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The "rotzeiach" Yeoshua Dadon |
*Beit Shemesh News*
A huge demonstration is being planned to be held tomorrow by the 'Eida Hachreidis ' in Jerusalem, in protest of the arrest of Yehoshua Dadon, a resident of the city (Beit Shemesh), against whom an indictment was filed for setting fire to a cell phone store in Jerusalem.
*בית שמש חדשות*
*הפגנת ענק* מתוכננת להערך מחר על ידי 'העדה החרדית' בירושלים, במחאה על מעצרו של יהושוע דדון תושב העיר נגדו הוגש כתב אישום באשמת הצתת חנות סלולר בירושלים.
Tribalism at its best.
Did he kill someone?
What would YOU call him if your daughter and 11 kids lived upstairs?
The chareidi madmen would call it קנאתי לשמ שמים. Much like the Mulahs in Iran and Afghanistan.
Please explain your opinion. I have been trying to understand your perspective. I grew up in the yeshiva system and I'm still involved in the yeshiva system. Real shpitz yeshivish.
I can't remember ever being taught that damaging someone, even just with words, is ever mutter. How could burning down a store be rutzon Hashem? And with people inside whose lives were in danger?
I'm very curious to hear your cheshbon.
Funny, throughout history Jews have always been fighting about the same thing.
Rewind about 2500 years, there was this guy by the name of Pinchas who actually murdered people who were trying to spread arayos into the heart of the Jewish camp (a non kosher cell phone store in the heart of Geula?)
Also funny that while most people were appalled by Pinchas's oh-so violent behavior, G-d Himself made a pact of PEACE with him because he saved a lot more people than he killed.
You probably also think Jews should not demonstrate against the violation of Shabbos and outright desecration of Hashems name -in the holy city of Jerusalem nonetheless. .. Well I got news for you buddy. Nowhere in the Torah does it say you shouldn't block traffic to stand for Hashems name but it does say he who desecrates Shabbos is a desecrating Hashems name and is punishable by DEATH. OOOH - the Torah oh so violent- you Karen.
Where does your loyalty lie???
It is for people like you (amai ratzim) that the famous adage "Little knowledge is dangerous" applies.
Let's actually talk about Pinchas, since you brought him up.
The gemarrah in Shabbos 12, Eiravin 7, Bitzah 28 and Bava Kamma 30 in reference to Pinchos states: הלכה ואין מורין כן
"It is an Halacha but we don't teach it to anyone" meaning the Tannaim in their infinite wisdom didn't want people like you to know this as you,as wecan clearly see in the comments that you see nothing wrong with burning down a store with a family of 11 living upstairs.
The Gemaarah also says that if Zimri would have turned around and murdered Pinchas, Zimri would have had that right!
In 1821 the Jewish German author wrote: Those who burn books (Cell phone stores) will in the end burn people."
You scribble with ignorance "G-d Himself made a pact of PEACE with him because he saved a lot more people than he killed,"
That same G-d decided to appoint Yehoshua as the next leader and not Pinchos, as the Zohar writes that a leader who has a temper and acts impulsively cannot and should not lead the Jewish people!
Your gibberish that
"You probably also think Jews should not demonstrate against the violation of Shabbos and outright desecration of Hashems name -in the holy city of Jerusalem nonetheless. .. Well I got news for you buddy. Nowhere in the Torah does it say you shouldn't block traffic to stand for Hashems name but it does say he who desecrates Shabbos is a desecrating Hashems name and is punishable by DEATH. OOOH - the Torah oh so violent- you Karen."
It DOES actually state in the Torah that one shouldn't demonstrate if that demonstration will inconvenience people such as blocking ambulances from reaching their victims, or having toddlers and old people on a bus for hours, as it states
ואהבת לרעך כמוך
and according to Rebbe Akiva it is a כלל גדול בתורה
So the bottom line according to you is that one is allowed to burn down someone's parnassah because that store owner who actually sold only kosherphones didn't cave in to the Chareidie savages and gangsters. Wow!
BTW Pinchos lived 3,500 years ago and not 2,500 years ago, you dumb fool!
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Halacha ve'ain morin kein is because one has to know WITHIN HIMSELF if the zealuosness is for kavod Shamayim or not. It can't be a general rule. Of course Zimri would have had the right to kill him, same way the police might have a right to put this person in jail for burning the store, but the FACT is Pinchas was doing a good thing by fighting for Kavod Shamayim as clearly stated in the pasuk.
This is what happens when ex yeshiva students try to throw around gemoras without getting to the bottom of it.
Blocking ambulances is a mi'ut and we are not choshesh for mi'ut. Many of our great Gedolim participated in demonstrations that closed the streets including the Brisker Rav.
You just blather....and would rather judge all yeshiva/Torah people unfavorably just as you did in the "kidanpping" saga. Shame on you.
How brilliant were the rabbanim who said הלכה ואין מורין כן, they had YOU in mind as you are a bono-fide עם הארץ
What Pinchos did was a once in a lifetime thing and has countless restrictions.
אין הקנאים רשאים לפגוע בו אלא בשעת מעשה
ואים הרגו אחר כך דינו כרוצח ונהרג עליו
בא הקנאי ליטול רשות מבית דין להרגו אין מורים לו אפילו בשעת מעשה
see יד רמ"ה
אין הבועל נהרג אים הוא הורג את הקנאי לפי שהוא רודף שהרי אין מצוה על הקנאי להרגו אלא רשות בלבד ואין מורים לו כן
All agree that Bais Din has no permission on this
Bottom line is that you advocated and support anyone murdering this storekeeper!
Dear readers,
This exchange with this ignoramus is very scary. This is a product of our yeshivois and our kollilim.He sees nothing wrong with burning down a store even if an innocent family lived there, and backs it up with Gedoilim and shlepped the Brisker Rav in as well.
Sick indeed!
He writes that if an ambulance is struck in traffic with a stroke or heart-arrack victim, that's ok because "Blocking ambulances is a mi'ut and we are not choshesh for mi'ut."
How deranged is this guy!
I will not wish that his wife be in an ambulance while she is hemorrhaging or his father clutching his chest having a massive heart attack and stuck in one of these demonstrations, I wonder if he would say that "ok" it's a "mi'ut"
As far as demonstrations are concerned the gedoilim that "participated" in demonstrations, participated only in "legal ones" sanctioned by the police with permits, the Brisker Rav never and I repeat never participated in an illegal demonstration.
and they never sanctioned burning down a store.
Wow! A Kollelguy advocating murder! זו תורה וזו שכרה
Dadon - watch out for these Sefardim who are Chassidishe wannabes. They are the craziest kanoiyim. It's like that thieving nut in Monsey who's a Satmar wannabe
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