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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Lakewood "Admission System " for High School Girls Collapses Dur to Snobbery & Sinas Chinum


The system for girls’ acceptance into High Schools, developed nearly two decades ago with the guidance of BMG Mashgiach Rav Matisyahu Salomon, has completely collapsed for this year, leaving parents and schools scrambling.

The High School Vaad, established to ensure that all girls are placed, sent a letter to parents and schools saying in part: “For the last 18 years we had a system in place, and we had a coordinated approach to High School acceptance. This has fallen apart this year, and girls are being offered High School acceptance with quick ultimatums. For this year, due to these unforeseen circumstances, there is no longer a system.“

The letter added, “To high schools that have been following protocol–schools are currently accepting, and you should do the same.”

The current Vaad system which has been in place until now oversees a process in which every High School tries to accept girls simultaneously, to ensure every girl has a slot.

According to one Lakewood news source, quoting an unnamed askan, “This year, one school stepped out of the system and accepted girls before the usual time. This had a ripple effect on other schools who scrambled to hold interviews and fill up their enrollment.”

As a result, hundreds of students have reportedly been told they have a slot, yet hundreds more have been left out or have not even been interviewed yet, since under the previous system they still had time before any acceptances were issued.

According to one report, although the Vaad is not operating in official capacity this year, it will nevertheless undertake to assist every girl to be placed.

It’s not clear what pushed one school to undercut the process and jump the gun on its acceptance process.


Anonymous said...

One place that got a lot of funding from a wealthy family ,decided that they don't care, and started demanding answers on the spot from parents and threatening that they would lose their slots if they didnt answer right away

As usual we were better off when those tycoon families were more obviously half frei and chutz l'machene.Our communities suffered much less than now .Drive them all out.Out of our magazines too.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! What awful choices! They’d have no problems getting into public or catholic schools. And those girls would get better shiduchim too!

Anonymous said...

Please name the place.

Anonymous said...

That family is one of Klal Yisroel most special and Torahdik families we have !

Anonymous said...

That's your opinion, johnny come lately

Anonymous said...

was response to 10:56

Anonymous said...

Reb shloima yehuda rechnitz was right .Its a man made problem .Rabbonim of shuls who work very hard to get children into school say that it stems from the establishment. The fact is that the roshei yeshiva of BMG get their way.That is the reason that there is no touro college or chabad yeshiva in lakewood .The lakewood establishment wants it to be like this.