Wednesday, February 1, 2023

New York Times ‘Shameful Coverage of Jerusalem Terrorist Attack"


The New York Times has been blasted for its reporting on the recent terrorist attack in Jerusalem that killed seven Israelis and wounded three others—with critics saying the newspaper’s headline, which incorrectly stated the attack occurred in “East Jerusalem,” implies that the murders were justified because they took place over the Green Line (Israel’s pre-1967 border).

“Here’s the New York Times reporting that Jews were murdered and they had it coming,” tweeted former head of speechwriting and Israel’s Mission to the United Nations Aviva Klompas.


 International human rights lawyer and CEO of the International Legal Forum Arsen Ostrovsky called that the coverage was “obscene.”

 International CEO and co-founder of StandWithUs Roz Rothstein condemned the NYT headline as shameful, while HonestReporting put out a statement criticizing the publication for its minimization and complicity with this terrorist attack on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

“This is what we mean when we say the media is complicit,” tweeted HonestReporting. “Shame on the New York Times for trying to minimize and excuse a terrorist attack that left 8 Jewish civilians dead, at their synagogue, on Int’l Holocaust Remembrance Day.”

The paper inaccurately labeled the attack as taking place in an “East Jerusalem” synagogue.

“Breaking News: A gunman killed at least five people at an East Jerusalem synagogue after a deadly month in the occupied West Bank,” tweeted the publication in its initial coverage of the terrorist attack.

The terrorist attack took place in the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood, which is located on the northern border of Jerusalem, rather than beyond the Green Line in the eastern part of the city.

“Shame on you,” former Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Danny Danon tweeted in response to the New York Times story. The article was also criticized by other members of Israel’s diplomatic corps.


 “I strongly condemn the New York Times for gaslighting this terror attack by referring to it as east Jerusalem,” tweeted Deputy Counsel General of Israel to the Southeast U.S. Alex Gandler. “This is Jerusalem, this is the quiet neighborhood [where] I grew up. I don’t expect much from reporting based on ideology, but at least some sense of truth is needed.”


Anonymous said...

What do you expect from the self-hating Jews at the NY Times who covered up Nazi atrocities during the Holocaust?

Anonymous said...

Something at Lieber's food company is 'nisht kusher'. Their warehouse manager is schnorring on behalf of a fraudster on a heimishe fundraising site. They are asking for $100,000 when the fraudster is very wealthy from scams he has pulled to ganveh from Yidden for the last 30 years. The fundraiser has no haskomas rabbunim. There is no description of why they are schnorring except "family in distress". The fraudster is a slimy Sfardi who can't decide if he wants to be Toldos Aharon or Satmar. He scammed many Lakewood yungerleit in the 1990s to invest in his seforim-Judaica stores, that he already opened 2 and was "planning" to open a whole chain. He sent shlichim around to guilt trip everyone to not even ask for their money back because his sons were "going off the derech". It worked & he plowed their money into real estate investments. He has continued since then with many other scams while he adds to his real estate collection & lives like a King. He pretended for many years that he is a Sofer to mask that he ganvehs all day. He opened seforim gesheften again in Monsey & Fallsburg and again went under taking everyone's money. He is an expert at scamming banks to where they don't even know how to be roidef him for their gelt. They initiate lawsuits that don't go anywhere. I don't want to say which kuntz he does so that no one else gets any ideas. He schnorrs from many different kehillos each time he makes a simcha, he sends his wife to cry zei hubben nisht & dee darfst gebben. He is now sitting on millions in real estate & he went to arkuos trying to take away the ex-eidim's house. This Elul he started his first job that he had in many years as mashgiach "ruchni" for Beri Weber's yeshiva for off the derech bucherim. "Ruchni"?? Besides all the ganvening, he does kol davar assur & he thinks he's some kind of adam gadol so he won't listen to anything even from Rebbes or dayanim. Beri Weber needs to wake up because this is like to make Bernie Madoff the mashgiach ruchni of Aish Hatorah.

Garnel Ironheart said...

And do you remember how, after the Har Nof massacre, the BBC's initial headline was "Mosque attacked in Jerusalem" before they had to change it?
Here's what I call the DovBear approach to Israel - Israel was born in sin and continues to exist in sin. That means Israel is a constant, oppressive provocation to the real inhabitants of the land. And, just as you would support a woman defending herself from a rapist even if she shot her assailant, you are expected to justify anything the Arabs do because it's all their land and all the Jews are intruders. That's why the NYT wrote this. Did the IDF stop a terrorist cell in Jenin? Well they're only terrorists because they need to resist the Jewish occupation of their land so what the Tzahal did is strengthen their evil control. So of course it's the Jews' fault.