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Sunday, December 25, 2022

Rav Mendel Atik, Rosh Yeshiva Of Eretz Zvi, Passed Away At Age 94


Rabbi Mendel Schneur Zalman Atik, one of the prominent disciples of the Brisker Rav and the Chazon Ish, passed away in Jerusalem on Shabbos on his 94th birthday.

Rav Mendel was born in the Old City of Jerusalem to R’ Shlomo Zvi, a Karliner chassid. In his youth he studied at the Etz Chaim Talmud Torah and yeshiva under the tutelage of Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer and in Yeshivas Mir with Rabbi Leizer Yehuda Finkel. He married Sarah Leah Schlesinger , a granddaughter of Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger the “Lev Haivri”. Rav Mendel was close to the Brisker Rav and participated in his weekly shiur. He also travelled on many occasions to talk in learning with the Chazon Ish.

Rav Mendel studied with disciples of the Chazon Ish as well as gaining fluency in the Chazon Ish’s works and following his halachic practices. In the 70’s he opened a kollel in Jerusalem with a number of prominent avreichem including Rav Dovid Miller of Ponovezh, Rav Chaim Min-Hahar, a Rosh Yeshiva in Beitar Illit, Rav Yehoshua Ehrenberg head of Knesses Yitzchak-Hadera and others.

30 years ago, Rav Mendel opened Yeshivas Eretz Zvi in the Bukharian quarter of Jerusalem, catering to bachurim from abroad who wanted to learn at a more profound level. The yeshiva continued to exist for two decades.

Rav Atik didn’t publish his shiurim but they were printed by students and distributed informally.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Terror Victims Sue Biden & Blinkin for Funding Palestinian Authority


Victims of PA Arab terror are suing the Biden administration for awarding millions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority, which pays terrorists and their families.

The lawsuit, filed in a U.S. district court in Texas on Tuesday, contends that the Biden administration is in violation of the 2018 Taylor Force Act, which prohibited the executive branch from providing funds to the PA due to its practice of “pay-for-slay,” as “paying salaries to terrorists serving in Israeli prisons, as well as to the families of deceased terrorists, is an incentive to commit acts of terror.”

Taylor Force, a native of Lubbock, Texas, and a graduate of West Point, was murdered by a PA Arab terrorist in 2016 while visiting Israel.

Listed as plaintiffs in the case are Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), Stuart and Robbi Force, Taylor Force’s parents, and Sarri Singer, a New York resident who was the victim of a 2003 PA Arab suicide bombing that killed 17 people.

The plaintiffs are led by the America First Legal Foundation, a legal watchdog group, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Stuart and Robbi Force said in a statement that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who are named as defendants in the case, are “dishonoring the memory and legacy of a good man, and ignoring the citizens of the United States who understand that taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund the killing of innocent civilians.”

In July, the Biden administration announced $316 million in additional funding to support the Palestinian Authority. “This is on top of the more than half a billion dollars the United States has provided to the Palestinian people since the Biden administration restored much-needed funding to the Palestinians,” the White House said in a statement.

The PA pays about $300 million annually in monthly stipends and benefits to terrorists and the families of “martyrs,” those killed in the act of carrying out attacks against Jews.

The Pitfalls of Pigeonholes ...

 Dr. Chani Miller

 I would like to commend Avi Ciment on his articulate and thoughtful series of articles regarding the Modern Orthodox conundrum.

 In one of his articles, he refers to a prior article he wrote some years ago about texting on Shabbos. At the time I remember being shocked that this was happening, and I actually wrote an article about it that I never submitted because, since I did not have a Modern Orthodox education, I felt I had no right to weigh in on the topic. I would, however, at this juncture like to add a little to this conversation as someone who received a Bais Yaakov education but is not yeshivish.

330 US Reform & Conservative "Rabbis" Spreading Unabashed Lies about Ban Ben Gvir, Smotrich


According to JTA, more than 330 American clergy from the Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist progressive movements––“including some who occupy prominent roles in major cities”––have issued a “Call to Action for Clergy in Protest of Israeli Government Extremists,” pledging to ban members of the Religious Zionist alliance from speaking at their synagogues, and lobby to ban them from speaking anywhere in their communities.

Needless to say, not a single Orthodox rabbi has signed the “call for action.”

What follows are despicable lies, which go unchecked by JTA.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Miketz Chanukah


UK woman arrested for silently praying across from abortion clinic


Conservatives and free speech activists on Twitter railed against a recent video depicting police interrogating and ultimately arresting a pro-life woman who was silently praying outside a U.K. abortion clinic.

Those who watched the woman’s arrest after admitting she was “praying in my head” were appalled. Some claimed this was proof that Great Britain had become a dystopia.

The woman who was arrested, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, is the director of the U.K. March for Life.

According to Alliance Defending Freedom UK (ADF UK), Vaughan-Spruce “was standing near the BPAS Robert Clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham in an area ADF UK called a ‘censorship zone,’ when police approached her after an onlooker complained she might be praying outside the abortion facility.”

According to ADF UK, Birmingham authorities have established buffer zones near abortion clinics, making it illegal for people to engage in behavior disapproving or approving of abortion. This includes “graphic, verbal or written means, prayer or counseling.”

The clip shows the woman silently standing on a curb across from an abortion clinic as British law enforcement officers approach her. One asks why she is standing there and responds that she’s there because of the abortion clinic. She denies that she is part of any protest

The officer then asks, “Are you praying?” to which she responds, “I might be praying in my head.” The officer then asks her if she’d be willing to go to the station for questioning about her actions. “If I’ve got a choice, then no,” she responds, after which the officer states, “You’re under arrest” and claims she’s charged with “suspicion of failing to comply with Public Spaces Protection Order.”

Anglican priest Rev. Calvin Robinson slammed what he saw in the footage, saying, “This is terrifying. What have we become?! Under a Conservative government, too.”

Catholic author and Compact Magazine founder Sohrab Ahmari tweeted, “OY YOU GO’ A LICENSE TO PRAY IN YOUR ’EAD MA’AM?”

Pro-life advocate Emily Rarick wrote, “This is absolute madness. How can someone be arrested for praying?”

Virginia GOP delegate Nick Freitas took the opportunity to remind users of George Orwell’s dystopia, tweeting, “1984 was a warning, not a guide.”

RedState deputy managing editor Brandon Morse made the point, “If abortion advocates don’t believe in God and think prayer is actually silly then what are they so afraid of?”

Conservative pundit Lauren Chen tweeted, “People are literally being arrested for thought crimes in the UK. Free speech is NOT a western value, it’s a uniquely American one.”

Nile Gardiner, a former aide to the late former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, remarked, “This is appalling. Disgraceful to see a woman arrested for simply praying on a British street. This should not be happening under a Conservative Govt, and action should be taken by the Home Secretary to ensure that scenes like this are not repeated.”

National Review staff writer Nate Hochman tweeted, “Sorry but imagine not having a First Amendment.”

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Listen to Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Play HaTikva in Abu Dhabi


Netanyahu Gives Jordan Peterson a History Lesson He Won’t Soon Forget


Dr Jordan B Peterson and Israel Prime Minister-Elect Benjamin Netanyahu discuss the history of Israel, its status as an embattled nation, the importance of the struggle for statehood, why and how the PM came back from political demise, and his vision for the future.


(0:00) Coming up
(1:25) Intro
(4:03) Moses and the first settlers
(10:55) Response to the Palestinian claim
(16:07) The basis for a claim
(22:55) Making something of it
(26:04) The refugee problem
(30:00) Ultimatums and progress
(33:34) Herzl, Bipartisan world support
(39:38) the Balfour Declaration, Hitlerism
(44:40) The importance of power and productivity
(50:50) PM Netanyahu’s goal, the three pillars of peace
(51:48) Steps toward economic freedom
(55:55) The fat man thin man diet
(59:50) Brush with political demise
(1:04:00) Bibi: My Story
(1:04:40) What guides a leader vs a politician?
(1:10:00) The Abraham Accords, Obama
(1:17:00) Israel and Donald Trump
(1:18:38) Why has the process stalled with Biden?

Great Chazzan Yossie Pomerantz of Satmar


Heard this guy for the very first time and I'm very impressed. Sounds a lot like the late Yehoshua Vider z"l, totally his style. 
I love his rich voice and range, his interpretation of this particular piece. 
This is at the third Chanuka night in Satmar shul. The Satmar Rebbe, R' Zalman Leib, sitting by the door in front of the Menorah 

Chassidishe Rebbes Playing Violen ..Sounds like a cat being slaughtered


A little bit better! 

The Best! 


Yoilish Krausz the one responsible for illegal protests in Yerushalayim and the cause of a mother of 11 to be in a coma has a Chanuka song against fellow Jews


I know this guy personally, he is a very evil cruel sicko! 
To make money and fund his hate protests against the light rail and kosher cell phones, he opens his home on Shabbos to all making it look like that he loves Jews no matter who, but it's a front to fundraise all over the world. His income comes primarily from naive Americans who fall for his charm.
Anyone giving this guy a peruta is an accomplice to his hate campaign against his brothers and sisters.

Notice that this video shows his boys and girls at one table singing his sick hate song. If any other person would put out a video like this, he would burn the guy's house down. 
On one hand he acts like he loves all Jews by opening his home on Shabbos and on the other hand he organizes protestors and pays them to block traffic for hours. His actions are the direct cause of a mother of 11 being in a coma. 
Rabbanim will not dare to come out with a "mochaa" or they will find themselves in the hospital. 

One of Israel’s most outspoken and famous anti-tziyoni activists, Yoilish Krauss, put together his own angle on the song “Yevonim,” singing it along with his family after lighting the Chanukah neiros in his Meah Shearim home.

The Krauss’s often take part in the hafganos emblematic of their community and are unapologetic in their defense of Torah and virulent hatred of the Zionist government.

The lyrics to the song are:

אוי ציונים נקבצו עליי אזיי בימי סאטמר, ופרצו חומות החינוך וטימאו כל התלמודי תורה, ומנותר הקנאים נעשה נס לשושנים, ימי שבת ימי יום טוב קבעו מחאות והפגנות

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

EU claiming that Jews are foreigners in Israel Help Palestinians Steal "Area C" that would connect Maalei Adumim to Yerushalayim


40 members of the Knesset, from parties in both the coalition and opposition, signed a letter on Tuesday, addressed to the leaders of the European Union, in protest of a recently leaked document, which calls for helping the Palestinian Authority actively take control of land in Area C, which is supposed to be under full Israeli control under the Oslo Accords.

"On the Arch of Titus in Rome, engraved in stone is the seven-branched menorah of the Holy Temple as it is plundered by the legions of Rome. "Jerusalem is lost" – Hierosolyma est Perdita or Hep-Hep – became the Latin catchphrase used to deride and humiliate the Jewish exiles on European soil," the letter opens. "In the 1930s, graffiti in a similar vein was scribbled on walls in the streets of Berlin: "Juden Nach Palästina” – “Jews go to Palestine.

And now that we have finally returned to Jerusalem and to the land of Israel, Europe would claim that we are foreigners in our own country, that we do not belong in our own homeland.

Happy Chanukah


Residents of Yerushalyim Describe the Sheer Brutality and Evilness of the Protestors


תושבי רחוב בר אילן מדברים על אכזריותם של הממחבלים הסיקריקים והקנאים בירושלים

Shulem Lemmer Sings Moishe Oysher's Al Hanissim


Moishe Oiysher

Bus Driver Doesn't like his Chanuka Gift


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

In an upside-down world the Family of woman injured in Charedi protest defend culprits: ‘They didn’t mean harm’

 Relatives of Mirel Dzalovsky, who remains unconscious and, on a ventilator, say those using incident to advance their agenda are ‘fanning the flames of hate’

The above statement is sick and demented and comes from a Christian perspective to "turn the other cheek." 

These animals did indeed mean to cause "harm," wasn't that the whole point of them pushing the flaming garbage bin down the street?

The lady is in a coma, unconscious and on a ventilator and they, her very own relatives, her own blood, are ready to sacrifice her "for the cause." 

They say that “Those fanning the flames of hate shouldn’t think that they are supporting us,”


Who is "fanning the flames of hate?" Who is "flaming the flames of hate" every single night? 

This entire week there were riots in Bet Shemesh Bet... the entire week!

We "shouldn't think that they are supporting us?" 


Your relative in a coma is yours alone?

Hey, let me ask a question.

If a "settler" teenager shoved a flaming garbage bin and put a mother of 11 in a coma, would you still support the teenager? 

Would you still insist he "didn't mean any harm?"

Some are saying about the ones who shoved the flaming garbage bin were only kids...

Where do you think they learned this from? From grown adults who do this every night in Yerushalayim and in Beit Shemesh!

They are rioting because Yehoshua Dadon, 34-year-old father is in jail because he burned down a Kosher Cell Phone Shop in Yerushalayim and a family of 12 barely escaped with their lives. That's not "fanning the flames of hate?"

Again, the family of the poor lady in a coma are willing to forgive and forget .. all for the cause! How sick and perverted!

The family of a woman who was hit and seriously injured by a blazing dumpster sent rolling down a street by Haredi extremists during demonstrations in Jerusalem last week has defended those responsible, saying they meant to block a road and “did not mean to kill anyone.”

While Mirel Dzalovsky, a 40-year-old mother of 10, remains unconscious and on a ventilator at Shaare Zedek Medical Center, her relatives said the rioters “did something awful” but stressed that they were not looking for someone to blame.

“They were not trying to harm anyone. They were trying to block a street as part of a protest,” the family told Channel 12.

They said it felt like the public was “celebrating our horrific situation” and trying to use the incident as a case against “the people of Mea Shearim,” the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood in the capital where a demonstration erupted on Thursday in response to the arrest of a man suspected of torching a cellphone store several months ago.

“Those fanning the flames of hate shouldn’t think that they are supporting us,” the family said.

“We’re in a very difficult place right now but we are all one people,” read a statement issued by the family.

The family clarified that “nobody thinks that what they did was right. They did something very bad. But at the end of the day, they only meant to move a dumpster and block a road, not kill anyone.

“They didn’t stop to think for a moment what their actions could lead to. And it shouldn’t have been done, but we’re in terrible pain seeing this lead to a discourse of hate,” the statement read.

The family added that it bore “no hard feelings toward anyone.”

“We are certain that [the culprits] are having a hard time sleeping because of this difficult incident,” the family said. “Please help us spread love and don’t harass us with words of hatred and separatism.”

Hundreds of the protesters caused havoc for hours on Thursday night, blocking roads, torching a traffic light and trashcans, and throwing stones at police.

Police arrested at least two people for disturbing the peace and setting fires. On Sunday, the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court extended the suspects’ detention by an additional three days.

The protests were widely condemned by politicians on both ends of the political spectrum, as well as by some residents of Mea Shearim, who said the culprits did not represent the neighborhood as a whole.

Chanuka Questions of the Year 2022


Q. Tattie, how did we defeat the Yevanim?

A. With Hashem’s help!

Q. So why did we need the Maccabim?

A. They were just soldiers, Hashem helped them and Baruch Hashem we won.

Q. The Maccabim were soldiers?!

A. Yes, they were soldiers in the army of Hashem.

Q. So they were Chabdniks?

A. No, no! Chas v'shalom! They were yeshivish.

Q. Did Yehuda Hamaccabi fight? With a weapon?

A. Yes.

Q. So Yehuda Hamacabi was a goy or not religious?

A. Chas v'shalom, why would you think he was a goy or not religious?

Q. Because only goyim or non-religious Jews go to the army.

A. No, no, in the past religious people also went to the army.

Q. So why did the Maccabim go to the army and we don't?

A. Because today our Torah protects us.

Q. And then their Torah didn't protect them?

A. I think it’s time for you to go learn with Moishie.

Q. Did the Maccabim learn Torah?

A. Of course! They learned Torah all the time!

Q. They didn't work for a living?

A. Chas v'shalom!

Q. So how did they have money?

A. Well they worked a very little, teeny bit.

Q. Off the books in secret like Uncle Yanky?

A. No!

Q. So what did Mattisyahu do?

A. He was a farmer.

Q. So how did he work in the fields with his white shirt?

A. How do you know he wore a white shirt?

Q. Moishie told me that a real Jew only wears white shirts.

A. You spend too much time with Moishie, but he is right.

Q. What did the Maccabim want?

A. They wanted an independent Jewish state that they would run.

Q. Is this what we want?

A. That is something that Zionists want.

Q. Tattie, I want to be a soldier, a farmer and a Zionist!

A. Gevalt!!! What happened to you?!

UPDATED!!The "tzaddik" that burned down the Kosher Cell Phone Store in Geula and almost killed a family of 12 Living Upstairs


The Mishtara has cleared his name for release.

He is Yehoshua Dadon 34 from Beit Shemesh Bet

His detention was extended by four days to give police time to prepare his indictment. 

Police to close case against Rabbi Zvi Tau


The police are expected to announce in the coming days that the case against Rabbi Zvi Tau will be closed due to lack of evidence that he committed a criminal act, Kan News reported.

According to the report, the police were unable to formulate a basis for criminal charges after examining the complaints against the rabbi and no evidence was found which reached the required threshold for criminal charges.

MK Bezalel Smotrich, who was asked about the investigation recently, answered: "I don't know the details, so I can't comment, basically we are moving between two poles, on the one hand, every person has a presumption of innocence, certainly in the case of a great person like Rabbi Tau. And on the other hand, it is clear that every complaint needs to be investigated, and if there are women who complain, then the complaints should be investigated."

Journalist Josh Breiner reported a few weeks ago in the Haaretz newspaper that as part of the investigation, the police took testimonies from two leading religious Zionist rabbis, Rabbi David Stav and Rabbi Yuval Cherlow. However, Rabbi Stav told the police that he did not have any new information except the information about the two complainants who had already testified to the police. Rabbi Cherlow also told the police that he had no information about other complainants.

UN condemns deportation of terrorist who plotted to murder Rabbi Yosef


The UN Human Rights Office on Monday condemned Israel’s deportation to France of Salah Hamouri, the terrorist who plotted to assassinate the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, calling the act a “war crime”.

Hamouri was deported to France on Sunday morning following the decision two weeks ago of the Minister of the Interior, Ayelet Shaked, to revoke his residency in Israel.

Hamouri is a French citizen and permanent resident of Israel, born in 1985. He has been active for many years in the ranks of the Palestinian Arab terrorist organization the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

Thank you Torah U’Mesorah For Doing the Right Thing


by Yaakov M (VIN News)

Kudos to Torah U’Mesorah for allowing President Trump to address its recent conference.

Even if he were not the most pro-Jewish president in history and a staunch Israel supporter, it is basic decency and respect to have him speak.

A true no-brainer.

The multiple sustained standing ovations he received by virtually the entire crowd of Rabbanim, Chinuch leaders, and askanim, prove unquestionably that our community remains staunchly supportive of the former president.

With that said, it is absurd that we even need to say that it is “okay” to host the former president of the USA.

The recent buzz among some frum Jews that Trump should be thrown under the bus over his meeting with Kanye West and NIck Fuentes is quintessential Trump-Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

Yeshiva World News, published a letter entitled “Torah U’Mesorah is being used by Trump.”

The letter says: “I understand the importance of being on good terms with influential leaders, but…”

There really is no “but” in my opinion. Throughout history, Jews have pandered and patronized every powerful leader, if for no other reason than our own survival. Right or left, socialist or fascist, gracious or cruel.

It was not a popularity contest, and we were not being “used”. We are a pragmatic bunch, and we follow Chazal who tell us to be wary of politicians yet take advantage of our connection with them for our benefit.

However, when it comes to Trump, our connection goes way deeper. As Rabbi Dov Fischer eloquently observed (in the article Trump quoted extensively), Trump is a Philosemite, and we are infinitely indebted to him.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Chareidim of Meah Shearim Now Going After Optical Stores


Chareidim in Meah Shearim continue to wreak havoc in the neighborhood. 
After Thursday’s violent protest in which a woman was seriously injured by a dumpster rolled by youths demonstrating, on Saturday night Chareidie hooligans smashed the window of Optica Halperin, an optician located in Kikar Hashabat. 

Chareidim sprayed foul-smelling materials in the store after smashing the glass window and causing significant damage. The attack occurred at about 1:30 AM.

Sources close to the Chareidim told reporters that the reason for the vandalism was the fact that the store had recently shown pictures of women in its ads. Police from the nearby Lev Habirah station arrived at the scene and opened an investigation. Employees from the store were alerted and asked to come and guard the store, whose doors had been left open. Police left the scene soon afterwards and are continuing their investigation.

Woke Rep wants us to stop calling pedophiles. Pedophiles

Democratic California Rep. Katie Porter said Wednesday during a Congressional hearing on anti-LGBTQ violence that the term “pedophile” brands people as criminals because of their “sexual orientation.”

Survivors of the Club Q shooting, activists and others testified Wednesday about anti-LGBTQ violence before the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Porter said the phrase “groomer” is a “lie” used to position members of the LGBTQ community as a “threat.”

“It denies them access to public spaces,” Porter said, before asking one witness whether Twitter allows posts calling people “groomers.”

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) president Kelley Robinson said Twitter does not allow users to call people “groomers” but claimed Twitter doesn’t enforce the ban. Robinson then said phrases like “groomers and pedophiles” are used “to describe people … that are mothers and fathers … It is dangerous.”

Robinson then argued the phrases are meant to “dehumanize.”

“You know, this allegation of ‘groomer’ and ‘pedophile,’ it is alleging that a person is criminal somehow and engaged in criminal acts merely because of their gender identity, their sexual orientation, their gender identity.”

Porter then said that Twitter allowed the terms to circulate online, reaching “72 million users.”

“This is not just about what happens online. What happens online translates into real harms in people’s lives,” Porter said.

Mirel Dzilowski Mother of 11 Severely Injured by Chareidi Protestors on Motzei Shabbos in "very serious condition"

So far not a peep from the "Gedoilim." On the Anglo Beit Shemesh Chats, if someone tries to discuss this, he/she are shouted down by people screaming "Loshon Hara" 

I am afraid that if these illegal protests are not stopped immediately, someone will get killed. 

Just last week, in Beit Shemesh BET, these Chareidim surrounded a bus filled with woman and children, made it stop and threw rocks and bottles at the windows. The Gedoilim of Beit Shemesh are too busy giving Chanukah Speeches about the "yevanim" and do not have the time to deal with their Jewish brothers who are terrorizing the residents. 

Mirel Dzilowski, a 40-year-old mother of eleven, was seriously injured during a violent demonstration by ultra-Orthodox extremists and is hospitalized at Shaare Zedek Hospital. 

Mordechai, one of her relatives, told N12 this morning (Sunday): "Her condition is still defined as severe but stable and there is no change. We sincerely hope for improvement and ask that all the people of Israel pray for her." 

At the same time, footage from the incident shows the moment Mirel was hit that led to her serious injury.

Rabbi to European ambassadors: 'Jews don't need your approval'


The rabbi charged with administering the Western Wall Plaza excoriated United Nations ambassadors from four countries who boycotted a visit to the holy site.

A week ago, the United Nations ambassadors from Italy, Romania, Slovenia, and Moldova dropped out of a group visit to the Western Wall, after the European Union ordered representatives of member states not to participate in any Israeli-hosted tour of eastern Jerusalem.

The representatives of seven other nations took part in the visit as planned. They included ambassadors from Thailand, Costa Rica, Belize, Serbia, Georgia, Haiti, and Sierra Leone.

On Friday, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, the rabbi of the Western Wall, blasted the boycott in an open letter.

"It was with extreme dismay that I heard of your decision not to attend the official tour of the Western Wall given by the State of Israel for ambassadors. 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.' Your decision to 'avoid' the tour was a resounding victory for evil, a choice that is deeply upsetting."

"The Jewish nation does not need anyone’s approval for its eternal connection with Jerusalem and the Western Wall. This is a bond of thousands of years that was shaped by the love of a nation for its God and forged through the fire of destruction. It is a bond that is validated every single day by unusual archaeological findings from the days of ancient kings of Judah, discovered in the earth of Jerusalem. Had you joined the tour, you would have seen them yourself."

"Cynical people have been spreading the disdainful libel that the Jewish nation is threatening the Temple Mount and Jerusalem’s peace. They have been doing so since 1929. The truth is quite the contrary. The Jewish nation is the only one in the last two-thousand years under whose sovereignty there is real and complete freedom of religion for all religions."

"What was done cannot be undone. Your choice was made and its echoes were heard around the world. But if the welfare of Jerusalem is indeed dear to you, if you actually wish to partner with those from all religions who sincerely wish to make Jerusalem a city of peace, then you must stand by historic, archaeological, and cultural truth and see the Israeli tolerance and acceptance of all religions in Jerusalem.

Splitting heirs Holocaust survivor $40M estate still unclaimed


A decade after his death, the $40 million estate of Holocaust survivor and Staten Island developer Roman Blum has yet to be resolved — and the vast fortune is shrinking as his would-be heirs battle for their piece of the pie.

“I can say there’s about half of it left, probably,” said Richmond County Public Administrator Edwina Frances Martin, whose office oversees the estate because Blum died without a will.

The estate has been whittled down by taxes and attorney fees.

“Right now there are two parties who are claiming a right to Mr. Blum’s estate and it’s playing out in court,” Martin added.