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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Meir Kin will get married this thursday but still won't give a get to his wife!

Crazy Eyes Meir Kin
This sicko is marrying Daniela Barbosa this Wednesday in Las Vegas. 
Ms. Barbosa must be one desperate nutty lady to want to literally get into a sick bed. Meir claims that there is a get waiting in Bais Din to pick up, but what he refuses to tell the world, is, that there is a $500,00.00 price tag for that!
This animal with bug eyes has been torturing and blackmailing his wife Lonna Kin for 9 years.
Message to Barbosa:
Marry a man that you can divorce! Because you will never ever be able to divorce this piece of human waste!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Eirav Rav in Williamsburg burn the Jewish Flag, hundreds watch and don't say one word in protest!

No! This is not in Ramalla, nor is it in Teheran, No! It's not Nazi Germany!
It is in Williamsburg!

Massive backlash on the Asifas against Israel! People want to take Judaism back, from the Extremists!

The extremists are now having a snowball effect on the Jewish people.
 The moderate Agudah has now teamed up with the Satmar "meraglim," and the Neturei Karta to fight the State of Israel!

Belz & Kloizenberg who hated Satmar, now joined the Rumanian hooligans. 
Even the Litvisha Roshei Yeshiva are now adapting the Neturei Karta ideology. Rav Aaron Kotler is turning in his grave!

You may say, that they are the frum majority, so they must be right. 
That reasoning is flawed, since the Buddhists and Moslems are the majority religion in the world; are we going to G-D forbid accept their theology? 

The Agudah though they deny it, organized the huge Chillul Hashem that happened last Sunday on Water Street!

They are spewing hate and blatant lies to the masses telling them that the government of Israel has planned all along to induct the Yeshivah boys to make them not frum! 
The Nazi, Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany, used to say that if you "keep repeating your lies, they will become fact"
Using Goebbels tactics, leaders of our Yeshivas are brainwashing our children with these lies!

People are becoming fed up and want to take back yiddishkeit from these usurpers and charlatans!

Leaders of Klall Yisroel don't always wear fur coats, Eisav also wore a fur coat. 
Leaders of Klall Yisroel don't always wear fancy fedoras and frocks. 
The Chofetz Chaim, didn't own a fancy hat, he wore a simple Chino Cap!
Leaders of Klall Yisrael are people who don't fight their brothers in secular court. The second Rashi in Parshas Mishpatim clearly states that if you go to secular courts, "you are me'challel Shem Shomayim,"
Leaders of Klall Yisroel don't endorse pro gay candidates for mayor in New York!
Leaders of Klall Yisroel don't protect rapists, sex abusers!
Leaders of Klall Yisroel, don't annex land in Monroe to antagonize the gentile neighbors!
Leaders of Klall Yisroel are "makir tov" to the IDF for being there to protect them.
Leaders of Klall Yisroel would make a Mishebeirach for the IDF!
Leaders of Klall Yisroel would condemn the Yeshivah students who are beating up Frum IDF Soldiers in Uniform!
Leaders of Klall Yisroel would tell the non-learning boys to either learn a trade or join their brothers in the army!
Leaders of Klall Yisroel would tell Yeshivah boys that they are obligated to support their wives, written and signed in the ketubah!
Leaders of Klall yisroel would tell their followers that the women belong in the home to bring up the children, instead of shlepping to work, while their husbands are kvetching the chairs in yeshivah!
Leaders of Klall Yisroel don't have interviews with the Jew Hater, Yitzchok Frankfurter from Ami Magazine!
The Clown Frankfurter from Ami
We have decided to start introducing our readers, to true Torah leaders and to expose the fakes!
We already featured Rav Rabbi Eliezer Melamed,  Head of Yeshivat Har Bracha previously!

Today we will feature an exchange of letters!

Rav Pruzensky of Teaneck!

Earlier this week, I was contacted by an old friend who now lives in Israel, part of the Chareidi world. He sent me his thoughts, and I responded, and the exchange is reproduced below, with minor editing. I have deleted the friend’s name.   -RSP
6 Adar II 5774, March 8, 2014
Dear Steven,
Ahead of the mass gathering of Torah true Jewry scheduled to take place tomorrow in Manhattan, I’m reaching out to you, our brothers in America, to share with you the sad truth: here, in the State of Israel, Torah Jewry is subject to religious persecution.
To classify Torah students as “criminals,” subject to imprisonment, is only the latest and most absurd of anti-chareidi laws enacted recently by the government. In addition, they have  drastically cut education and welfare budgets, aiming to choke our yeshivos and schools, and even our individual religious freedoms, so prized by Americans and citizens of democracies worldwide.
Under the deceptive mantra of ‘sharing the burden’ the government is responsible for a wave of unprecedented incitement against chareidim, thereby splitting the nation. It is no secret that the objective of conscripting Torah scholars is a thinly disguised attempt at social engineering.
Is it conceivable that a Jewish government in Israel is trying to prevent its citizens from living Torah-true lives in the tradition that their ancestors for generations were moser nefesh for?
As you prepare to gather to offer heartfelt tefillos tomorrow, please remember that the train of persecution of lomdei Torah has already left the station and that there is no doubt that it is more difficult to stop a train that is already moving than to prevent it from leaving. But we must not despair and have to try to raise the alert, and to make all possible efforts to change things, before the train picks up speed. Because the route this train is heading towards leads directly to the abyss.
We know that the heart of Torah-true American Jewry beats together with its brethren in Eretz Yisrael, and senses that the danger to Torah observance in the Holy Land is a danger to the entire Jewish world. We believe that you recognize that learning and living Torah in Eretz Yisrael in holiness and purity is the basis for the existence of Torah true Yiddishkeit in Eretz Yisrael and in the Diaspora.
And therefore, grasp onto the craft of our fathers, and plead to Hashem that He protect and send salvation to all those who seek His yeshuos, so that shomrei Torah and lomdei Torah throughout will be able to continue to draw upon the eitz chaim, the tree of life, of the Torah world in Eretz Yisroel, that sustains us all.
(Name deleted)
Your brother in Eretz Yisrael
Dear ———:
It is great to hear from you and I hope you and the family are well, but I must part company with you on this issue, and I will not be participating in the rally today. 
In fact, I denounced it yesterday – even noted (based on a Midrash at the beginning of Vayikra) that there is such a concept of a “Talmid chacham she-ein bo da’at.”   
Here is why:
Chareidim make a mistake in thinking that only the Lapid-led diehard seculars have a growing contempt for them. The dati-leumi community is also increasingly hostile, because they sense – to me, accurately – that the Chareidi community is causing hatred for Torah. It is impossible to explain to – take, for one example – my nephew, who learned in Hesder and completed his army service, why his Talmud Torah is somehow inferior to that of Chareidim. It is not. Perhaps his Talmud Torah is the same, but the Charedi world’s “Nosei b’ol im chaveiro” is completely absent. That deficiency in Ahavat Yisrael is glaring, noticed and the reason why the society at large no longer tolerates it.
It is unconscionable that there exists in the Chareidi world this idea that work and army service are beneath them, and that the rest of society which they hold in contempt must work and pay higher taxes in order to support them in order that they should sit and learn. I too would love to sit and learn, and have someone support me, but that is not the system that Hashem set up. Odd, indeed, that the Rambam’s clear statement (Hilchot Talmud Torah 3:10-11) is ignored, if it is even taught. But when he speaks of “kavah me’or hadat,” that is exactly what has happened, and solely because the Chareidi world has not fully embraced the Torah. That construct of the Chareidi world as practiced today is unprecedented in Jewish history.
The Chareidi lifestyle as currently constituted is unsustainable. Everyone knows it, even their gedolim know it – but many are afraid to speak the truth for fear of physical attacks or peer reproach. They are literally trapped in a different era, using the language of Czarist Russia, Antiochus and Purim to describe a government that is the biggest financial supporter of Torah in the world. That is not leadership. I fully endorse the notion of a Yissachar-Zevulun relationship for as long as the parties agree, but no Yissachar has the right to force someone else – the whole society? – to be a Zevulun. That is simply not part of the Torah system.
What is wrong with all Jews participating in national defense? Or, if for whatever reason Chareidim feel they cannot, what is wrong with even Chareidim doing national service – helping out in nursing homes, teaching Torah in deprived communities, even doing chesed work for a year or two? That is known as giving back to society. One can’t only take; one must give as well. Certainly, as Rav Dessler emphasized repeatedly, giving – not taking – is the essence of the righteous person. When I learned in Israel, I thought it quite natural to participate in the national defense. I didn’t necessarily enjoy – at the time – the loss of sleep because of overnight patrols, but I am happy I did it, and only benefited from it, even in terms of Talmud Torah. How can Zaka take time off from learning to pick up the pieces, r”l, after a terrorist attack? Why can’t the same people work to thwart the terrorist attack in the first place?
Indeed, the army doesn’t really need Chareidi service as much as the Chareidim – for halachic and moral reasons – need it for themselves. But army service is mainly a portal into the work force, and that is key. The rate of employment in the Israeli Chareidi community is simply too low. The work force participation rate of adult males in Bnei Brak, Betar Illit, Kiryat Sefer, etc., is scandalous. Perhaps that is the true “war on Torah,” because the impression given that one cannot be a Torah Jew and a Talmid Chacham – and work and support one’s family – is an outrageous canard. All the Tannaim and Amoraim worked for a living. The greatest of our people – Avraham, Moshe, Yehoshua, David, etc. – all went to war when necessary. The Torah exempts four classes of people from battle: the scholar is not one of the exemptions, for Jewish wars especially require the participation of Talmidei Chachamim.
I am inclined to agree with Rav Rakeffet of Yerushalayim: “someone who thinks that he will not be a Gaon if he serves for a short time in the military will not be a Gaon in any event.” But it is unconscionable to expect the rest of society to support a lifestyle that is alien to them, and frankly, alien to Torah. Why would a “secular” Jew be attracted to a “Torah” lifestyle that purports to demand estrangement from the general society, a cloistered abode, a rejection of general knowledge, an inability to function in the presence of women, a disdain for gainful employment and self-support, etc.? It doesn’t seem very attractive, except for one who wants to escape from the world.
I don’t believe that Chareidim should be imprisoned for refusal to serve, nor that it will ever happen.  But, I note half in jest, what if it did? One can learn Torah full-time anywhere, even in prison. In fact, prison is ideal. Rav Meir Kahane hy”d wrote a 500-page sefer while he was in prison.  Every Israeli prison has a fully-stocked Bet Midrash, there are regular minyanim, Magidei Shiurim come every day, the food is mehadrin, there are no women present, no distractions at all. There are regular furloughs for Yamim Tovim. The government can support them anywhere. It’s just a change in venue. I don’t underestimate the hardships of prison life, but the Israeli jail is not the Gulag to which Jews were sent for learning Torah.
That they don’t proudly embrace the consequences of defiance means there is another factor at work: as you write, there are people who perceive the actions of the government as “social engineering” designed to “prevent Chareidim from living Torah-true lives.” I don’t believe that, and the extent to which the Charedi world has alienated natural supporters and lovers of Torah should be worrisome to them. But anyone who does believe that should not insist that the government subsidize that lifestyle. I personally oppose incarceration or criminal penalties, but I also would grant no government benefits at all to people who refuse to perform any type of national service. The Chareidi educational system is also in disarray; I do not see why the government should support any school system that does not educate its students in a way that will enable them to function in society. Is that really a “Torah-true” life? I think not.
One last point, which goes to the heart of this: I have never heard of a Chareidi shul where the tefila for Tzahal is recited. Forget the tefila for the medina – but why wouldn’t they say the tefila for Tzahal? I have asked this question many times to Chareidi acquaintances, and mostly been met with stunned silence and occasionally with a muffled “the Rebbe…the Rosh Yeshiva… has never told us to say it.” It is simply inexplicable, a lack of derech eretzhakarat hatov, and common sense.
What a Kiddush Hashem it would be if the Charedi leadership announced today that, it still rejects conscription, but henceforth it will daven for Tzahal every week! That would go a long way to easing tensions, perhaps not with Yair Lapid and his cohorts but with the Dati-Leumi Torah community that you are rapidly losing.
I love all Torah Jews and I hate all distortions of Torah. The Chareidi Torah world has so much to offer, and I refuse to accept this prevailing notion that they need to treated like handicapped children with special needs, that they are unable to live and interact with normal people. I reject that. I will treat them like precious Jews but like adults: those who are poreish min hatzibur should not be shocked or disheartened when the tzibur is in turn poreish from them.  The Chareidi world, on some level, perceives itself as a self-contained community that can insulate itself from the greater society which it holds (at least in some aspects, understandably) in contempt. But then don’t be surprised when that same society – which feels the contempt – then decides it no longer wishes to subsidize or indulge that community.
With friendship, all blessings and wishes for nachat v’chul tuv,
Steven Pruzansky
Your Brother in America

Neturei Karta Bastards Spit on counter protesters in Monsey

The Head Rabbi of the Neturei Karta savages, the Mamzer Beck, hates when he gets protested. 
Yesterday, on Purim, he got some of his own medicine! 
He was burning the flag of Israel, as is his custom every year, on Maple Avenue corner Route 306, in Monsey  when a group of Tzaddikim headed by Dov and Rochel Freundlich, defenders of this huge Chilul Hashem, came out to protest this atrocity against the Jewish people.
See the old bastard spitting on them.
Video by Gila Kind.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Cholent to be served on El Al flights

Responding to complaints that not enough “Ashkenazi” food is being served by Israel’s national carrier, El Al CEO Dudu Levy has ordered the airline to diversify its menu.

Over the last year El Al carried out surveys of passengers to see what they thought is missing from the airline’s meal plan, which traditionally consists of a small packaged water, flabby chicken breasts on rice and a vegetarian choice that often consists of random selections of warm vegetables. Passengers on flights to Europe and the US overwhelmingly indicated that “traditional Jewish food” was not well-represented.

Of the 32,564 people surveyed, fully 63 percent claimed that “chulent and gefillte fish” are missing.

Beginning on select flights on the JFK-Tel Aviv route, El Al has begun introducing the “Ashkenazi menu.” One stewardess told the Post that she was excited about the new policy. “Now I get to carry a large pot of steaming cholent down the aisle. I love seeing the smiling faces of the passengers as they put out their bowls to receive a ladle of beans and other mysteries that chulent consists of.”

Kugel has also made an appearance in recent weeks.

Passenger Rachel Teperberg claims that “it feels just like home and reminds me of those Shalom Aleichem stories about the shtetl.” Her eyes tear up as she explains “this is what a Jewish airline should be; real Jewish food. Tasteless slop in a bowl, next to hard, sweet pasta, it is like bringing back the culture of Eastern Europe in its entirety. All they need now is to have Cossacks on horseback on the plane.”

El Al says it does not plan to incorporate horses and Cossacks or pogroms any time soon. However, “if surveys show that the passengers feel a pogrom would add to the experience of the flight, we would consider adding this as well,” said a spokesman. 

Peretz Sontag of Monsey, Missing UPDATED! $15,000.00 REWARD


Scores of men and boys prayed Monday evening for the safe return of Peretz Sontag, the Pomona man missing since Friday.
Sontag, 50, is well known in the area's Orthodox community for a kind heart and years of active service in charitable causes, said several of those praying for him at Temple Ahavas Yitzchok on Forshay Road.
"I know it's a cliche, but to know him, really is to love him," Chaim Saperstein, 37, said.
Ramapo police Sgt. Mike Higgins said Sontag was last seen driving from his home in a 2012, black Kia Optima with New York state license plate FZD-8413. Before disappearing, Sontag had made reference to harming himself, Higgins said.
Authorities pinged Sontag's cell phone Friday afternoon, detecting a signal from the device at a cell tower in the Stony Point area, which includes Harriman State Park.
"Since that time, we've been unable to make any contact with the phone," Higgins said.
Ramapo police have been coordinating efforts with New York State Park Police officers, state troopers and the Stony Point Police Department as well as numerous volunteer agencies working toward Sontag's safe return.
Dan Keefe, a spokesman for the park police, said one of his officers assisted in a search of Harriman on Monday, guiding about 60 volunteers from a Kiryas Joel emergency services unit through parts of the park. Keefe said park police also had extensively searched roads and parking areas throughout the weekend, finding no evidence Sontag had been in the vicinity.
Saperstein, who, as a teenager, served as an occasional babysitter to Sontag's children, said he was surprised to learn of the 50-year-old's alleged suicidal comments.
"I never would have guessed that," he said. "He's always very cheerful. He's a great guy ... he's got a great family."
Anyone with information on Sontag's whereabouts is asked to contact Ramapo police at 845-357-2400.

Monsey Hatzolah is asking the public to be on the lookout for the following individual who has gone missing. His name is Peretz Sontag, 50-years old. He was last seen leaving his home in Wesley Hills (Monsey) home, on Friday morning around 11:30AM.
He was driving a 2012 black Kia Optima, NY (gold) Plate # FZD 8413.
He is described as thin, 5 foot 6, 120 pounds.
If you see this individual, or have any information which can help is finding him, please contact the following:
Ramapo Police Department: 845-357-2400
Monsey Hatzolah 845-425-1600
Please send this to your friends to help find this person!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Chag Purim Samaiach!

9 Year Old Eliyahu Eliezer Raitzik and 38 year old R' Shlomo Zalman Rosengarten of Lakewood, die suddenly!

As reported by YWN

YWN regrets to inform our readers of two tragedies which struck the Lakewood community on Erev Purim 5774.
The first tragedy is the sudden Petira of 9-year-old Eliyahu Eliezer Raitzik Z”L, son of Reb Shabsi. Hatzolah rushed to the boy’s home around 7:30 AM Friday morning when he failed to wake up. Resuscitation efforts by Hatzolah Paramedics were unfortunately unsuccessful.
He was 4th grade student in Yeshivah Bais Aharon.
The Levaya will be taking place at 3:30 PM this afternoon at the Bais Medrash Hayashon BMG. The Kevurah will take place in Lakewood.
The other tragedy is the Petira of 38-year-old Reb Shloime Zalman Rosengarten Z”L who was Niftar this morning after suffering a cardiac arrest earlier this week. He was resuscitated by Hatzolah, and taken to a hospital. Tragically, he never recovered, and was Niftar this morning.
He leaves behind a wife and several children.
The Levaya will be taking place at BMG at 2 PM. Kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Neshama Carlbach will welcome Shabbos Zochur with the "Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir"

Neshama (3rd from left in front)with the Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir
Neshama is obsessed with the Baptists so she will wecome our Holy Shabbos in a Reform Temple with a bunch of Schvartzeh singers!
Now we know why she has no use for the Orthodox!

This is her announcement on Facebook,

Excited, honored and inspired to be participating in Shabbat services at Central Synagogue with Rabbi Angela Buchdahl andCantor Julia Katz, at 6PM tomorrow night. For the first time , I'll be welcoming Shabbat in while singing with my new band, Roger Lee Hambrick , Vanessa Hambrick and members of the Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir. New York Friends, hoping to see you there! For those of you who cannot be there, it will also be filmed and streamed live- check out the website.. xoxo to all!

Is this some sort of s a Purim Joke? Lakewood Rabbis Ban Megillas Lester Purim Video

The Roshei Yeshivah of Lakewood are now finished protesting the IDF, and are now moving on to more important issues like banning this video!
 Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Schlesinger of Monsey, the one defending the admitted child rapist Moshe Turner, ranted against this video this whole week in his shiurim!
Did they watch it or did some crazy deranged activist convince them to ban it?
Is the Jewish World now run by a bunch of fanatical nuts?


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

R' Chaim Kanievsky and the Seret Viznitzer Rebbe Served in the IDF and they Still Turned Out to be Holy Jews!

from a Matzav Article printed in August 2009

Rav Shmuel Grossbard zt”l, father of one of the mashgichim in Ponevezh Yeshiva, passed away this past week. His children were surprised when Rav Chaim Kanievsky came in to be menachem avel, and were even more surprised with what he told them shortly after he arrived.
“You have no idea why I troubled myself to come console you?” Rav Kanievsky asked. “I have hakoras hatov for your father who was my commander in the army and helped me a lot.”
Those present were surprised by what he said that he had served in the army. One of those present had the courage to ask, “The rov was in the army? We never heard this before about our father, and about the rov even more so!”
Rav Kanievsky smiled and related to them, “It was during the War of Independence. I was then learning in the Yeshiva of Lomza in Petach Tikvah. The war started and everyone was drafted to the army - with no exceptions. Of course, we knew nothing, until one day a large vehicle pulled up outside the yeshiva and they said that everybody has to get in to go protect the country.
“Because none of us knew how to hold a gun,they gave us sticks and stones and put us out to guard a large hill. I remember everyone was very scared and Rav Berel Povarsky hid in a bathroom and got out of it. But Rav Moshe Soloveitchik and I, we went, and he was sitting beside me the whole time saying Tehillim while crying.
“Your father, z”l, was appointed as commander, because he was the oldest in the group. Because he was commander, he got the largest stick. When we got there, I asked him what we should do. He told me, ‘You should go up the hill and sit and learn where they can’t see you, but take a stick and two stones, so that if the Arabs come, you can scare them away.’ We sat there for a long time, and after we left the place, we were told the Arabs had shot to that same place.”
When he finished relating this story, Rav Chaim said, “Out of gratitude for then, I have come to console you.”

Here is the Hebrew report about the Seret Viznitzer Rebbe and his father serving in the IDF!

מאמץ גדול משקיעים החסידים המבקשים למנוע פרסום רשימה על שירותו  של האדמו"ר מסרט וויזניץ במלחמה לשחרור חיפה, כותב הרשימה מספר כי הרבי שירת יחד עם אביו, ואף משבח אותו מציין כי היה מן הטובים והמצויינים במלחמה

אין ברשימה מילה אחת חלילה של לשון הרע על הרבי, ובכל זאת יש מן החסידים הרואים בפרסום הרשימה פגיעה, מפני שבימינו 'עס פאסט נישט' שהרבי שירת בצבא, לכן הם פנו לכל מי מבין הגדולים ברחוב הדתי לאומי שישפיעו על אותו מחבר ובעיקר על המערכת של השבועון 'מצב הרוח' שיוציאו את הרשימה, אבל הם לא הסיכמו בטענה כי הם לא רואים שום פגיעה, ההיפך מבחינתם זה כבוד גדול לרבי

הרשימה עוסקת על הלחימה לשחרור חיפה ועל חלקו של הרבי מסרט וויזניץ באותה מלחמה

מביאים אנו לכם כאן את הרשימה כמות שהיא ושיפטו אתם אם יש בכך חלילה פגיעה ברבי. כן, על פי שיטת נטורי קרתא זה אולי לא מתאים, אבל מי שילמד את הזמנים ההם, לעשות מה שהרבי מסרט עשה היה מקובל ואנו לא רואים בכך כל פגיעה חלילה בו או במעמדו