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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

If You Live in Fakewood the Five Clowns or Sh'Monsey You Don't Need to live in Israel


Did I mention the "Flatbush "beards," the Schnorrer- Park "be'sereh menchin," Villiamsburger tzaddikim? 

Yidden living in these places have no intention of ever living permanently in Israel except when they are shipped in a box. In their mindset Israel is a country for the dead and they will pay tens of thousands to the Chevreh Kadisha thieves to make sure that their bones have a resting place in the very place they neglected while alive and breathing. They believe in "techyas hameisim" because that takes no sacrifice on their part. 

 None of them believe that Israel was a gift from the Ribbono Shel Olam, they actually think that Israel is a curse, and of course do not encourage their children to live in Israel. They claim that they are waiting for Moshiach because, again, that takes no effort on their part. They mock and make fun of a sect that does actually believe in Moshiach, but in an ironic twist will make sure when they vacation, or on a business trip, to find a Chabad place close enough so they can enjoy a kosher hot pastrami sandwich.

In just a few weeks, they will be sitting around the table with their loved ones singing with a straight face in the fancy hotels of Florida, Barbados, Mexica, Greece, Italy and Dubai  לשנה הבאה בירושלים "next year in Yerushalyim!" Is there even one person that even wants that, or even believes that for one second? Oh Yes! Maybe for Pesach, in Eilat or the Dead Sea, but that's about it! 

After their kids steal the afikomen, they will seriously start bentching, lying once again:

נודה לך ה' אלוקינו על שהנחלת לאבותינו ארץ חמדה טובה ורחבה

Does even one single guy really believe this? 

Then they add with closed eyes and a wrinkled forehead:

ברוך אתה ה' על הארץ ועל המזון

What? Did this guy just bless Hashem saying על הארץ?

Are you kidding me? 

Listen guys, you are lying to yourself, wife and children; you don't believe that for even one second! 

The ones who are really teaching love for Israel are the YU and modern orthodox Jews.

 Heimishe and Yeshivishe families are telling their children and grandchildren that the State is a "Zionist" State that hates Torah and the Jewish way of life without mentioning that there will soon be a majority of Jews living in Israel and that there is more Torah learned in the Zionist State than anytime in Jewish history and all this is being supported by the Zionists.

Now let me let you into a secret.... shhhhhh! 

The only ones who now know the early history of the State, the history of Herzl, Ben Gurion and the rest of the socialists are the Satmar Chassidim. 

In Israel, the majority of the chilonim never heard of Ben Gurion, they think its the airport. They think that Herzl is named after the city of Herzliya! The left has stopped teaching early Israeli History in the schools. I know, my wife teaches English in those schools. There are few Zionists left. The Left like the Satmar are ready to live under Arab rule... Satmar go around telling their gullible sheep that Arabs and Jews lived in peace before the State. This is now the latest propaganda by the leftists, the Acadamia, and Satmar! 

Now read an article after the break by Avraham Shusteris, first printed in Arutz Sheva!

In the United States, Judaism is usually described as a religion while in the Soviet Union it was thought of as a nationality. Judaism is in fact both, but its important to understand what each component is and why both are essential in creating an ideal Torah society.

Religion is supposed to connect people to G-d. It provides a belief system, rules, and structure for living a life infused with spirituality. That being said, religion in of itself, does not connect people to each other in a significant way. A Brazilian and Filipino may both believe in the same god, however they have no common language, land, culture, history, and certainly would not sacrifice their money or their lives for each other. While their religious beliefs may be the same, they are not a unified society and have very little in common.

Nationhood works in an inverse way. People that are part of the same nation share a common language, land, culture and history. These factors have the power to connect people to each other and create a unified society- much more so than religion. Being part of a nation gives a person a sense of pride and identity and connects them with their ancestors and future generations. In times of war, people who are part of a nation risk and give their lives for total strangers for the sake of their nation. While nationhood is an incredibly powerful connecting force, this force, in of itself can be both superficial and dangerous. How many lives throughout history were needlessly lost through mob violence and wars in the name of senseless national pride?

In order to create an ideal Jewish society, both religion and nationhood are required. Nationhood to connect people to each other- ie Bein Adam L Chaveiro and religion to infuse the nation with spirituality and connect it to G-d- ie Bein Adam L Makom. At Sinai, the Jews thus became both a religion and a nation- the blueprint for the ideal society. Without either of these ingredients, a society is simply incomplete.

While the Jews have managed to maintain their religion despite two thousand years of exile, in some respects, they have forgotten what it means to be a nation. This is not their fault. Exile is the opposite of nationhood. Living in exile requires adapting to a new set of rules of survival which are exactly the opposite of the rules of survival for a normal nation.

In exile, surviving as a minority religion requires subservience to one's hosts, keeping a low profile and doing everything possible to avoid being perceived as a threat. While this has been the recipe for survival in exile, it is a recipe for disaster for a nation in its own land. The world of nations is a jungle where only the strong survive. Survival in exile requires projection of weakness and submission, whereas survival as a nation in its land requires projection of strength, pride and confidence.

We have emerged from a 2,000 year nightmare in which we were cripples - a Torah nation, devoid of the most critical component of nationhood - its land. The most frightening part of this nightmare is that so many Jews continue to sleep. In their slumber, they forget that we now have our own land and the rules of the game have changed.

Most "frum" American Jews have not considered returning to their land seriously. They are able to practice their religion in Lakewood, they have great yeshivos and kosher supermarkets with 150 different flavored dips for Shabbos, so why do they need Israel?

The reason they need Israel is because true Judaism is a combination of religion and nation. Religion to connect us to G-d and nation to connect us with each other. Jews can not connect to each other as a nation, unless they are together in their land- in Eretz Yisrael.

When Jews are together- in their land- several things happen. They begin to speak the same language and begin to share a common culture. They begin to share challenges and confront the same enemies. They begin to take pride in who they are and become willing to sacrifice for it. They begin to start realizing their true purpose in the world - to be a role model to the world through their connection with G-d. When Jews are in their land, with time, they begin to act like a nation. The begin to act, not like a group of exiles looking to avoid being noticed, but like a proud, strong and confident nation whose confidence is based on the fact that G-d has our back when we have His. They begin to have true achdus - unity- that we were always meant to have.

None of the above can be achieved in Lakewood and Monsey. We can build schools and shuls, start chesed organizations and even get together in Metlife Stadium for the Siyum Hashas, but that will never be enough to weld us into a proper nation. As long as Jews are in exile, we will always be bound by the rules of survival in exile. We will always need to keep our heads down. We will never be able to feel, recognize and internalize that G-d is our true Master, since we will always be preoccupied with how we are perceived by the nations that host us. In the exile, we can only aspire to grow as individuals and as communities, but we will never be able to grow together as a nation and have true achdus. That potential to become a true nation can only be realized when we are in our land and relearn what it means to be a nation.

Avraham Shusteris is an accountant in Ramat Beit Shemesh. He made aliyah from Monsey with his family in 2018.


Anonymous said...

I spent a Shabbos in Lakewood and that's what struck me most - they think their town is the real Jerusalem and they have no yearning for God's gift to us. He can keep it, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Idiotic extremely generalizing post.

Anonymous said...

The jews in Poland and Lithuania thought the same the same thing. Go to the Jewish cemetery in Poland and you will see tombstones that proclaim "Jerusalem is here* --"Polin". The Vilna Gaon was unique in encouraging his followers to move to Israel, the majority of the Rabbi's, well we know what happened to them and their followers. People need to come to Israel because they want to not as an escape haven. By then it's too late.

Akiva Eiger said...

the only thing "idiotic" is your dumb and stupid comment.

Anonymous said...

Pray tell how can you judge a whole town (city) because you spent 24 hours in someone's house?
Yoi could have fooled more people into thinking you had even half a brain if you would have just kept your mouth shut.

Agudah Fresser said...

"so they can enjoy a kosher hot pastrami sandwich"

Actually, I'll settle for a cold one too!

Anonymous said...

No Surprise here.
When the Jews left Egypt only 1/5 left. According to some medrashim 1/500 left
The others thought that Egypt was Jerusalem.
It won't be much different when Mashiach comes B"B.

Anonymous said...

its not a safe place to live in lets face it... the state of israel was supposed to be a safe haven... its the most danger place for a jew .

Dusiznies said...

Mam'ash words straight out of the mouths of the meraglim:
אפס כי-עז העם היושב בארץ והערים בצורות גדלת מאד וגם ילדי הענק ראינו שם
עמלק יושב בארץ הנגב והחיתי והיבוסי והאצרי יושב בהר והכנעני יושב על הים ועל יד הירדן

Can't believe this Putz said...

I live in Israel with little children, where in the entire world can little children of 7 and 8 ride a city bus all by themselves? Where in the entire world do little children walk all by themselves at any time of the day and night? No where in the entire world do children feel safe as they do in Israel, and I know I travel all over the world in the business that I'm in.

Anonymous said...

March 2, 2023 at 9:26 AM

Your a Class AAA Zionist.

Anonymous said...

Be careful with your kids. Many child abusers have run away from the law in the U.S. to live in Israel.

Anonymous said...

SO much negativity in this post. Get your facts right bc you lose credibility.

None of them believe that Israel was a gift from the Ribbono Shel Olam,

How do you know, who are you to say this? Not living in Israel doenst mean you don't beleive.

they actually think that Israel is a curse,
The way the secular government acts and the ways secular Israelis act is indeed not a blessing.

They claim that they are waiting for Moshiach because, again, that takes no effort on their part.
WHo are you to judge someone's effort and what burdens they carry and beg for Moshiach.

They mock and make fun of a sect that does actually believe in Moshiach,
For making a human mortal , a man wo was indeed a tzadik, into nother J.C.

In just a few weeks, they will be sitting around the table with their loved ones singing with a straight face in the fancy hotels of Florida, Barbados, Mexica, Greece, Italy and Dubai

Not people from Williamsburg and Boro Park who don't "mish" on Pesach -- which is the majority. Why you lump everyone together?

Many people who did have courage and life circumstances which pushed them or enabled them to make aliya -- seem to be very bitter against those who don't. You make choices fro your own family.

Others feel they don't want to deal with the Israeli culture-- it's not the environment they want to raise their kids -- always grasping, incredibly materialistic. chutzpadik. so unpleasant so much that Israelis acknowledge and call themselves sabras. Some people, and it overshadows those who may genuinely be nice. Then you have these Americans who are ready to fault the world for not making the same choices they made- live and let live. If it's so great, then focus on yourself and do what you want to do.

Dusiznies said...

"So much negativity in the post???????????????????"

Did you happen to read your very own comment? Since I have written this blog, I have never seen a more negative post!
I repeat that" none of them believe that Israel was a gift from the Ribbono Shel Olam"
Let me ask, you yourself, Do you really believe that? How many tears do you shed when you bentch and lie and state
נודה לך ה' אלוקינו על שהנחלת לאבותינו ארץ חמדה טובה ורחבה
You liar! Read you own comments and you will clearly see that you lie every time you bentch!
You say that
"The way the secular government acts and the ways secular Israelis act is indeed not a blessing."
So move here and act frum! Meanwhile they live here and according to many gedoilim they are actually considered tzadikkim for having children in the IDf sacrificing their lives for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael!
You write to my comment that "They mock and make fun of a sect that does actually believe in Moshiach" you answer:
"For making a human mortal , a man wo was indeed a tzadik, into nother J.C.
You agree that he was a "tzaddik" so how do YOU compare the rebbe to le'havdel JC? JC was also a tzaddik?" How many Jews were murdered and tortured in the name of JC? How many in the name of Chabad?
To my comment that "In just a few weeks, they will be sitting around the table with their loved ones singing with a straight face in the fancy hotels of Florida, Barbados, Mexica, Greece, Italy and Dubai"
You scribble:
"Not people from Williamsburg and Boro Park who don't "mish" on Pesach -- which is the majority. Why you lump everyone together?"
They don't "mish" on Pesach?.. you liar!
The "not misshing" business is long gone. Why won't you take a stroll into any store in Williamsburg, Kityas Yoel or Boro-Park and look at the products being sold. Every single product is "ge'misshed" you upgerissinar fool! And the Hotels are loaded with Williansburg and Boro-Park Chassidim.

Then you rant
"Others feel they don't want to deal with the Israeli culture-- it's not the environment they want to raise their kids -- always grasping, incredibly materialistic. chutzpadik. so unpleasant so much that Israelis acknowledge and call themselves sabras."
You must be living in an alternate reality.They don't want to raise their children in an Israeli environment?? You know who doesn't want that? The Elite, the ones who love that Hashem put them in Chutz Leaaertz. Who love the tumedikie materialistic world.The facts on the ground do not agree with your presumption as the "chutzpedikie" Israel has become the home for over 6 million Jews which includes close to a million Chareidim
You would had have made a great "meragel" and welcome to my blog and thanks for following

Yechiel Aharon said...

Israel is the safest place in the Universe. We are blessed and protected by G-D and very happy to have made Aliyah almost 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Let us encourage our brethren outside of Israel to move here. Don't push them away by giving them any added excuses not to come home. We live here and we still can't build a Beit HaMikdash because they are there....We need Achdut to bring Moshiach and to rebuild the Beit HaMikdash. You can rewrite the exact article from a teaching standpoint instead of a soap box and you will have a lot more success.

Dusiznies said...

Your approach has been tried for over 200 years without much success.

Ari D said...

one thing you are confused about (at least) is that you are in galus in Israel today just as much as we are in artzos habris.
modern Israel is not the Geula.
We all hope and pray for that day to come speedily and in our days.

Dusiznies said...

No one said it was the Geulah, but to compare the galus in Ey to the galus in artzos habris is kefirah!
Yes "all hope and pray for that day to come speedily and in our days" but in EY and not in the land that the Chazal were goizer tumah on!