship, the great sages of the past creatively interpreted halacha on issues like prohibition against interest and the observance of Shmita (the injunction to allow the land in Israel to lie fallow every seventh year). In contrast, today’s haredi rabbis enforce the most stringent interpretations without concern for the welfare of the nation as a whole. 

The combination of extremism, isolationism and political power climaxed with the histrionic efforts by haredim to resist the government decision to partially remove the exemption of military or national service to yeshiva students. 

With overwhelming public support, the government voted to revoke the exemptions which, due to the massive demographic expansion of the haredi sector, had mushroomed from the original 400 granted by prime minister David Ben-Gurion to over 8,500 annually. 

Desperate to retain control of their followers and maintain the cordon sanitaire they had created between their world and society at large, haredi rabbis launched massive protests. 

No halachic prohibition exists against serving in the army of Israel. Our bible is full of military campaigns and of personalities like Joshua and King David who personally led, fought and saved the Jewish people in battle. The sages tell us we are obliged to fight to defend ourselves (Milchemet Mitzvah). 

Israelis, especially religious Zionists who take great pride in their army service, are outraged by the haredi claim that they are contributing to the defense of Israel by learning Torah and praying. The former, discredited, Ashkenazi chief rabbi Yonah Metzger even made the bizarre statement that “when yeshiva attendance is low, as on holiday evenings or prior to the Shabbat, more IDF soldiers are killed.” 

The government made every effort to achieve this change on a consensual level. The law shall only be implemented gradually over three years and will only apply at the age of 24. 

The principal vehicle to achieve this was financial, by reducing and even eliminating the state subsidies to yeshivot refusing to cooperate. 

Unfortunately, Finance Minister Yair Lapid, in a populist stunt, succeeded in tabling a government proposal whereby criminal sanctions would be applied to those refusing to register. This was utterly impractical as under such circumstances, the prison system would collapse or be transformed into de-facto yeshivot. 

However, the extremists cynically grabbed this opportunity to radicalize, unite and goad the entire haredi community into one of its ugliest confrontations with the state. 

The language directed against the government was disgusting and profane, with some of the so called “gedolei hador,” or religious leaders of the generation, accusing the government of “imprisoning Jews for learning Torah” and comparing political leaders to Amalek and Nazis. 

Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman, widely regarded as the moderate “gadol hador” of the Lithuanian haredim, told government ministers that they should “go to hell and suffer and be totally annihilated... May their names and memories be blotted out.” 

Contrast this vulgar language to the respectful disagreements recorded in the Mishnah to gauge the depths to which our “gedolim” have descended. 

Equally disturbing was the unification of the entire haredi world in this vicious and contemptible crusade. Clearly the moderates had been silenced and the radicals, many of whom are aggressively anti-Zionist and even refuse to recite prayers for the state or the IDF, are now in control. 

The chief rabbis, who are state employees, behaved as puppets by participating in the haredi demonstration – claiming that they were indulging in “prayers.” These same chief rabbis had earlier issued an injunction that women should not serve in the IDF, which outraged religious Zionists. 

The campaign was extended to the Diaspora. In New York a major demonstration against the Israeli government took place in which Agudat Israel of America, usually loath to engage in anti-Israeli activities, fully participated. 

The Rabbinical Council of America, once a proud bastion of modern orthodoxy, responded with deafening silence. 

In Melbourne, Australia, where a similar rally took place, an outraged response erupted from the rank-and- file Jewish community, and the dominant Chabad rabbinate was obliged to write a humiliating letter claiming that it had misunderstood the nature of the rally and apologized. This demonstrates that laymen can stand up against extremist rabbis, and when they do, they usually succeed. 

The roots of the problem are that the influential radical rabbis are becoming ever more extreme and shrill in their isolation from society and attacks on the leadership. There is a bitter truth in the remark that were Maimonides alive today he would be denied a teaching post in a haredi yeshiva because of his worldly knowledge and scientific outlook. 

It is sad that a Diaspora haredi doctor, lawyer or businessman settling in Israel, by sending his children to a haredi yeshiva denies them the same education and profession from which he benefited. They are destined to join the horde of uneducated black-hats pursuing Talmudic studies, denied worldly knowledge and isolated from those who do not share their outlook. 

The haredi rabbis are making a terrible mistake. Instead of cooperating with the government which is willing to be flexible and gradual in imposing changes, they are polarizing the situation and leading their followers into an abyss of ignorance and poverty. Their behavior is reminiscent of those rabbis in Europe who urged their followers not to leave on the eve of the Holocaust. 

The power of the radical rabbis will only be reversed if we exercise people power. We must insist that a moderate Zionist rabbinical leadership take control of fundamental issues affecting all Jewish citizens. 

If the haredi-controlled chief rabbinate remains an obstacle, the modern Orthodox and national religious camp should set up its own independent rabbinate. 

At the same time we must condemn “haredi bashing.” So long as haredim do not impose their standards upon the whole nation and fulfill their civic responsibilities, they must be treated with respect and enabled to live their lifestyles which include many positive components which we could do well to emulate. 

There are no easy solutions. But if the radicalization continues and we do not succeed in reinstating moderation and core Zionist principles, the haredi issue could morph into violent societal confrontation and cause immense damage, just at a time as Israelis are seeking out their Jewish roots and becoming increasingly more traditional.

Rabby Belsky, Kolko Supporter, now Defending Rabbi Dovid Weinberger of 5 Towns

Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, a staunch supporter of both Kolkos', (both Kolkos' are admitted sexual abusers) is now defending an alleged Sexual Pervert, Rabbi Dovid Weinberger of Shaaray Tefillah, Lawrence, New York. 

The Rabbonim of 5 towns thought that they got rid of him, and wanted to keep the stories and rumors of his alleged philandering quiet, to stop the Chillul Hashem, but like Mordechai Tendler, these abusers hang on with their fingernails, and won't go quietly away! 

R' Dovid, on the other hand, insists on making a Chillul Hashem, so R' Dovid decided to take out the big "guns" so to speak, so he can get a job.

 Which rabbit does he pull out of his hat? 
Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, There isn't a sexual abuser in the whole world that he won't defend, be it abusers of children or in this case adults. 

Rabbi Belsky, you are doing a great job giving Hashgachas on Donuts, this Weinberger Parsha is way over your head! 

Here is the letter that the "Sexual Abuser Lover" writes to the unfortunate patsy Rabbis of the 5 Towns.
And then read our summary of that dispicable letter! 
For a more comprehensive  analysis of this tragedy read, FrumFollies!

To my friend the Honorable Rav………..

My heart pounded when I read your letter with the 
  awful news about  rumors circulating amongst the Jewish neighborhoods, rumors  spread no less by my beloved friends and by my friends who love me very much.
But what should I do, Rav Dovid Weinberger is also counted among my friends and advisors!
I saw they had already decided and concluded his guilt without giving him the opportunity to defend himself. What are we to do with the laws of the Torah that state that it is forbidden to listen to an accuser without  the defendant  being present.
They threw him to the wolves like a rotting carcass without hearing his side. They placed his case in front of men and women disguised as expert doctors, without listening to his defenders, some of whom are experts in this field.
They made him into a sinner and isolated him from the tribes of Israel , they made him into a pariah, all without harking to his shouts as if all gates of mercy were shut.
Even when one is a blasphemer, the Torah states that one must  investigate,. How much more so, Reb Dovid,  someone who has served his community selflessly for over 30 years and many benefited from him.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Belzer Rebbe's Shalosh Seudois Toireleh "We don't need the State"

The Belzer Rebbe's brother-in-law, Reb Aron Teitelbaum the Monroe Satmar Rebbi, visited Israel two weeks ago and must have slipped a "date drug" in his drink.
The Belzer was always pro-State as was his predecessor, so it's strange that he should become a rabid hater of the State!

Last week he went berserk in between bites of pickled herring at Shaloish Seudois and ranted and raved against the State:

“Even among the five million Jews in Israel there is a minority of 500,000 true Torah-keepers who keep and protect the mitzvas (divine commandments). They are the essence of Israel. G-d chose the Jewish people because you are the smallest of all nations. So the observant minority of those learning Torah are G-d’s army.

“We don’t need the state or the government. We need study halls and yeshivas to continue serving G-d and to educate the children in the way of service of G-d and in the responsibility of a life of Torah and acceptance of the mitzvas and in anxiously awaiting the redemption by moshiach [the messiah]!

“May it be His will that in the merit of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, whose yahrzeit [anniversary of the death] is today, that the Jewish people and Torah study should be protected from all enemies that persecute Jews and the Torah. They [these enemies] should not succeed in their efforts to disrupt Torah study and observance of Torah until Moshiach comes, and may we merit the arrival of Moshiach speedily in our days!” 

What about water, you need water? Planning to get it from R' Nuchemka from Meah Shearim?

How about electricity? Who is going to provide power for your summer home in Telz-Stone? R' Shayehele from Afulah?

What about your garbage from Shalosh Seudois, whose going to take that away?

How about your Medical care? Whose going to take care of you? It's not like you are paying into the system...
Stop listening to your crazed brother-in-law who lives in luxury in America!

We know YOU don't need the State, you are one of the richest people in the State of Israel....(Belzer Rebbe is worth over 50 Million Dollars.. see Dusiznies)
but how about the shemegegies that follow you around who have no food on the table... what about them?
I think they still need the Government!

Neshama Carlebach's Shabbos Parshas Zachor with Black Baptists singing Esa Einai!

They couldn't find some nice Jewish boys to G-D forbid come to shul for the Carlbach Minyan in the Reform Shul in NYC, so Neshama, the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach's daughter, scrambled all over the USA to find a bunch of Black Singers to come to daven with her .... this is her "Aliyah" to Judaism. 
Reb Shlomo, where are you?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Chasam Sofer wrote that it's more important to work in Israel then to learn Torah!

What? Is that true? Is DIN making all this up? Oy vey, what will all the charlatan Roshei Yeshivah in Israel say to this Chasam Sofer?
 That he is a heritic? 
Don't believe one word I say, read the Chasam Sofer for yourself!
and now a comment from Rationalist Judaism
Rabbi Tzvi Liker sent me one of the most extraordinary Torah perspectives I have seen in a long time. It's all the more amazing because of who it comes from. Rav Moshe Sofer, a.k.a. Chasam Sofer (1762–1839), is widely considered to be the "father of Orthodoxy." He was the Rosh Yeshiva of Pressburg and a staunch opponent of any reformations of Judaism, leading to his famous saying, "That which is new, is forbidden by the Torah." 

The discussion relates to the well-known dispute in the Gemara between Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai about learning Torah versus working. Rabbi Yishmael teaches that the study of Torah is to be accompanied by earning a livelihood, as per the verse that we recite in Shema, "Ve'asafta deganecha - And you shall gather your grain." Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, on the other hand, says that one should devote oneself to Torah, and God will ensure that one's needs are provided for. Abaye observes that many followed the lead of Rabbi Yishmael and succeeded in both working and learning, while most of those who followed Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai did not succeed in either.

Enter Chasam Sofer. He cites a view that one should ideally follow Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and dedicate oneself solely to Torah, arguing that when Abaye observes that many people didn't do well in that path, this is because they didn't really devote themselves to it properly, but a special person who is truly dedicated to Torah will manage to succeed. Chasam Sofer himself says that "we" (it's not clear who he's referring to) follow Rabbi Nehorai, who argues with Rabbi Meir's instruction that one should teach his child a trade, and says that he will only teach his son Torah.

So far, this sounds very much in accord with someone representing the right wing of Orthodox Judaism. But now comes the "but." And it's the "but" to end all "buts"!

But, says Chasam Sofer, but, this is only true in the Diaspora. In the Diaspora, there is no reason to work at a trade except to earn a living; furthermore, enhancing the economy of one's host country accentuates the fact that the Jews are in exile. Accordingly, if one can truly dedicate oneself to Torah and succeed that way, there is no reason to work, and this is what Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was referring to (and Chasam Sofer argues that even Rabbi Yishmael would agree).

In Israel, on the other hand, it's entirely different. Here, Chasam Sofer says, one does not only work the fields in order to make a living. There is also the mitzvah of yishuv ha'aretz, settling the land. In the same way as one stops learning Torah to put on tefillin, says Chasam Sofer, one stops learning Torah to farm the land, which is the mitzvah of yishuv ha'aretz. Chasam Sofer explains that yishuv ha'aretz does not just mean living in Israel; it means developing the country. He further says that not just farming, but all industries and professions, are part of settling the land and giving it honor. Chasam Sofer adds that it would be a deficiency in the honor of Israel if a certain profession does not exist there, requiring products to be imported from abroad.

This is staggering! According to Chasam Sofer, there is a mitzvah for people in Israel to leave yeshivah and learn a profession quite separate from the requirement to provide for one's family. It's important for Israel to have doctors and engineers and all the professionals that a country requires in order to have honor (and to counter the brain-drain that currently exists). Likewise, people who make aliyah to Israel and bring their professional skills are fulfilling the mitzvah of yishuv ha'aretz in a much more significant way than merely by living here.

Chasam Sofer states this idea in two places. Don't take my word for it - above is a scan of both passages. Read and be amazed! And share it with those who believe that anyone encouraging people in Israel to leave yeshivah and enhance the workforce can only be a Torah-hating Amalekite!

I also refer you to the introduction to the Chasam Sofer on Chumash.

There he decries the practice of not teaching your son a trade and having him learn full time.

This, he says, will result in boys marrying only for money and creating issues in Jewish homes and marriages.

I guess that today he would be called a sonei dos.

Hillel Harvard, fund students to visit Israel and to visit Arafat's Grave!

Harvard University students take trip to Ramallah, post picture on social media next to Yasser Arafat's grave • Trip funded by Jewish donors, supported by Harvard Hillel.

We have gotten used to seeing pictures of American students almost everywhere in Israel -- at the Western Wall, the beach, the airport. But a recent photograph taken in a much less conventional spot has sparked a controversy within the U.S. Jewish community.

Students from Harvard University who are on a sponsored tour to Israel posted a group photo last week next to former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's grave in Ramallah. Some 50 students from all over the world attended the Harvard College Israel Trek 2014, which took them all over the country and included meetings with Israeli officials, and Israel Defense Force officers.

But the students also took a trip to Ramallah and met Palestinian Authority leaders. During the visit, the students visited Arafat's grave -- something not originally planned in the itinerary. Pictures, naturally posted online, caused quite a stir on social media.

A student named Daniel Mael was the first to report the event, on the conservative website TruthRevolt.org.
"I was horrified to see that Harvard Hillel is a supporter, and Boston's Combined Jewish Philanthropies is a sponsor of a trip that includes a visit to the grave of one of the world's most notorious Jew-murdering terrorists," Mael told the The Jewish Press weekly newspaper.

As the Israel Trek's website put it, "Israel Trek is made possible by the generous contributions of a number of family foundations and Boston's Combined Jewish Philanthropies. The Trek is supported by Harvard Hillel."

The issue has sparked criticism and outrage in the American Jewish community, especially among donors who discovered they funded not only a trip to Israel but a trip to the Palestinian Authority, in what looks like students paying their final respects to Arafat -- who was responsible for killing thousands of Israelis. Despite the firestorm, the Hillel International organization said on Saturday that it supported the trip.

Chief administration officer at Hillel International, David Eden, said in a statement that "a photograph of Harvard Israel Trek participants at the tomb of Yasser Arafat in Ramallah is causing understandable concern. That image is not what this trip is about. ...

The Israel Trek is being led by Harvard Israeli students, distinguished IDF veterans among them. ..."
"The itinerary of the Trek, approved by the sponsors, includes a very impressive roster of meetings and outings with representatives of the very highest echelons of Israeli government, armed forces, business, and culture," Eden continued. "The trip also includes a visit to Ramallah to meet with Palestinian leadership."
He said the "participants may have given insufficient thought to the way in which this particular photograph would be seen and received back home."

Yonason Rosenbloom of Yated compares Lapid to Arafat!

This Jonathan Rosenblum who once identified himself as a Conservative Jew and who became Hareidi has now become the spokesman of the Yated and other Hareidie newspapers! He learned a little Chumash in Ohr Samaiach, and writes English with proper grammar so they made him their star to bash people that insist Chareidim share the burden! 

He is apparently bereft of any shame or decency!
Comparing Yair Lapid to the child murderer Yaser Arafat, in the latest edition of the Phony Lipshitz' newspaper, The Yated!

.."He might be compared to Yasir Arafat, who told President Clinton at Camp David that signing a peace agreement would effectively seal his death warrant. That plea attested to Arafat's failure to educate his Palestinian supporters to the necessity of major concessions if they hoped to gain a state, including renunciation of the so-called "right of return." Instead he spent his time post-Oslo whipping the Palestinian population into a frenzy of hate -- much as Lapid has whipped up hatred of the chareidi population -- and was thus in no position to respond to Ehud Barak's dangerously generous offer of Palestinian statehood...." 

Whats with these guys who become frum and then insane!
This "Am Haaretz"  in March 1992,  wrote an article in the Jewish Observer criticizing Rabbi Norman Lamm's book, Torah Umadda for equating the value and importance of secular and Torah studies. 

Haredi Soldiers take down Terrorist that planned attacks on Israeli Civilians! Be Sure that no Chareidi Rabbi will praise them!

File Photo of Hareidi Soldiers

We all praise Hatzalah, as we should, for saving lives, we don't say, "Sit and Learn" and let the Chilonim take care of it.
Why is this different?
But the Zionist Leader Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu understands what Pikuach Nefesh is all about!

Before the start of his weekly cabinet meetings on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered praise for the IDF units, namely the Nahal Haredi, who were instrumental in taking down a known terrorist suspected of planning attacks on Israeli civilians.
Netanyahu said, “Over the weekend our forces struck at a terrorist who had organized attacks on Israelis and was also planning attacks on Israeli citizens.”
Continuing, Netanyahu said, “I would like to commend the anti-terrorism unit, the IDF units involved, including the ultra-Orthodox brigade, and the ISA for carrying out a very important operation in eliminating someone who endangered Israeli citizens.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Peretz Sontag's Body Found in Harriman

We regret to inform our readers of the passing of Peretz Sontag ע״ה

The body of Peretz Sontag, the father of seven from Pomona who had been missing since March 14, was found Sunday afternoon in Harriman State Park, officials said. Sontag was located with his black 2012 black Kia Optima off a roadway in the park, Ramapo police Detective Lt. Mark Emma said. He was found by a hiker not related to the search. His department notified Sontag's wife, Tammy, of the discovery, and state parks police are handling the investigation, Emma said. "What can I tell you? It's just a tragedy," Sontag's uncle, Shimon, said shortly after receiving the news. "They're all distraught. It's a mess. You've got seven children. The whole family is heartbroken." Sontag said state park police found his nephew and were not treating the death as a homicide. A funeral will likely take place tomorrow and Peretz Sontag will be buried in Israel.

8 year old boy dumped in basement for 24 hours without food or water because he spoke during megilla reading

This happened over a decade ago but still fresh in the mind of the now grown up Amrom Kruman. His father, Avraham Shlomo Kruman, a Neturei Karta guy, and his mother a Satmar lady locked up their 8 year old Amram in a basement because he dared speak during the reading of the Megillah on Purim!
They didn't even come down once to see if he is still alive.

G-D is not mentioned in the entire movie of Noah! But Global Warming is!

Darren Aronofsky wrestles one of scripture's most primal stories to the ground and extracts something vital and audacious, while also pushing some aggressive environmentalism, in Noah

Whereas for a century most Hollywood filmmakers have tread carefully and respectfully when tackling biblical topics in big-budget epics aimed at a mass audience, Aronofsky has been daring, digging deep to develop a bold interpretation of a tale which, in the original, offers a lot of room for speculation and invention. 

The narrative of the global flood that wiped out almost all earthly life is the original disaster story, one that's embraced by most of the major world religions, which means that conservative and literal-minded elements of all faiths who make it their business to be offended by untraditional renditions of holy texts will find plenty to fulminate about here. 

Already banned in some Middle Eastern countries, Noah will rile some for the complete omission of the name “God” from the dialogue, others for its numerous dramatic fabrications and still more for its heavy-handed ecological doomsday messages, which unmistakably mark it as a product of its time.

Pinny Lipshitz editor of Yated a Liar!

Pinny the liar Lipshitz

Yated editor Rabbi Pinchos Lipshitz is an anti Semite. I’m sure that sentence will raise some eyebrows. That’s because he really isn’t an anti Semite. But if I were to follow his lead (and those of like minded individuals in his community) this would be an article of faith. His abhorrent attitude about clearly observant Jews whose only goal is to serve Klal Yisroel is spread all over his latest editorial. And it is filled with hate.

What he and others have said or implied is that the things said by non Charedim about Charedim should be considered anti-Semitic. Just substitute the word Jew for the word Charedi in many of those columns and the world would be screaming anti Semite at whoever uttered them.

His editorial is filled with the usual crop of hyperbole, lies, and innuendos. Here is one of the more egregious lies: 
People can disagree, but to call 50,000 frum, peaceful people murderers because they gathered to daven is abhorrent... 
This falsehood has been repeated numerous times by various Charedi media. It is based on Yori Yanover’s ‘cry from the heart’ about Charedim avoiding being subjected to a military draft which can entail dying for one’s country - while everyone else is subjected to that possibility. To say that this is calling them murderers is not only a flagrant distortion of the truth, it is designed to whip up the anger and animosity of his crowd. And just like any big lie, the more it is repeated, the more it is believed. That is what makes this type of yellow journalism so disgusting. They are losing the battle for the hearts and minds of masses of observant Jews so they resort to hyperbole, exaggeration, distortion, and outright lies.

The rest of his article is filled with derision, invective, and ridicule about religious Jews. He doesn’t even acknowledge that someone like Rabbi Dov Lipman is observant, calling him a Kipa wearing Jew as though it was some sort of disguise and not an indication of his being observant!

Here is a particularly disturbing comment: 
Those who stoke fires, create diversions, and fuel division in the pursuit of any goal expose themselves as guilty of hypocrisy and a refusal to examine the real facts the way they are. Throughout the ages, we have been victimized by blood libels. It is shameful that religious people are now utilizing the methods of Eisov and tactics of Haman to further their agendas. 
I agree with the first sentence:  Those who stoke fires, create diversions, and fuel division in the pursuit of any goal expose themselves as guilty of hypocrisy and a refusal to examine the real facts the way they are.

But it is the pot calling the kettle black. It is Rabbi Lipshutz and his fellow travelers that stoke those fires, create diversions, and fuel division. And he has the nerve to say that religious Jews are using the methods of Eisav and the tactics of Haman? We are not the ones lying about things. He is! 

Here is yet another lie: 
The people who give those speeches, write those articles, and post and publish them are using their words to further their battle against the much despised lomdei Torah. 
Does he really believe that people like me despise Lomdei Torah? And that our mission is to battle them? Whether he believes it or not, it is a lie. And frankly I think it is a deliberate lie. Any sane person who reads any of my posts on this subject knows that it’s a lie!

Here is a ridiculous question he asks: 
Might it be that the secular camp and their Orthodox enablers are the inciters? Might it be that those who so vehemently decry the chareidi leadership are guilty of far worse? 
Vehemently decry? Who among us has said anything vehement about Charedi leadership? I certainly haven’t. That I and others like me strongly disagree with some of what they say is not done with any kind of vehemence. Certainly not anywhere near the vehemence expressed by Rabbi Lipshutz in this editorial. Is Rabbi Lipshutz ready to call Rabbi Berel Wein a Kippa wearing Jew? …an Orthodox enabler of secular Torah haters?

Rabbi Lipshutz also takes umbrage at another comment made by Yori Yanover: 
The post-Holocaust Haredi world is all about fear. Fear of new things. Fear of books. Fear of voices. And above all, fear that the education a young man receives during his 20 years in a Haredi yeshiva is worthless, because as soon as he encounters the outside world, those 20 years would vanish, melt away like cholov Yisroel butter on a skillet.” 
While I agree that this was worded indelicately, how false is it, really? This too probably stoked the fires of hatred… which is Rabbi Lipshutz goal in repeating it. He wants those fires to be stoked – against detractors!

But is it not fair to say that there is a fear of books that do not exactly parrot the Charedi version of history; books that turn human beings into heavenly angels; free of sin; born that way from the womb, and staying that way till the tomb?

Is it not true that they reject for their students in Israel any secular education – if not out of fear, then out of the belief that it is Bitul Torah – wasteful of the time one should instead be studying Torah? Is it not true they fear the kind of challenges one might face on the outside world (e.g. the internet)? ...that it would shake their beliefs and that 20 years (of the Charedi version of Jewish education) might vanish, melt away?

Rabbi Lipshutz says nothing to dispel these notions. He just says: ‘There you have it’. As if to imply that these challenges are so absurd they do not justify a response. 

Really, Rabbi Lipshutz? I think they do. Because without any explanation, these values are exactly what Charedim constantly espouse. How many times have I heard the argument that history is only as important as the inspiration it can provide. So that any bio that does not make its subject larger than life and ignores truths about a Gadol that makes them uncomfortable, is worthless… and perhaps even detrimental. They do in fact fear facing the truths of history.

Rabbi Lipshutz uses this paragraph to ‘prove’ that a war is being waged against Charedim. And fuels the outrage with the claim that food is being taken out of the mouths of Charedi babies because entitlements have been cut.

That is total distortion of the facts. Why every single able bodied Charedi who chooses not to work should be entitled to welfare that is basically designed to help those who cannot help themselves - is beyond me. This is not taking food out of the mouths of babies. 

As I’ve said a million times, we do need to support the elite Torah students among us. They should be given a fully divinity exemption and be paid a living wage. But to do that for every single able bodied Charedi just because he wants to - is unfair and wrong. And reducing (not eliminating) welfare to them is not taking food out of the mouths of babies.

I doubt that Rabbi Lipshutz will respond to anything I wrote here. Probably because he can’t. But even if he does ‘respond’ it will not be with any rational arguments or proofs. It will be with more lies; more innuendos; and more distortions. He will not prove his position at all, just as he did not do so now. He will instead attack, attack, attack and continue to promote the ‘big lie’ until he’s satisfied that everyone believes it. 

Meir Kin Marries clueless Brazilian Danielle Barbosa while still being married to Lonna Kin?

Dummy Danielle in wedding dress, Meir (Bugeye) Kin on right!
The wedding was a modest affair, held in a reception hall overlooking an artificial lake tucked behind a suburban strip. But just minutes after it ended, the bride and groom hurriedly scurried past dozens of protesters here who were chanting “Bigamist!” and “Shame on you!”

One of the wedding guests on Thursday evening glared at the demonstrators, repeatedly hissing: “Mazel tov. Mazel tov. Mazel tov.” The bride, in a lace and sequin floor-length gown, grasped the hand of her husband and looked at the crowd in silence.

Meir Kin, the new husband, has been divorced for more than seven years, under California’s civil law. But he has refused to give his previous wife the document known as a “get,” as required by Orthodox Jewish law to end a marriage. In the eyes of religious authorities, the
woman he married in 2000 is what is called an agunah — Hebrew for chained wife. Without the get, the woman, Lonna Kin, is forbidden under Jewish law to remarry.
Jewish law prohibits men from taking multiple wives. But Mr. Kin, according to several rabbis here, apparently relied on a legal loophole, which says that if a man can get the
special permission of 100 rabbis to take a second wife, he is able to do so.

Protesters outside Mr. Kin’s wedding in Las Vegas denounced him for not giving his wife a divorce document called a get. CreditIsaac Brekken for The New York Times

The case has become a powerful symbol for what activists say is a deepening crisis among Orthodox Jews — hundreds of women held hostage in a religious marriage, in some cases for years after civil cases have been settled. According to the intricate religious laws dictating marriage and divorce, only the husband has the power to grant a divorce.
“What has happened here is really shameful,” said Rabbi Kalman Topp, who drove from Los Angeles to protest the wedding, along with other rabbis and congregants from Orthodox synagogues there. “Not only is he in clear violation of Jewish law, but he is utilizing and corrupting Jewish law to commit cruel domestic abuse.”
Ms. Kin, who runs a real estate company, and her supporters say that Mr. Kin, a physician assistant, is demanding $500,000 and full custody of their 12-year-old son in exchange for the divorce. And they cast doubt on whether he really has the support of 100 rabbis. Reached at his Las Vegas home on Thursday, as a photographer took pictures of him and his bride in the driveway, Mr. Kin declined to comment.
Traditionally, Jewish communities relied on the threat of ostracism to persuade a recalcitrant husband to give his wife a divorce, but many say the threat became far less potent as these communities opened and spread out. In recent years, Orthodox activists with the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot, which organized the protest at Mr. Kin’s wedding, have tried to publicly shame men into giving the get.
When a congressional aide refused to give his wife the decree several years ago, protesters wrote to the congressman, created sophisticated social media campaigns and protested in front of his Washington apartment. Last year federal prosecutors filed charges against a New Jersey rabbi whom they accuse of taking tens of thousands of dollars to kidnap and torture recalcitrant husbands refusing to give their wives a religious divorce.
Ms. Kin’s nearly decade-long fight for a religious divorce illustrates the limited power of such women.
“This is not supposed to happen, that even with all these people against him he can marry anyway,” Ms. Kin, 52, said in a telephone interview from her home in Monsey, N.Y., where she lives with their son and three daughters from a previous marriage. “I would like to find a man who could be a good life partner, to have the kind of marriage my parents have. I want to marry someone and have a life like that, but now I am chained to a dead marriage.”
When she heard several weeks ago that Mr. Kin planned to remarry, Ms. Kin said she felt a momentary sense of relief — it was a clear sign that he was ready to move on with his life. But his new marriage could make it even less likely he will give her the document she desperately wants.
“He’s basically a bigamist,” she said, “and basically, I’m just stuck.”
Ms. Kin of Monsey, N.Y., says she has fought for years to be free from the chains of what she refers to as “a dead marriage.” CreditAndrew Sullivan for The New York Times
The couple first separated in January 2005, shortly after Ms. Kin filed for divorce in New York. But she withdrew the motion, on the advice of a lawyer who later told her that it would be easier to secure a get if her husband initiated the civil divorce. Mr. Kin then moved to Los Angeles, and filed for divorce there six months after he arrived. Long before the divorce was finalized in 2007, she said, he told her he never planned to give her the religious document.
Typically, such disagreements are adjudicated by a religious court made up of three rabbis, known as a beit din. Mr. Kin was approached by a local rabbi with a list of several such religious courts his wife would be willing to submit to, but he has not responded, according to Rabbi Yehoshua Fromowitz, who runs the Ahavas Torah Center, a synagogue here,
Instead, Mr. Kin, who in recent years moved to Las Vegas, has repeatedly insisted that Ms. Kin agree to binding arbitration from one particular religious court based in Monsey that is controversial and has been widely denounced by rabbinical authorities in the United States and Israel. Several leading rabbis, including the chief rabbinical office of Israel, have said they would not accept a divorce document signed by this particular court. Mr. Kin has said that the head of the beit din, Rabbi Tzvi Dov Abraham of Monsey, granted him dispensation to marry again.
A Las Vegas rabbi declined to perform the wedding on Thursday. The groups protesting say they believe Mr. Abraham traveled from New York to officiate. He did not return repeated phone calls for comment.“The rabbinical court system is such an ad hoc system where any man is able to call himself a rabbi and any three rabbis are able to call themselves a court, so that even if it’s not accepted by anyone, he is able to hide behind this,” said Rabbi Jeremy Stern, the executive director of the group that organized the protests against the wedding. “What empowers him to continue is the support of friend and family and community. We need everyone to say clearly we will not tolerate this kind of behavior.”
Mr. Kin, according to several members of the small Las Vegas Orthodox community, has worshiped at two synagogues affiliated with the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement, which is known for welcoming a broad array of Jews. The rabbis at those synagogues do not count him toward a quorum needed for prayer because of the controversy over his divorce case, but they have declined to publicly rebuke him or force him out, according to Rabbi Shea Harlig, the head of Chabad of southern Nevada.
Mr. Stern and other rabbis supporting Ms. Kin say they will continue to press that Mr. Kin be exiled from the local Jewish community.
Ms. Kin is still holding out some hope she will receive the get — she communicated with Mr. Kin by email as recently as this week, she said, and she continues to send her son across the country several times a year to spend time with his father.
Little is known about Mr. Kin’s new wife, Daniela Barbosa, who is said to have recently emigrated from Brazil. Friends who attended their wedding refused to answer questions from a reporter. If their marriage were to disintegrate, she, too, would need to receive a get for a religiously valid divorce. Although rabbinical leaders outlawed men taking multiple wives in the Middle Ages, the practice is biblically allowed.
“We’ve outlawed this for thousands of years,” Mr. Fromowitz said. “It is totally unacceptable.”
But Mr. Fromowitz conceded that Mr. Kin had historical precedent to rely on. After all, he said, the biblical patriarch Jacob had four wives.

Friday, March 21, 2014

What Did the Asifas for Tznius and Against Israel, Accomplish?

Interesting post from the Boroparker!

The Chareidi community has been afflicted with an abundance of gatherings, protests, assemblies and rallies in the past few weeks. I think that it’s time to hold a prayer vigil to pray for the cessation of all vigils. It bothers me to no end why I can’t comprehend the thought process behind this all. What are they trying to achieve? Why are they doing this? Am I missing something or are they simply dumb and possibly arrogant?
I think that these gatherings are not a means to a goal, rather a goal in and of itself. I came to this conclusion as I was walking today in the streets of Boro Park and noticed the absence of even the slightest change in women’s apparel from the pre ‘Tznius Asifa’ era. How could it be that the organizers proclaimed a massive success while the facts on the street clearly show otherwise, I wondered. It must be – I concluded – that the goal of the modesty gathering wasn’t to implement change at all. The goal was simply to have a successful gathering. And to that extent they succeeded beyond expectations. The hall was filled to capacity, many rabbis occupied the seats on the multi layered platform and most of all, it created a huge sensation. Obviously, that’s all that the organizers wanted to get out of this gathering, hence the celebration for the success.
The same can be said in regards to the huge prayer rallies that were held in Jerusalem, London and New York. The objective must have been to have a huge rally and nothing more. What else could have been the objective? This is why the participants were having a difficult time explaining to the media why they are there. How can you tell a reporter that tens of thousands of people got together on Wall Street so that they can feel good about themselves? Instead, many participants tried explaining how the Israeli government is persecuting them by requiring them to take equal responsibility for their country. This in turn happens to sound even more asinine than anything else.
One Chasidic caller to the Michael Savage show thought that he could easily explain how studying the Torah is the same as serving in the defense forces, but to no avail. Michael Savage takes the guys belief apart with simple rational. (I recommend that you listen to it in its entirety, pure entertainment.) I genuinely felt bad for that guy. He, and most of the people who attended the rally for that matter, believed that this was the reason for the protest. They don’t know the real and obvious reason behind the protest, to have a successful protest.
This mentality can be found in other areas of Chareidi life as well. When the Shomrim patrol unit holds a fundraiser drive they publish articles and flyers detailing the enormity of their organization. You can find data on their budget, how many walkie talkies they have, how many patrol cars and how many members. Not once have I seen any data on their effect on the crime rates in the areas that they patrol (even though they probably do have an affect). The emphasis shows that Shomrim is here to be Shomrim rather than actually reducing crime.
In similar vein, the chesed organizations boast more amount the amount of chicken and matzos that they distribute than the actual impact they have on poverty. This became such a big deal that in a certain neighborhood there are two competing organizations handing out food for the “needy” for Passover and each is trying to outdo the other with the amount of food that they distribute. This caused that the neighborhood is flooded with available free food, and many families that would be able to get by on their own get food from the organizations that are more than happy to have another recipient to boast about. I don’t feel very comfortable lamenting generosity, I’m just trying to allude to the irony that the goal of the chesed organization isn’t to help or achieve, rather to be a successful organization.

Lonna Kin tells her story, Her Husband Meir (mamzer) Kin refuses to give her a GET! Video

On this episode of Up Close, we hear directly from a woman “chained” in her marriage and whose husband is now marrying someone else. Lonna Kin has been trying for ten years to get a Jewish divorce, or get, from her now-ex-husband. She separated from her husband, (Israel) Meir Kin, in January 2005, and their civil divorce was finalized in May 2007. Yet Meir Kin has yet to give her the Jewish divorce document that would free her from her Jewish marriage and allow her to perhaps remarry and move on with her life — even though as this interview airs he is scheduled to marry another woman. Lonna is known as an agunah, or “chained woman,” stuck in her Jewish marriage. She shares her story, for the first time, in this episode of Up Close.
Because of the importance of the topic, we are making the complete interview with Lonna Kin available online in the special extended webcast of the episode above.
And then, what do we mean when speak about “evil?” Why do we act immorally, and why do some of us do so more than others? Author Andrew Michael Flescher offers some answers to these questions in his new book Moral Evil and on this episode of Up Close.