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Showing posts with label neshama Carlbach with the green baptist Church Choir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neshama Carlbach with the green baptist Church Choir. Show all posts

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Neshama Carlbach will welcome Shabbos Zochur with the "Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir"

Neshama (3rd from left in front)with the Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir
Neshama is obsessed with the Baptists so she will wecome our Holy Shabbos in a Reform Temple with a bunch of Schvartzeh singers!
Now we know why she has no use for the Orthodox!

This is her announcement on Facebook,

Excited, honored and inspired to be participating in Shabbat services at Central Synagogue with Rabbi Angela Buchdahl andCantor Julia Katz, at 6PM tomorrow night. For the first time , I'll be welcoming Shabbat in while singing with my new band, Roger Lee Hambrick , Vanessa Hambrick and members of the Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir. New York Friends, hoping to see you there! For those of you who cannot be there, it will also be filmed and streamed live- check out the website.. xoxo to all!