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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

New York Times ‘Shameful Coverage of Jerusalem Terrorist Attack"


The New York Times has been blasted for its reporting on the recent terrorist attack in Jerusalem that killed seven Israelis and wounded three others—with critics saying the newspaper’s headline, which incorrectly stated the attack occurred in “East Jerusalem,” implies that the murders were justified because they took place over the Green Line (Israel’s pre-1967 border).

“Here’s the New York Times reporting that Jews were murdered and they had it coming,” tweeted former head of speechwriting and Israel’s Mission to the United Nations Aviva Klompas.


 International human rights lawyer and CEO of the International Legal Forum Arsen Ostrovsky called that the coverage was “obscene.”

 International CEO and co-founder of StandWithUs Roz Rothstein condemned the NYT headline as shameful, while HonestReporting put out a statement criticizing the publication for its minimization and complicity with this terrorist attack on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

“This is what we mean when we say the media is complicit,” tweeted HonestReporting. “Shame on the New York Times for trying to minimize and excuse a terrorist attack that left 8 Jewish civilians dead, at their synagogue, on Int’l Holocaust Remembrance Day.”

The paper inaccurately labeled the attack as taking place in an “East Jerusalem” synagogue.

“Breaking News: A gunman killed at least five people at an East Jerusalem synagogue after a deadly month in the occupied West Bank,” tweeted the publication in its initial coverage of the terrorist attack.

The terrorist attack took place in the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood, which is located on the northern border of Jerusalem, rather than beyond the Green Line in the eastern part of the city.

“Shame on you,” former Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Danny Danon tweeted in response to the New York Times story. The article was also criticized by other members of Israel’s diplomatic corps.


 “I strongly condemn the New York Times for gaslighting this terror attack by referring to it as east Jerusalem,” tweeted Deputy Counsel General of Israel to the Southeast U.S. Alex Gandler. “This is Jerusalem, this is the quiet neighborhood [where] I grew up. I don’t expect much from reporting based on ideology, but at least some sense of truth is needed.”

Talmud with Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s Notes Online at Israel’s National Library


Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky ZT’L who died last year at the age of 94 was known for his unique system of study, which included an annual cycle of reviewing, in-depth, the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmudim, the writings of Maimonides, and the Shulchan Aruch. It earned him the title of Sar HaTorah (Master of the Torah).

He embellished these books with numerous margin notes, including comments on wording and content, attesting to his perceptiveness and expertise. The National Library of Israel recently launched a project to digitize the books authored by Rabbi Kanievsky, donated by the family, as well as copies of books that belonged to him, to offer access to his teachings and comments which, to date, had not been made public.

The digitized works are available on KTIV – The International Collection of Digitized Hebrew Manuscripts.

Regents Exam Includes ‘Anti-Zionist Propaganda’


 Jewish leaders blasted a Regents exam which was administered last week as “unconscionable and shameful” for asking questions biased against Israel and the Jews.

Dov Hikind and others condemned the Global History and Geography Regents II which asked two egregious questions, and gave a distorted version of the Jewish nation’s right to dwell in Israel.

“It’s unconscionable and shameful that at a time of heightened violent antisemitism our state’s educational materials would include what amounts to anti-Zionist propaganda—a truly pathetic attempt at surreptitiously harming Israel,” said Dov Hikind. “We’re calling on NYS Education Department commissioner Betty A. Rosa to swiftly remove the disingenuous questions and conduct a thorough audit to ensure such egregious distortions of history that invariably lead to animosity for the sole Jewish state aren’t being inadvertently fed to our children.”

One of the questions asked “Which historical event most directly influenced the development of the 1947 plan shown on map A (and showed a map of Israel from 1947).” The possible answers were 1) Russian pogroms, 2) the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 3) Paris Peace Conference 4) the Holocaust, with 4 being the right answer.

The other asked “Which group benefited most from the changes shown on the maps?” The right answer, according to the test, was “Zionists and Jewish Immigrants.”

Test transparency can raise legitimate issues of questions’ appropriateness and wording,” said David Bloomfield, education professor at Brooklyn College. “It’s not a matter of ‘wokeness’ to civilly debate these matters.”

“Preposterous, biased and lacking context, these questions are on par with the woke agenda and brainwashing of our young adult generation to make them think the way the biased officials want them to think,” said Brooklyn Councilwoman Inna Vernikov. “It’s unacceptable and must be corrected immediately.”

Hikind said that reducing the creation of Israel to the Holocaust ignores all historical, ancestral and Biblical connections of the Jewish people to the land of Israel. “That connection goes back thousands of years.”

“One proctor was so angry, she was beside herself,” Hikind told The NY Post.

He also said that the test included the trope that the Holocaust was the prevailing reason for the state of Israel and that “Zionists and Jewish immigrants” benefited most from the “changing borders.”

“The maps lack all context,” added Hikind, “Specifically that border changes were the result of successive wars started by Arab states to annihilate Israel. Second, the questions, at best, lend themselves to debate, not to singular answers from among false choices.”

“When you show these maps, and ask why the state of Israel was created, it just attributes it to the Holocaust.” The former assemblyman added that the Zionist movement actually began in the 19th century under Theodor Herzl.

In addition, he objected that the test referred to the Golan Heights region, recognized by President Trump in 2019, as being “annexed” by Israel.

According to the Post, the Board of Regents said the two questions on Israel were “designed to test students’ knowledge of geography as it relates to historical events.”

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Satmar's Neturei Karta Mourn the death of the Jenin Terrorist


Members of Satmar/Neturei Karta demonstrate in memory of terrorists killed in Jenin gun battle.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Avigayil Halpern Finishes Shas


Below is her take on Yosef Ha'Zaddik

Below she tries her best to be a shadchan

Chareidie Media Erase Photo of Lady Murdered "Al Kiddush Hashem"

 If this perversion of crazed Chareidim continues we are all doomed!

They are very sick!

Not enough that she was murdered trying to help Chareidie MEN, they erase her memory! Is this what the Torah wants?

The Healthy Jew .....

Dear Readers,
 I have recently come across a newsletter that I found very informative and inspiring. It's called "The Healthy Jew"  "Finding Wellness With Purpose," it's insightful, practical, and it's free! 

This "email newsletter" is published every Thursday by a qualified professional and it covers nutrition, exercise, stress, nature and hiking (particularly in Eretz Yisroel), and much more!

This publication is a call to take our health seriously, not just to make a good life possible, but because caring for ourselves is where good choices begin. As the Rambam explains, a person enters humankind by using his mind to guide his body’s actions to a single immediate purpose: physical and emotional well-being.

DIN has subscribed, and I read every article, and strongly recommend "The Healthy Jew" to all Yidden.

Here is the latest edition of _The Healthy Jew_, written the day before the terrorist attacks, and is now even more relevant.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Demolition of illegal buildings in eastern Jerusalem begins


The Jerusalem municipality, in cooperation with the police, began the process of demolishing illegal Arab structures in eastern Jerusalem Sunday morning, in according with the policy of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Forces with bulldozers belonging to the municipality arrived in the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood to begin the demolitions, and from there will continue to other houses and neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem.

Minister Ben-Gvir ordered the preparation for the demolishing of illegal structures in eastern Jerusalem immediately after the deadly shooting attack in which seven people were murdered outside a synagogue in the Neve Ya'akov neighborhood of Jerusalem Friday night. Many more buildings are expected to be demolished this week.

Ben-Gvir said: "I congratulate my friend []Jerusalem] Mayor Moshe Leon and the Jerusalem Police for enforcing the law and carrying out the duties I assigned. We will fight terrorism with all the legal means at our disposal.''

Earlier, the home of the terrorist who carried out the massacre was sealed in the At-Tur neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem. The sealing of all the openings of the home was carried out early Sunday morning after the necessary approvals were received and at the instruction of the political level.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Palestinians Celebrate After Jews Are Murdered in Yerushalayim Terror Attack


Hordes of animals dressed as humans celebrated the deaths of more than half a dozen Jews killed by a machine-gun wielding terrorist at a shul in Neve Yaakov near Yerushalayim on Friday night.

Footage coming out of Palestinian strongholds and villages show dozens of twisted, terrorist-loving sickos singing, dancing, and handing out sweets, celebrating the demise of Jews and the martyrdom of the Arab terrorist.

Several Republicans say they will not vote for House Speaker's proposal to block Rep. Omar from sitting on the Foreign Affairs Committee.


US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) vow to block Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from sitting on the House Foreign Affairs Committee has hit an early snag, as he may not have the votes to do it, The Hill reported on Thursday.

“There’s already two Republicans that have indicated that they won’t vote to put her off, and I think others will come aboard also,” said Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY), the senior Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee, who is lobbying Republicans on Omar’s behalf.

“So I don’t think it’s going to be a simple vote. I think that she has a good chance of staying,” he added.

Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN) said this week she’ll oppose the measure, calling McCarthy’s move “unprecedented” while citing her opposition to Democrats’ successful removal of GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) from committees in 2021.

“Two wrongs do not make a right,” she said in a statement quoted by The Hill. “As I spoke against it on the House floor two years ago, I will not support this charade again.”

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) has been similarly cool to the concept, also pointing to her criticism of the Greene and Gosar evictions under Democratic rule, according to the report.

“I’m not going to be a hypocrite just because Republicans are in the majority now,” she told reporters Wednesday morning. “It’s not been a precedent in Congress to kick people off of their committees because of things that they say, even if you vehemently disagree with those things.”

Still, Mace said she’s withholding final judgment until the final resolution is released.

Omar hasn’t officially been recommended for the committee yet and a House vote has not been set, The Hill noted.

McCarthy is seeking to block Omar from the committee due to her criticisms of Israel and its government.

Omar came under fire in 2019 after she suggested on Twitter that Republicans were attacking her at the behest of the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC.

She subsequently issued a half-hearted apology before ultimately deleting the controversial tweets.

In another incident, Omar shared to Twitter a video of a conversation she had with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in which she appeared to compare Israel and the United States to Hamas and the Taliban.

After 12 of the 25 Jewish Democrats in the US House of Representatives published a statement criticizing Omar’s assertion, she fired back at her Jewish colleagues and said, “It’s shameful for colleagues who call me when they need my support to now put out a statement asking for ‘clarification’ and not just call.”

Danon attacks NY Times headline: "Shame on you"


Likud MK Dannny Danon attacked a "Breaking news" update published on the New York Times website regarding the deadly terror attack in Jerusalem.

The update read: "A gunman killed at least five people at an east Jerusalem synagogue after a deadly month in the occupied West Bank".

Likud MK Dannny Danon repiled on Twitter and wrote: 

"Shame on you New York Times".

In response to the terrorist attacks, Danon added: "This Shabbat has been very difficult for the people of Israel. My heartfelt condolences go out to the families who lost their loved ones. I wish a quick and full recovery to those injured in the attacks."

"Israel's government must act decisively in response to these horrific attacks. There should be no more cosmetic treatment. We need to respond firmly to Palestinian terror, aggression and incitement", he wrote.

"The cabinet should announce three immediate steps this evening: 1. Denial of VIP entry certificates for all senior PA officials who support terrorism. 2. Change the procedure for the demolition of terrorist houses that will allow the immediate razing of every terrorist's house as well as those of his accomplices. 3. Eviction of Khan Al-Ahmar this week."

In a 2nd terror attack in Jerusalem: Father and son wounded in shooting attack


A father and son were injured in a shooting terror attack near the City of David archaeological site in Jerusalem.

The attack took place this morning. The shooter, reportedly a 13-year-old resident of east Jerusalem, was shot by two civilians.

MDA EMTs and Paramedics treated and conveyed two patients to the Shaare Tzedek Hospital. A 23-year-old male in serious condition, and his father, a 47-year-old male, in moderate to serious condition, with gunshot wounds to their upper bodies.

MDA paramedic Fadi Dekidek: "We were quickly on scene and saw two gunshot victims. A 47-year-old male and 23-year-old male. They were fully conscious and had gunshot wounds to their upper bodies. We quickly moved them to the MICUs and conveyed them to Shaare Tzedek Hospital, with the young male in serious condition and the other male in moderate to serious condition."

Arab Murders 7 Jews in Neve Yaakov in Yerushalayim

 At least seven people were killed and several others were injured, including one critically, in a shooting attack on the Ateret Avraham Synagogue in the Neve Yaakov neighborhood of Jerusalem on Friday evening.

Magen David Adom paramedics evacuated five injured people to hospitals, including three who were evacuated to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, and two who were evacuated to Shaare Zedek Hospital. These include a man about 30 years old in critical condition and a woman about 60 years of age in moderate condition.

Initial reports indicate that a terrorist got out of a vehicle and opened fire at people who were gathered outside the synagogue, opened fire at them, and then continued to pursue frightened worshipers who were fleeing the scene.

The terrorist eventually fled the scene in a white Toyota and was met by police officers who shot him dead.

The terrorist has been identified as Alkam Khairi, a 21-year-old resident of eastern Jerusalem.

The Israel Police said, “The initial investigation of the terrorist's identity suggests that he committed the terrorist attack by himself. Findings suggest that he is a 21-year-old resident of East Jerusalem.”

“Following the initial reports, police forces were dispatched to the scene and engaged with the terrorist while he was fleeing the scene, minutes from when the initial reports were received. By doing so, officers prevented further massacre and killing of innocent civilians,” the statement continued.

“Following a pursuit and fire exchange with the terrorist, police officers neutralized the terrorist and he was pronounced dead. 7 civilians were killed in the attack and 3 additional were injured.”

“The weapon and vehicle used by the terrorist were apprehended by police forces. Security forces are continuing activity to check for others involved in the attack,” concluded the statement.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas BO


DIN on the kidnapping story!


DIN: A Note to my Readers.

 I received thousands of emails in response to this story. Most, of course, came to the defense of the suspected kidnapper, and that was way before the facts were even in. 
It is interesting to note that the excuses they came up with are more damaging than the initial story. 

Many claimed that they "knew the suspect very well and that he is mentally challenged," and so I should give "him some slack."
Others, postulated that the "kid was "a pest" and so he grabbed him and threw him out." Many of those who emailed me came up with the most preposterous reasons on why he did it, all without knowing anything. Some even claimed that they were relatives of him, and they know for a fact that he wasn't there during the incident. From all those who came up with their different scenarios, not one expressed any sympathy for the child, not one. This tells us a lot about our community! Instead of writing me and telling me "let's wait another day" they blindly followed their flawed instincts to 
support who we then thought was an abuser!

When I posted the story, it was already on social media with links to the New York Post article, and just so you know, the post got the story from the police blotter. 
I posted the story after checking with the police department and they told me basically what was reported in the post.

To the many comments telling me that I lost "my olim haba" because the "suspect" is a "tzaddik, I say, that if in the future a similar story comes up, I will, of course, do my diligence in to verifying what exactly occurred, but I would do exactly what I did. 
Not because I am an "arrogant baal-gaaveh" as many called me, anyone that personally knows me, knows that this is the furthest thing from the truth, but because the safety of our children comes before the reputation of an adult. 

The majority of the psychological issues we have with today's teenagers that come from Torah homes, directly stem from the sexual abuse that they suffered from rebbes and people that they trusted.
I will continue to advocate for these children and others that suffered and continue to suffer from abuse from people in authority.

This blog was originally called "NEW HEMPSTEAD NEWS" and I created it because of woman that were suffering from a "rabbi" who abused them. This Rabbi subsequently sued me in four different states, and his lawsuit was dismissed after I presented my evidence to the judge. In one particular case in California, not only did the rabbi lose, but I was awarded legal and court costs. 
I then changed the name to "Dus Iz Nies" because I was spoofing the  "Vos is Nies" News blog. 
The purpose of this blog is not to report the news, that you can get from the News media, the purpose is to give the readers what is really behind the stories. Most of the stories of the secular media are one sided and that goes also for the Heimishe Newspapers as well, such as Der Yid, Der Blatt, Der Zeitung, Yated, etc that have a circulation that together amount to over a million readers, a week!
What I am trying to do is to give the heimishe and yeshivishe oilom the news behind the news. I don't expect people to agree with me all the time, but it does make people question what they read, and if I accomplished that, I am content. 
This blog gets approximately, 50 - 75 thousand hits a week, according to google analytics, the people that read my blog, stay on it for over 6 minutes that is impressive as most News Media Blogs have readers only stay for about 3 minutes, as people just scan the headlines. I also add some funny posts just to keep your interests. 

Having said that, I hope and pray that the "suspect" gets completely exonerated, and if and when this happens, I will apologize to him in person. 

Read from his lawyer

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Half of America’s 25 most generous philanthropists are Jews. Almost NONE give to Jewish groups.


Jews made up nearly half of America’s biggest philanthropic donors last year, according to a calculation by Forbes of who gave the most money away in 2022. 

In a year that saw their fortunes take a hit amid declines in the stock market, America’s 25 “most generous givers” donated a collective $27 billion, up from $20 billion in 2021, for a lifetime total of $196 billion, according to Forbes. They included 12 billionaires with Jewish backgrounds — a dramatic overrepresentation when compared to the proportion of Jews in the overall U.S. population.

The Jews on the list include financier George Soros, who gave away at least $300 million to racial justice and humanitarian work in Ukraine and other causes;  businessman and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg with $1.7 billion in donations to charter schools, clean energy, and fighting heart disease; and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, whose charity donated more than $900 million, with much of the money going to fund research into artificial intelligence and genomics at universities. 

George Soros funds 'fact checkers' to silence dissent

It’s not enough for George Soros to fund the media and encourage stories that back up his point of view — he has to make sure no one disagrees with it.

Last year, Soros partnered with fellow leftist billionaire Reid Hoffman (the co-founder of LinkedIn) to financially back a project to fight so-called disinformation. The name they chose might have come from George Orwell himself: Good Information Inc.

Branding anything that goes counter-narrative as “disinformation” has become the left’s latest strategy to fight anything that threatens their spin, and Soros has taken note.

Later in the year, heading into the midterms, in an open letter signed by 11 other leftist groups, the Soros-funded Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights called on Big Tech CEOs to take “immediate” action to spread so-called “voting disinformation” to “help prevent the undermining” of democracy. The signatories had received a combined $30.3 million from Soros in just a four-year period.

Soros already has had success across the Atlantic in using fact-checkers to censor narratives damaging to the left.

MSNBC Meshiginar Calls DeSantis “Dangerous in Every Way” for Saying Kids Shouldn’t Use Phones in Class


When you think of dictators, what comes to mind? 

If you’re MSNBC columnist and NYU professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat, what comes to mind is a sick, twisted man who will tell schools that they can take students’ phones away if they’re using it in middle of class. I kid you not.

“Why are these kids on their phones during class all the time?” DeSantis asked during a press conference, suggesting that schools should have students “leave their phone in some cubby or something, go sit in class and learn” during class time and have their devices returned during recess.

“They should not be on their phones being distracted from the lessons,” he said.

This was a bridge too far for Professor Ben-Ghiat.

“He is so dangerous in every way. Truly an authoritarian personality,” she wrote in a tweet responding to a video of DeSantis’ comments.

He’s so dangerous, in fact, that science agrees with him. Numerous studies have shown that kids being too involved with their phones have seriously hurt their academic success.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress found that between 2019 and 2022, reading and math scores for students between 4th and 8th grade have dropped like a rock in water.

How awful of DeSantis to suggest that academic decline be brought to an end. What a monster.

Libs of TikTok’s Chaya Raichik Meets With Trump at Mar-a-lago

 Chaya Raichik, the owner of the Libs of TikTok account, shared a photo of herself with President Donald Trump on her personal Twitter account late Tuesday.

“Bumped into this guy and he invited me for dinner,” Raichik captioned the post of the pair giving a thumbs-up to the camera while apparently dining together. “He seems nice!” Raichik later added: “I asked him if his first tweet back can be retweeting this,” along with a crying laughing emoji.

One Twitter user responded by asking Raichik, an orthodox Jew, if the dinner was kosher, and she replied, “Yes!”


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

1,000-year-old mysterious hand imprint found next to the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.


Elements of ancient Jerusalem’s fortifications and a mysterious hand imprint carved in the rock were uncovered at the Israel Antiquities Authority excavations in Jerusalem.

The archaeological excavations were carried out along the main Sultan Suleiman Street that runs adjacent to the city walls, prior to infrastructure works by Moriah - The Jerusalem Development Corporation.

In the course of the excavations, part of a deep defensive moat that surrounded the city walls, probably dating from the tenth century CE and possibly earlier, were exposed. An unexplained carved hand imprint was discovered at one spot carved in the moat wall.

Zubair Adawi, Israel Antiquities Authority excavation director, uncovered the moat located just underneath the street. According to Adawi, “People are not aware that this busy street is built directly over a huge moat, an enormous rock-hewn channel, at least 10 m wide, and between 2–7 m deep.

The moat, surrounding the entire Old City, dates back about 1,000 years to the 10th century CE or earlier, and its function was to prevent the enemy besieging Jerusalem from approaching the walls and breaking into the city.

Moats, usually filled with water, are well-known from fortifications and castles in Europe, but here the moat was dry, its width and depth presenting an obstacle slowing down the attacking army.”

The impressive walls and gates of the Old City visible today were built in the sixteenth century by the Turkish Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I, the Magnificent.

“The earlier fortification walls that surrounded the ancient city of Jerusalem were much stronger,” says Dr. Amit Re’em, Jerusalem regional Director at the Israel Antiquities Authority. “In the eras of knights’ battles, swords, arrows, and charging cavalry, the fortifications of Jerusalem were formidable and complex, comprising walls and elements to hold off large armies storming the city.”

Re’em says, “Armies trying to capture the city in the Middle Ages, had to cross the deep moat and behind it two additional thick fortification walls, whilst the defenders of the city on the walls rained down on them fire and sulfur. As if this wasn’t enough, there were secret tunnels in the fortifications, some of them uncovered by the Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists in previous excavations, whereby the city defenders could emerge into the moat and attack the enemy by surprise, and then disappear back into the city.”

“The historians who accompanied the First Crusade, describe the arrival of the Crusaders at the walls of Jerusalem in June 1099. Exhausted by the journey, they stood opposite the huge moat, and only after five weeks succeeded in crossing it with deploying tactics and at the cost of much blood, under heavy fire from the Moslem and Jewish defenders.”

In the course of the excavation, a mysterious hand-imprint was found carved in the moat wall. To date, the archaeologists have not deciphered the meaning of this carving. “Does it symbolize something? Does it point to a specific nearby element? Or is it just a local prank? Time may tell,” say the researchers.

According to Eli Escuzido, Director of the Israel Antiquities Authority: “Many dreamed about and fought for Jerusalem, and the city fortifications are a silent testimony. The archaeological finds enable us to visualize the dramatic events and the upheavals that the city underwent. One can really imagine the tumult and almost smell the battle smoke. We are daily unravelling the intensive military history of the city, and we will make great efforts to exhibit the finds to the general public.”

Ben-Gvir: I don't follow Jordanian policy, will continue to go on Temple Mount


National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir stated that he would continue to visit the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Jordanian King Abdullah II in Amman and reiterated his commitment to maintaining the status quo at the holy site.

“I manage my own policy concerning the Temple Mount, not that of the Jordanian government,” Ben-Gvir told Kan News. “I went up to the Temple Mount; I will continue to go up to the Temple Mount.”

He added: “With all due respect to Jordan, Israel is an independent country.”

According to a Jordanian press release, during their meeting yesterday, the King of Jordan stressed to Netanyahu that "the historical and legal status quo at the Al-Aqsa Mosque must be respected."

This was Netanyahu's first public visit to Jordan since June 2018. The visit comes amid tensions between Jordan and Israel surrounding the visit by Minister Ben-Gvir to the Temple Mount about two weeks ago, and the incident that occurred last week when the Jordanian ambassador was detained at the entrance to the Temple Mount.

Ambassador Rasan Al-Majali attempted to enter the Temple Mount complex through the Lions' Gate but was delayed at the entrance. At first it was claimed that because of this he abandoned his attempt to gain entry as a sign of protest. It was later clarified that he was granted entry to the Temple Mount, and prayed in the mosque for approximately three hours.

Gov't plan could see settlement population increase by hundreds of thousands


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new government is poised to take a series of steps that could result in a massive increase in the population of Jewish communities in Judea in Samaria over the coming years, Israel Hayom has learned. 

During a recent meeting between Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and settler leaders, some of the components of the plans were revealed. If finalized, they would come on top of the pledges already written into the Coalition Agreements that were signed between the Likud and its allies in the Knesset. 

The plan's components include convening the Higher Planning Council in Judea and Samaria as soon as possible and approving some 18,000 new housing units in the coming months. The plan also calls for having the council meet regularly every month rather than once every three months under previous Netanyahu governments and only twice during the past year under the shared premiership of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid. 

Another measure would create a separate entity that would approve construction that is not for residential living, such as daycare centers and industrial complexes. This mini-planning council would meet every several weeks to approve construction plans. 

If these proposals get finalized and pass the relevant hurdles, they could increase the number of settlers in the coming years by hundreds of thousands and streamline the approval process for such construction so that only two entities would have to sign off on civilian construction rather than five. As a result of cutting this red tape, the plan would also dramatically shorten the time it takes from the planning phase to the full construction of housing units.

Netanyahu, Gallant, and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich met to finalize this process earlier this week, as part of the implementation of the agreement that stipulates moving some functions from the Defense Ministry to Smotrich's portfolio, as he is also defined as a minister within the Defense Ministry. If carried out as planned, Jewish settlers would essentially have the same experience dealing with government agencies as other Israelis, as they would no longer have to go through the filter of the Defense Ministry.

The officials also discussed changing the metrics for how infrastructure projects are measured. Rather than use the prism of the Jewish residents –which currently stand at some 500,000 in Judea and Samaria – projects would take into account the overall number of residents in the affected areas, essentially adding millions of non-Israelis to the official headcount beyond the Green Line for planning purposes ahead of their construction, such as in the case of paving roads. This could create a political backlash, with some on the Left potentially calling this mini-annexation.