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Showing posts with label Rabbi Dovid Weinberger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbi Dovid Weinberger. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Rabby Belsky, Kolko Supporter, now Defending Rabbi Dovid Weinberger of 5 Towns

Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, a staunch supporter of both Kolkos', (both Kolkos' are admitted sexual abusers) is now defending an alleged Sexual Pervert, Rabbi Dovid Weinberger of Shaaray Tefillah, Lawrence, New York. 

The Rabbonim of 5 towns thought that they got rid of him, and wanted to keep the stories and rumors of his alleged philandering quiet, to stop the Chillul Hashem, but like Mordechai Tendler, these abusers hang on with their fingernails, and won't go quietly away! 

R' Dovid, on the other hand, insists on making a Chillul Hashem, so R' Dovid decided to take out the big "guns" so to speak, so he can get a job.

 Which rabbit does he pull out of his hat? 
Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, There isn't a sexual abuser in the whole world that he won't defend, be it abusers of children or in this case adults. 

Rabbi Belsky, you are doing a great job giving Hashgachas on Donuts, this Weinberger Parsha is way over your head! 

Here is the letter that the "Sexual Abuser Lover" writes to the unfortunate patsy Rabbis of the 5 Towns.
And then read our summary of that dispicable letter! 
For a more comprehensive  analysis of this tragedy read, FrumFollies!

To my friend the Honorable Rav………..

My heart pounded when I read your letter with the 
  awful news about  rumors circulating amongst the Jewish neighborhoods, rumors  spread no less by my beloved friends and by my friends who love me very much.
But what should I do, Rav Dovid Weinberger is also counted among my friends and advisors!
I saw they had already decided and concluded his guilt without giving him the opportunity to defend himself. What are we to do with the laws of the Torah that state that it is forbidden to listen to an accuser without  the defendant  being present.
They threw him to the wolves like a rotting carcass without hearing his side. They placed his case in front of men and women disguised as expert doctors, without listening to his defenders, some of whom are experts in this field.
They made him into a sinner and isolated him from the tribes of Israel , they made him into a pariah, all without harking to his shouts as if all gates of mercy were shut.
Even when one is a blasphemer, the Torah states that one must  investigate,. How much more so, Reb Dovid,  someone who has served his community selflessly for over 30 years and many benefited from him.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lawrence and Five Towns reeling with the firing of Rabbi Dovid Weinberger! UPDATED!

Lawrence is still in shock that Congregation Shaaray Tefila bounced Rabbi Dovid Weinberger from his prestigious position as Moro D'Asreh. 
Rabbi Weinberger is the author of the famous Artscroll sefer "The Traveler's Halachic Handbook! 

From the popular Blog FRUMFOLLIES

"The word is out that the Vaad of the 5 Towns and Far Rockaway has declared he should not be used as a rabbi. Individual rabbis posted flyers stating:
 It is with great sadness that the following announcement is being made to alert our community to a serious concern of which many of members might not be aware.
Recently, RDW [Rabbi Dovid Weinberger], a rabbi, resigned from his position as a rabbi of a congregation [Shaaray Tefila, Lawrence, NY], educator of young women in our community, and counselor to many who sought his advice.
Following that, we learned from professionals of a number of documented cases of his 
unfortunate and unacceptable behavior. It is the collective judgment of these professionals that this behavior may continue.We therefore feel obligated to inform our community of this concern and advise that there be no interaction with this rabbi in any rabbinic, educational, counseling or private setting."

 In 1998, the New York Times reported the following  story about the Rabbi, however, the story in not related to his sudden ouster! 

Mrs. Lightman, a nurse and the mother of four daughters, won a first-round victory on Nov. 18 when Justice David Goldstein of State Supreme Court in Queens handed down a summary judgment against a Long Island rabbi, David Weinberger of Temple Shaaray Tefila in Lawrence.
Mrs. Lightman had gone to Rabbi Weinberger for marital counseling, and complains in her suit that he violated clerical confidentiality by revealing secrets to her husband, Dr. Hylton Lightman, and his lawyer, information that then showed up in papers filed in a custody dispute.
As a result, she said, unfounded rumors began to circulate, including a rumor that she was failing to live by Jewish law and ''seeing a man in a social situation,'' stories that shook her community. Now, she said, she is largely ostracized there and attributes the loss of temporary custody of her daughters, ages 6 to 12, to the suspicions planted about her.
''I am portrayed as an irreligious woman not eligible to be the custodial parent to my children,'' she said.